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Tweetizen Trump – 2017-08-24: “Surrounded by Enemies!”

Hey, Donald. It’s actually been a few days since I did one of these because — well, frankly, your Twitter stream has been pretty boring. Most of it has been videos of the different speeches / events you’ve been at — your Afghanistan policy speech in Virginia, your “rally” in Phoenix, and your “unity” speech before the American Legion in Reno. Those have all been covered in gory detail elsewhere.

I’m not going to backtrack across all of your tweets the last three days, but since you went on a bit of a rampage this morning, I want to highlight a couple of items as we play catch-up.

Yesterday, talking about your Phoenix hootenanny …

I will confess that I did not watch coverage of your rally in Phoenix, but it sounds like it was just the sort of hot mess that I would have expected, whipping up the crowd against the press, criticizing the Democrats, criticizing the GOP, threatening to shut down the government, long digressions over Charlottesville, all that good stuff.

I’m not sure about your estimate of the venue being packed, but I know you repeatedly mentioned that there were only a handful of protesters outside, which does not seem to have been the case. Heck, not even Fox News seems to have backed you up on that one.

And those weren’t the only misstatements of fact that particular evening, Donald.

But, all that aside, let me just congratulate you again for your deft way of winning friend and influencing people, by off-handedly attacking one of Arizona’s GOP Senators on Twitter. I’m sure that will get you everything you want, Donald.

Yes, so it seems. Sixteen minutes of going over in detail all your statements about Charlottesville [12] … except for the moment where you conveniently failed to quote the words that got you into most trouble, “on many sides. Many sides.”

I mean, I know those words weren’t written down in the statement that was prepared for you when you originally made it. You went off script on that one, much to the dismay of your handlers and to the outrage of so many in the nation. But why won’t you own those words now, Donald? Why are you claiming you never said them?

And, of course, the best way to encourage the Senate to radically change its processes — something its leadership have been highly reluctant to do so far — is to criticize various Senators of your own party (including the leadership) and harangue them. Because they know you’ve got their back, until you’re driving a shiv into it.

There are, yes, some conveniences that getting rid of the filibuster would provide to you in the short run. But McConnell, at least, seems to have a sense of the long-term danger, the prospect of someday not having a Senate majority for the Republicans. It happens to both parties, Donald, despite all of the “The X party is now dead!” proclamations of the past decades. And any protection McConnell takes from the Senate minority now, the Dems will be able to exploit at that future date, just as you are reaping the benefits of Harry Reid removing the filibuster for most judicial appointments.

Of course, Donald, you often seem to have the long-term view of a toddler, so such things might not occur to you.

Two other points:

1. Your Tweet presupposes that nothing can be done on a bipartisan basis — i.e., drawing in votes in a collaborative fashion from the Democratic minority. Of course you would suggest this, Donald, as your way of operating is a zero-sum game, where anything you don’t win you lose. Good legislation is rarely written that way, but, again, you’re not a legislator.

2. Your repeated assertion that the Dems would remove the filibuster remains ludicrous, given that, even when it would have been highly advantageous at times when they had the Senate Majority from 2009-2014, they didn’t remove the filibuster. Are you actually just lying here, or do you not realize that?

Yes, micromanage how legislation is introduced, packaged, and passed, Donald. You seem quite the expert on it, given your vast successes to date in wrangling Congress to your will. And, go ahead, criticize the two leaders who are the key to your getting anything passed that might cover you in glory. Heck, the two leaders who, at the moment, hold the keys to impeachment hearings and prosecution, should they choose to use them.

Donald, you continue to act like you’re CEO of a personal corporation, and that you can fire anyone you want, and you mistake the cheering crowds at your rallies for actual political power. I’m afraid you are in for some yuuuge disappointments. I just worry what damage will be done to the US in the meantime.

You then retweeted a “YouTube Actor and Political Junkie” who posted … a Trump-is-better-than-Obama (“The Best Eclipse Ever”) meme.

What are you, eleven years old? Because I’m pretty sure most adults, let alone Presidents of the United States, have more dignity and decorum than that.


Donald, Donald, it’s not tone that people are objecting to, but the actual message. When you give paeans to unity, healing, and Americans singing “kumbaya” together when you’re on national TV or speaking to somber, respectful audiences, then turn around ripping all your enemies new ones when you’re at a rally of screaming supporters, showing more animus toward the media and your political opponents than you do to, well, neo-Nazis … well, yeah, Donald, people are going to talk.

I believe, Donald, that this is your first Twitter foray directly against someone who has raised the question of your mental or cognitive suitability to be President (in more than just generic terms). And Clapper has actually questioned your fitness for office and being responsible for the nuclear codes. based on your performance in Phoenix.

So I can understand your pique at him. And you are, in fact, correct in saying that he gave an evasive, even dishonest, answer about the NSA’s collection of call data to Congress. But none of that takes away from what he’s said, or the basis on which he said it.

Even if, at some point in the past, he sent you a “beautiful letter” of support (which you hint at, Donald), it doesn’t address the questions and concerns he’s raising now. I know that, in your world, consistent loyalty (from others) is the only truth, but in the real world, judgment doesn’t work that way.

But I do understand Donald, your trying to deflect the discussion away from those questions and concerns. We can’t have people thinking that your response to people wondering if you are emotionally stable is your launching a personal and public attack on them, now, can we?

Yes, please, keep harassing Mitch McConnell. That will make him do whatever you command him to do, Donald. I’m sure of it.

Also, nice continued blame-shifting from your own failures in the “Repeal and Replace” fiasco, Donald. I’m certain nobody will ever notice.


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