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Tweetizen Trump – 2017-07-17: "That's Politics!"

A new week, Donald! Let's see what the mob dragged in …

[Being a look at the @RealDonaldTrump Twitter account, a glance at the @POTUS account, rearranged topically.]


So I think you were doing something over the weekend. I'm not quite sure what it was, but I'm sure it will come to me in just a moment …

I will be at the @USGA #USWomensOpen in Bedminster, NJ tomorrow. Big crowds expected & the women are playing great-should be very exciting! [1]

Will be at the Women's U.S. Open today! [4]

Just got to the #USWomensOpen in Bedminster, New Jersey. People are really happy with record high stock market – up over 17% since election! [6]

The women played great today at the @USGA #USWomensOpen🇺🇸 I look forward to being there tomorrow for the final round! [7]

Thank you to all of the supporters, who far out-numbered the protesters, yesterday at the Women's U.S. Open. Very cool! [9]

I am at the @USGA #USWomensOpen. An amateur player is co-leading for the first time in many decades – very exciting! [13]

Congratulations to Sung Hyun Park on winning the 2017 @USGA #USWomensOpen. [14]

So, wow. Really excited about that US Women's Open. And really excited, I'm sure, about the US Women's Open paying Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. to host the event [17].

Of course, you apparently also threatened to sue the US Women's Open's asses off if they tried to move from your venue, Donald [18]. So … yeah, it's no surprise you're so excited. Ch-ching!

Though … I have to confess, I'm a little bit dubious that folk were racing up to you, shaking your hands, an telling you how excited they are about the stock market. Even in your circles, that seems a bit much.

Heading back to Washington, D.C. Much will be accomplished this week on trade, the military and security! [15]

Well, glad you have something to do in between visiting your country clubs, Donald.


Stock Market at new all-time high! Working on new trade deals that will be great for U.S. and its workers! [2]

Like your polling numbers, Donald, it's going to be interesting to see how much you tweet about the stock market at whatever time it inevitably course corrects from its long (preceding you) upward trend.

But we'll talk about your polling in a bit …

Stock Market hit another all-time high yesterday – despite the Russian hoax story! Also, jobs numbers are starting to look very good! [3]

Yeah, we'll hit on that "Russian hoax story" shortly, too.


That was accompanied by little graphic about You and a Flag and how industrial production is up.

I have to say, Donald, if someone ever wanted to test to see if heavily repeated mottos suffice to rally the troops, your presidency will be a great case study.


HillaryClinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media? [8]

So let's unpack this a little, Donald.

1. Whatever went on with questions and Democratic debates, it was not illegal. I suppose the DNC, or Bernie Sanders, could file a civil suit, or some other internal party sanction could be imposed. But for a man who is constantly dancing three steps ahead of actual criminal charges, Donald, you are very loose with accusations of illegality. It almost feels like projection.

2. Oh, yes, the dreaded "deleted 33,000 emails" meme. You've hit on it so often, it's no surprise that it's been heavily fact-checked [19] and turned out to be something a bit embarrassing, but nothing actually criminal. More than that, Donald, it's been investigated by the FBI. So are you suggesting that would be an appropriate thing to do related to your son?

(Btw, Donald, didn't you promise to appoint a special prosecutor about that whole email thing? No sign of that happening, though it makes it convenient to keep throwing it out rhetorically.)

3. Your son is being "scorned" by a whole lot more than the media, Donald. He's being lambasted across the aisles by both politicians and pundits for doing something as (being extraordinarily charitable) stupid [26] as he did — and for doing it in a way that makes it look very much like he, your son-in-law, and your then-campaign manager were more than happy to get clandestine information from the Russian government to help your political campaign.

That's not normal, Donald.

Thank you to former campaign adviser Michael Caputo for saying so powerfully that there was no Russian collusion in our winning campaign. [10]

Well, what he actually said is that he never heard anyone else talk about Russian collusion, or Russia at all, while he was with your campaign [20]. Of course, he's a guy with deep connections in Russia himself, and he left the campaign just a few weeks after Junior's dismissal.

