Not sure it will be my cuppa, but, hey, super-hero stuff is super-hero stuff. Yay, genre!
I've also come to realize that I don't worry too much about continuity in this kind of stuff. Each DC Tale is its own world, inspired by the originals the same way that the Greek gods inspired different and inconsistent tales (or the various schools of Christian thinking inspired variations on a theme in the Gospels, Epistles, and Apocalypses of the early Christian Church). These are myths, and myths evolve and get different perspectives as time goes on. If it is a fundamentally honest retelling, then I'm still Catholic enough to shrug, murmur "Elseworlds," and accept the Mystery.
(I still expect a respect for continuity within the comics world, because that's a single Tale. Though, even there, I allow for drift over time; Tony Stark didn't get injured in Viet Nam, Peter Parker never wore a bow tie, and Barbara Gordon was never a Congresswoman.)
Anyway, I'll probably watch an episode or two to see if I enjoy it. But even if not, I welcome something comics-related target to kids and/or, especially, girls.
(Though Amanda Waller as the principal and Grodd as her assistant is … a bit disturbing, pedagogically.)
I'll watch it with my kids.