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On 9-11, sixteen years later

As I look around at posts and shares and tweets this morning saying, “Never forget,” I have to ask, “How could I?”

I’ve started and discarded over a dozen posts on 9-11 over the years, mostly because they got into too-tangled webs of blame and accusation and grief — grief not just over the loss of thousands of lives in the terror attacks themselves, but the hundreds of thousands, millions of lives cut short or crippled by the conflicts since, and the veering of American history (and that of the world) into something darker and more dangerous.

It’s important to remember 9-11, not just for what happened, but for what changed, and continues to change, following it. We won’t have the perspective to appreciate it fully until decades more have passed, but what we can see from within the still-ongoing blast wave is more than sufficient to mourn over.


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3 thoughts on “On 9-11, sixteen years later”

  1. It is just really frustrating to me to see how many people actually believe that it has to have been ‘an inside job.’ I just saw a comment elsewhere where the poster said that ‘it was generally accepted’ and I’m having to keep from screaming at them that no it isn’t generally accepted anywhere except in the Infowars/Conspiracy bubble.

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