Cops who are accused of wrongdoing don't get treated like ordinary citizens under arrest or brought in for questioning when being investigated. Not only are there various legal protections, but under union contracts in most big cities they usually get a variety of protections against "unfair" or "coercive" (or even "inconvenient") interrogation, get transcripts of statements they've made, are protected from having their pictures circulated, are only questioned during on-duty hours, and other such niceties that you or I aren't graced with.
It's good to be in law enforcement when someone is trying to enforce the law against you …
9 ways police have more protections than you do when they’re arrested
A civil rights lawyer reflects on officers’ “super due process.”
Some animals are just more equal than others.
+Stan Pedzick good reference
“Cops got it made in Gotham…” – Arnold Flass, Batman, Year One