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When is a militia not a "militia"?

The Oxford Dictionaries gives us a look at the word "militia" (and the word "terrorist"), in relationship to the Oregon brouhaha.

(Just a side note: you can be a "family man" and "concerned citizen" and still be a "terrorist." The terms are not exclusive.)

I've been avoiding the use of the term "militia" since this thing started up, since (a) a number of militia groups have decried the action, and (b) the actual gang involved turned out to be substantially less than the 100-150 originally touted by the Bundy folk. It's not clear that they are, in fact, organized enough to be deemed a "militia."

Originally shared by +Oxford Dictionaries:

The #Oregon protests: what’s the difference between the words #militia and #terrorism?

A tale of two militias: finding the right label for the Oregon protests | OxfordWords blog
When an armed group occupied an Oregon federal building in protest, the media used the word ‘militia’ to describe them: what does it mean?

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18 thoughts on “When is a militia not a "militia"?”

  1. +Dave Hill google plus censors conservative rightwing minded people or turns over declaratory statements to the obama gov for evaluation. google inc is an ally of the obama govt and was involved along with twitter and facebook aiding democrat party candidates to win elections.I doubt liberals worry about that.Me, i have to worry what i discuss. have fun magpie tell us all what obama has done for the USA in the last 7 yrs to protect the people and protect national borders…feel free…asking a pointed question of a liberal about obama is like turning on a light in a greek bathhouse after hours when everyone is suppose to be home.

  2. +Derrufo Konepke Honestly, if Google+ "censors rightwing minded people," they're doing a pretty crappy job of it because I encounter them all the time here.

    I don't need to discuss what Obama has done to protect the people and protect the national borders — that we the people are still here and the borders as well speak for themselves. You were the one who made a declarative statement about "traitorous obama government" and "trial of barrack obama and his staff" (despite your declared fear of being censored) — I'm just asking whether you have some foundation for those statements, or if they are just mouthing off. So far, it sounds a lot more like the latter.

  3. +Dave Hill your reactions are no surprise to me…as we all know any site can allow certain libs to post comments to censored posters any time they wish…or that the goon like liberal lovers of obama actually talking of their love of obama and dislike of conservatives more often then not actually work at one of the monopoly online giant google offices and can pose as any commenter they wish.Most liberals are content in their morose lack of knowledge or courage or even the moral fiber and personal dignity to see reality in front of them. i hope to be able to deliver the proper response to such people some day for them to see the light of truth.

  4. Riiiight."Come see the violence inherent in the system." Got it. Moving on now.

    (Wow, I wish I could work at one of the monopoly online giant google offices. Maybe if I keep being a liberal lover of Obama and seek contentment in my morose lack of knowledge, courage, moral fiber, and personal dignity, they'll send radio waves to my brain and hire me.)

  5. i have to worry what i discuss. have fun magpie…i had asked you tell us all what obama has done for the USA in the last 7 yrs to protect the people and protect national borders…feel free…asking a pointed question of a liberal about obama is like turning on a light in a greek bathhouse after hours when everyone is suppose to be home. no answers ? eh? my my how discouraging from such a gifted wordsmith as yourself.

  6. +Derrufo Konepke And Dave asked you what specifically was "traitorous" about the current administration. You made no attempt whatsoever to answer that question, then you lambaste Dave when he doesn't answer a question that is completely irrelevant to his post. You can't see the hypocrisy inherent in your comments, can you?

    For that matter, your first comment was completely irrelevant. Nobody is obligated to post what you want to see rather than what they want to post. If you want to read discussions of the "traitorous" Obama government, go to sites that host such discussions. Why seek out people who are talking about something else and demand that they change their topic to suit you? Would you welcome somebody who commented on your page that you should not be posting on those topics but on your pet subjects? I rather doubt it.

  7. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, particularly on my own posts, especially when it seems that they are struggling with the language. But eventually I do recognize trolls who are just using circular reasoning and vague insult to create frustration. Buh-bye, Derrufo.

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