Not the most powerful denial, Donald, and not exactly the best character reference.

With all of its phony unnamed sources & highly slanted & even fraudulent reporting, #Fake News is DISTORTING DEMOCRACY in our country! [11]

Don't beat around the bush, Donald. Tell us what you really think. Better yet, provide some specifics, not just vague charges.

The ABC/Washington Post Poll, even though almost 40% is not bad at this time, was just about the most inaccurate poll around election time! [12]

Really, Donald? On what planet is "almost 40%" (actually, 36% [21]) not bad at any time, let alone when it's "the lowest approval rating of any president during their first six months in office in 70 years"? [22]

As for election accuracy, the WaPo/ABC poll said Clinton had a 4% advantage over you; in the final analysis, she only won the popular vote by 2%. That's not all that inaccurate.

By the way, your favorite skews-conservative poll, Rasmussen? Today's result has you at a whopping 43% approve (that's also "almost 40%" when measured from above), with an approval index of 21 [23]. That's … not good. Especially compared to their polling at the same time in Obama's presidency (52% total approve, -7 approval index) [27].

Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That's politics! [16]

Says the man who swore he wasn't just another politician.

But there it is. We've gone the full circle from "Nobody ever talked to the Russians" to "Oh, yeah, but there wasn't any sort of collusion to win the election with the Russians" … to "Hey, as long as you can beat the other side, who cares if it's what the Russian government wants?"

How far you – and your GOP flacks — have fallen, Donald.

Any number of campaign veterans, both GOP and Democrat, have made it clear that, no, that's not normal politics [24], that they wouldn't have touched the offer, that they would have contacted the FBI, etc.

Your own FBI nominee last week noted [25]:

"I would think you’d want to consult with some good legal advisers before” taking a meeting with a foreign power offering disparaging material about a rival candidate, he said. He added, “To the members of this committee: Any threat or effort to interfere with our elections, from any nation-state or any non-state actor, is the kind of thing the FBI would want to know."

And, again, let's be clear about this. You are defending going to a meeting, with another senior advisor and a campaign manager, where you have been told that you are going to get information from an agent for the Russian government, who want to help you win the election. That's what's you're saying is the "norm." That's the meeting you take. That's the episode where the only regret is, "Huh, she didn't have much to tell us."

No, Donald. That really doesn't sound like "just" politics, Donald. And if it is, it begs the question of why Junior kept changing his story, only admitting additional damning details when evidence was brought to light. I mean, if it was all normal politics, why hide it, Donald?

And what does it say about what you would do to win the election?


Your Social Media Minions also tweeted on your behalf …

… thanking the French President for inviting him to a parade. [P]
… thanks to the US armed services. [P]
… a retweet from Mike Pence about how it's been a year since he was picked to be VP.
… about your weekly address. [P]
… a retweet from @WhiteHouse (so many accounts!) about health insurance
… the launch of the USS John Finn. [P]
… a retweet from @WhiteHouse about how we are "forever joined" with France.
… Made in America Week.




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44 thoughts on “Tweetizen Trump – 2017-07-17: "That's Politics!"”

  1. Quit bagging out Trump. I don't agree with a lot of things he says and does, but the guy is better than some other people in government. And how do you know your sources aren't what media wants you to see? Just a heads up, Clinton would have made America communist. You're still a "free" country (whatever the hell that means nowadays.) Quit hating on Trump. He's doing more for the good of America than what the idiots in office in Australia is doing for my country. Godric. "Trump this" and "Trump that." FIX YOUR OWN FREAKING PROBLEMS BEFORE YOU TRY AND FIX TRUMP'S. The end, thank you, goodbye.

  2. Oh jesus. "Clinton would have made America communist". Um, yeah, just like Obama the kenyan muslim. Read the fake news much? Clinton is a moderate democrat, quite centrist. And not a pathological liar and con man like Trump. So yeah, we'd have been much better off with her, or just about anyone else. Trump's only skill is taking advantage of the desperate and ignorant.

