Our friends Mark and Don got married at the Houdini Mansion in the Hollywood Hills on Halloween, so, of course, they made it a costume and/or masquerade affair, and much fun was had by all.
After a few false starts, we ended up (at the recommendations of Stan and Mary) at a faboo shop called "Disguises" here in the Denver area. Which had, among other things, a major steampunk clothing area. Between that, another area of the store with some steampunky props, a quick visit to a local craft shop for chains, a bit of Amazon searching, the acquisition of a bowler hat, the gathering together of various items already owned that could potentially be of use (some Girl Genius swag, some gloves I had from a RennFaire costume, some welding goggles I'd picked up, some jewelry Margie had, the cane Margie gave me for our wedding), and Margie's creative genius with a glue gun and a needle …
… we ended up with something passably steampunk. And even got some kudos as to the result.
We are now, of course, doomed (DOOMED!) to ever-burgeoning steampunk accessorizing and costuming. I suppose it's better than being a Furry (not that there's anything wrong with that), and marginally more socially acceptable than SCA fanaticism (nor with that). And, of course, doing all of this whilst unemployed was likely not the most cost-effective way of stretching out the savings account.
But we had fun. Pip-pip, and tally-ho!
Wow exquisite 🙂
You totally pull off the steam punk gentleman look!
Great pictures!
Great costumes and photos. Must have been so much fun
It was a great event, and it was also much fun doing the costuming. Though the gloves made it a bit difficult to use my phone camera. And a cane can sometimes be a PitA to carry around.