So this looks like … well, a continuation of The Force Awakens, except we already know all the characters and can just go right to it. The FX look nice, the menaces look menacing, the emotions and shipping look appropriate, the focus on Leia gives me the sniffles, and I’m definitely planning on seeing it in the theater, which is, after all, the point.
That said, as with The Force Awakens, I’m not overwhelmed or wide-eyed ecstatic. I’m “just” looking forward to it.
Wow. Did that marketing driven stuffed toy that popped up during the Falcon scene ever look glaringly out of place!
+Al Hunt The challenge that the Lucasfilm folk have is that anything that seems the least bit cute, cuddly, or less than bold and adventuresome is instantly assumed to be a "marketing driven stuffed toy."
Which isn't to say that's not a mess of their own making, or that the cute critter isn't a stuffed toy, but I'll wait and see. It will have to go quite a ways to outdo Ewoks.
"I am merch!"
It'll be interesting to see if it has more to it than Mary Sue and the Porgs.
A breakdown of the trailer: