There's been some concern that conservative Anglican archbishops from Africa would boycott the primates meeting in England; instead, they all showed up and drove through a resolution (though it's not clear under what authority) suspending the Episcopal Church for three years from voting within the Communion, representing Anglicans in ecumenical councils, etc., etc.
The issue, of course, is with the American church's acceptance of LGBTs as full members of the church, both as clergy and, most recently, in allowing for same-sex marriage. For more conservative national churches in the Communion — some of whose countries have been passing laws increasing prosecution of gays — this is unacceptable.
Well, fiddle-dee-dee.
I mean, as an Episcopalian, I think it's cool being unified with fellow Anglican churches around the world, at least as a concept. If that comes at the cost of doing what I think is the right and moral thing for us to be doing, however, it's hardly worth it.
I'm proud that the Episcopal Church welcomes loving, committed couples to be wed, regardless of their plumbing. If the Archbishop of Uganda feels that means we can't sit at the table with him, I'm not going to beg for forgiveness.
USA Today story:
Episcopal News Service:
The Primates' Statement:
Anglicans suspend Episcopal Church over stance on same-sex marriage
The Anglican Communion suspended the Episcopal Church, it’s American branch, from voting and decision-making for three years on Thursday over its acceptance of same-sex marriage.
So, splintering off?
They probably feel exactly the same way about you.