  3. +Roberto Bayardo She would have taken away gun licenses, but have her bodyguards keep theirs. Besides, I don't listen to "fake news". I listen to multiple sources and judge things for myself. Besides, many Australians (that's right, Australians too) are divided into who would have been a better president. Which is hilarious because Trump is the less dangerous of the two.

  4. +Bellatrix Black so, you defend a liar and a con man by saying "this other person would be even worse"????

    THAT is the best you trump-turds can come up with, isn't it?

    Guess what? It doesn't matter if Hillary would have been the worst president ever, that doesn't make Trump good. That's called a"false dichotomy" and it's a logical fallacy… but of course, I would not expect a T-Rump defender to know what logical fallacies are…

    It also does not matter how many people support him. That is another logical fallacy, called argumentum ad populum (argument from popularity) and again, it has no bearing at all on whether he's a good president or not.

    And finally, perhaps, just perhaps, this is what is most wrong with our election system these days… instead of voting for good candidates, we let the media and the politicians themselves turn us into two warring camps, and each camp does nothing but attack the other… "this one would be worse" "no no that one would be worse"

    Guess what again… that's how we end up having to pick between a liar like Hillary, and a liar like T-Rump. And it's why we never NEVER get good candidates to vote for, all we ever do is vote AGAINST

  5. As to "OMG HILLARY LETTING IN TERR'RSISTS!!"!"! … you're probably afraid of your own shadow. If you spend all your time worrying about terrorist attacks due to imaginary "open borders" when there are about a million other things more likely to kill you (like Trump's health care plan) then you've got some messed up priorities.

  6. +Bellatrix Black


    And so fucking what? You are STILL using logical fallacies.

    And you're still a fucking trump-turd.

    I find it funny that you have no response about the actual content of my statements, perhaps because you can't deny them? Or maybe because you don't even understand them??????

    Just goes to show how fucking stupid trump-turds are.

  7. Maybe you can cite some sources for your claim, Domenico. Because that sounds like more crackpot conspiracy nonsense from the fake news mills. Trump sure had fun dancing with his Saudi friends a few weeks ago though. And despite his hatred of Muslims, Saudi Arabia is excluded from his Muslim ban. Makes you wonder who is really in their pocket huh?

  8. actually, the we've been in the pockets of the Saudis and Israel for many years… it didn't start with Hillary OR Trump.

    In fact, nearly all the turmoil in the Middle east can be traced back to the Saudis and Israel. They want to divide the Middle East into a Jewish half and a Muslim half, and the Jewish half is to be Zionists and the Muslim half, Wahhabi.

    And we keep playing right into it (not that our leaders are being fooled, they WANT the same things) It's just us poor suckers who keep falling for election year rhetoric that don't know what's really happening.

    Consider this, we give Israel billions every year, and they have universal healthcare… but we are "too broke" to have it for ourselves, right?

    And we supply arms to the Saudis, which is the country of origin for most of the 9/11 terrorists, and who tried very hard to make sure nobody ever found out that they helped fund those terrorists.

    If you trust either Trump or Clinton, then you've been successfully brainwashed.

  9. Lol @them worrying about hillary. She is not in office, but the orange sphincter is. The saudis are the ones who brought two of drumpfs bankruptcies. They saved his ass. Saudis just gave drumpf's daughter over a hundred million dollars. Nothing but crickets from y'all hypocrites.

  10. Got to love the liberal democrat butthurt.

    You folks screwed the pooch when you rigged the deal for Killary. Just go wallow in your own stupidity for a while.

    Remember in 2008 when the republiturds were finished after obama was inaugurated?
    Probably not, you were too focused on gloating.

    What goes around, comes around.

  11. +Jim Clark once again, a trump supporter, being all butthurt that people don't like his messiah, calling everyone else butthurt (like the snowflake he is) and trying to use "hillary hillary hillary" to excuse the fact that trump is a POS

  12. gotta love it… people who don't like trump for what he is actually doing are "butthurt"

    but people who support trump and can only cry and cry and cray about "hillary", even though she lost and their candidate won… they aren't "butthurt"

    Get over yourselves. Every time you whine about "hillary" you just prove that YOU are the real "butthurt snowflakes"

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