Forgive me if I am skeptical that this will ever be anything beyond lip service. Or, put another way, let's see the IAB and its colleagues walk the talk, rather than just tell consumers "Yeah, we understand you don't like horrifyingly intrusive ads, we're gonna to better real soon now, promise."
The only incentive they have to do this are ad buyers and websites that run ads for revenue complaining to them, too, that people are so fed up they are simply blocking everything they can (cough). The buyers of ads, though, and the ad industry have every incentive to put as much of their content into your attention sphere as possible. Any pulling in of boundaries as to what that looks like will always be pushed back out as much and as soon as possible.
Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:
Glad to see they're recognizing it's a problem. Now lets see if they can find a decent compromise.
Online Ad Industry Admits “We Messed Up” With Too Many Invasive Ads
As ad-blocking plugins become increasingly popular, the online ad industry is realizing that maybe it shouldn’t have helped to create an environment where ads bog down, interrupt, annoy, and track …
An of course we should trust them to reign themselves in. Personally I will stick with the local aliases on my LAN for certain domains – the ones that my children have grown to love, and the reason they prefer to browse the internet from home…