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Election turnout matters, dammit

A lot of folk were worried that the far-Right National Front in France would gain a large foothold of power, based on an upswing in support from a stagnant economy and (especially) Islamicist terrorism over the last year. And the first round of election that fear seemed to be coming to pass. Then …:

'France's far-right National Front performed unexpectedly poorly in Sunday's regional elections, securing control of exactly zero regions. In the first round just one week ago, it finished in first place in six out of 12 regions and was expected to prevail in second-round voting in at least two, and perhaps as many as four, regions. The unexpected defeat came in the context of soaring turnout. Just 48 percent of eligible voters cast ballots last week, but, faced with predictions of National Front victory, that surged to 59 percent today.'

Turning out for elections matters. That's a lesson that the Democrats keep struggling with, especially in off-year elections, when turnout drops in general — and which the GOP then sweeps in and gains more seats in Congress. You think your going out and voting doesn't make a difference? The French just proved you wrong.

French far right faces unexpected defeat after turnout soars
Showing up to vote makes a difference.

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