Because we can't have the Gummint gathering some actual data about guns and violence in a nationwide, funded, systemic fashion because … well, who knows what we might find?!
Even the original sponsor of Congress’s gag order on research now agrees. “I wish we had started the proper research and kept it going all this time,” former Representative Jay Dickey, an Arkansas Republican, told The Huffington Post in October. “I have regrets,” said Mr. Dickey, who now asks whether the advances made in auto safety could have been achieved on guns if political positions had not been so hardened.'
See! The Gummint made cars and driving safer! Next thing you know, they'll want to make gun ownership safer, too, those fiendish tyrants!
The Republican Fear of Facts on Guns
Republicans in Congress continue to oppose federal funds for gun violence research.
Guns are killing machines. Any move to make them safer risks making them less effective in their designed purpose. Cars are not like that – except in Mad Max’s world.