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Tales from the "Best Damn Band in the Land"

+Kay Hill, my daughter, is a high school sophomore and deeply into her school's marching band program, and, as part of that, we often watch videos of Ohio State's field shows. They are damned good.

This story about the more controversial side of Ohio State's band is fascinating in terms of evoking memories of my own, long-ago college career; my "anti-harassment" management training by HR; and what I've seen of the intense camaraderie in Kay's high school band — and also reminding me why Margie and I help chaperon the kids during competitions and other outings, and what sort of world Kay will have to maneuver in without chaperones at such time as she heads off to college, whether she joins a marching band there or not.

Sex, Scandal and the Marching Band: Inside the New Rules at Ohio State
At the crossroads of big-time athletics, the fight for sexual safety and modern college life with the Best Damn Band in the Land

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7 thoughts on “Tales from the "Best Damn Band in the Land"”

  1. Great article. In terms of the stadium experience, the effect of a Jumbotron pales in significance to what 200 well practiced student can accomplish.

    I don't recall much hazing from my own experience. There was less hazing and harassment in college than in my high school program. I agree with the article that band members are generally far safer with their fellows than with people outside of that group.

  2. +Dan Eastwood If the college experience is like the high school one (respective mileages may vary), it would not at all surprise me that the band is an intensely loyal tribe unto itself.

    My daughter's take from the article? Gobsmack about the Ohio State football player who got a slap on the wrist for DUI so he could play at the next game.

  3. Marching bands don't generate much (if any) direct income, so there is no incentive to sweep marching band scandals under the carpet, as there might be with a football program.

    I do recall some rowdy parties, but It's hard to separate that from the overall college experience. The band parties tended to be a lot better, which might mean both wilder and safer at the same time. The social bond is huge.

  4. Bah…autocorrect. HBCUs, not HSBC.

    Go and google any and all of the following:

    HBCU bands

    Bethune Cookman
    Jackson State
    Southern University
    Grambling State (who I saw at a CU game years ago as was blown away)
    Alabama A&M

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