Yeah, this is pretty much what was going through my head most of the times I watched the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Still no question I'm going to go see it.
Yeah, this is pretty much what was going through my head most of the times I watched the trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
Still no question I'm going to go see it.
A coworker insists that Luke is the new Sith Lord because a friend freeze-framed the shot with a silhouette of the villain and "his hair looks just like Luke's!" – in A New Hope. As if a 60-year-old Luke would still have a 70s hairstyle.
I'm not saying it isn't Luke; they might do something that cheesy. I just don't accept this "proof."
I’ll watch it.
Modest expectations — 5x to 10x as good as the last three… no, bar too low.
3x to 4x as good as all the good parts of the last three put together… yeah, modest expectations.