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So if we actually have $1.5 Trillion to burn …

The Trump Tax Plan (as being actually written by GOPers in Congress) is being done purely as a give-away. Under the current plan going through the Senate, there are no program cuts included, just an authorization to go another $1.5T into debt over the next decade in order to give 80% of that to the most wealthy Americans in tax cuts [1].

So if rather than bankrolling already fabulously rich people, we said, “Well, if we can afford to go $1.5T further into debt, what could we do with that money instead?”

This article has some very intriguing suggestions, such as a package of …

  • End homelessness in the United States ($20B/yr);
  • pass Trump’s original infrastructure plan ($1T);
  • then give every single American about 90 bucks a year ($300B).

Yeah, I like the sound of that much better than helping Ivanka and Donald Jr and the other Trump kids inherit a billion dollars more by repealing the estate tax [2], and other Donations to the Rich.

So can we have that conversation instead?


[1] I have no doubt that, once the tax cuts are passed, Congressional Republicans will be shocked, shocked, at how much worse the budget deficit has become, forcing them to start cutting more social safety net programs as part of some economic emergency. But, for the moment, they are trying not to appear like soulless monsters (again).

There Are Better Ways to Spend $1.5 Trillion Than Tax Cuts

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9 thoughts on “So if we actually have $1.5 Trillion to burn …”

  1. Well Senator why don't you look in your own back yard? The governor of your state got taxes lowered to draw businesses back to the state and I don't hear you complaining about that! You actually have a supply side Democrat in the control of your state! The last one know that is one of them is JFK! Hypocrite!!!!! Retire you are out of touch with reality!

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