And by "Merry Christmas" I don't mean "You must believe and/or isn't it cool that our in-club believes in the deity of Jesus Christ and the literal truth of the Gospel descriptions (sparse as they are) about His Nativity" — though, if you swing that way, then I certainly hope the spiritual and theological implications of that birth and the tales around it are of worthwhile reflection to you.
No, I mean "I hope you are having a happy time, that any family get-togethers are joyful, that any gifts you receive are thoughtful, and that the gifts you give are well-received in turn. I hope this day, and the days around it, bring you peace and excitement and refreshment and both closure for the year past and invigoration for the year to come." Oh, and stuff about good food, good drink, good swag, and so forth.
And if you celebrate something different this time of year, I hope your celebration, secular or religious, is equally spiffy.
I do love a summer christmas season, but perhaps that's because it's what I grew up with.
The same back to you, of course. And I wave my private parts at the pigs belonging to the aunties of anyone who quibbles with that.
Merry Christmas to u too
The quote is the smoothest words I've ever heard in relation to Christmas.
Thank you
Merry Christmas to all and have a nice day with your family
+Steve Manley — James Addison, The Spectator (Jan 1712).
I know *I’m* not threatened by people’s well wishes. A joyful holiday thing and the hope of felicitation so in the next calendar cycle to you and yours.