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Movie Review: "Man of Steel" (2013)

Doom, gloom, and grim-dark depression … but at least it's really pretty. 3 out of 5 stars.

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3 thoughts on “Movie Review: "Man of Steel" (2013)”

  1. Great review, and you're right. It's very pretty. They should use the film in film-making class to show how to make a movie visually appealing… and then they can take different classes to learn the other important stuff.

    When the movie first came out, I wondered if Superman's seemingly careless attitude about the loss of life could be attributed to it being his first time out as a costumed superhero. A lot of people freaked with how he handled Zod but it sort of made sense to me. Superman (as popularly known) hates the thought of taking a life, so it makes sense to cross that line and then realize, for whatever reason, that's not the way you want to operate.

    Now I wonder if all the death and destruction was just a set-up to have him face Batman. From the trailers, it seems that way to me. Still, I think they could've found another way to do it. The comics have been having Superman meet Batman for the first time on numerous occasions, and none of those times required leveling half a city.

    I still want to see B v S, but I'll wait until it hits Redbox.

  2. +Marty Shaw Actually, his killing Zod didn't shock me all that much, given what had happened to that point. That he did it in defense of helpless civilians he was about to kill actually made it better.

    After all, even in the comics, Superman has killed (pre-Nu52). It's not something he's proud of or that doesn't haunt him, and it was such a one-off thing that it works from a story standpoint. So I was willing to accept his killing Zod as the only way[*] to save lives.

    It was that he didn't then spend the next few days clearing rubble and rescuing people (or that it wasn't shown) that bugged me. Or that he didn't apologize for the damage he had done, even inadvertently or necessarily. Or even address anyone other than some army goons (that we saw). It portrays him as very insulated from or uncaring about the general population.

    [*] Which, from a writing standpoint, it wasn't, but it was plausibly so, from a writing standpoint.

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