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“I laugh so that I do not cry”

That’s kind of my attitude toward Donald Trump’s interviews (and his tweets, and his speeches, and …). The man seems incapable of stringing together a coherent sentence, of getting his numbers correct, or of having any interest in governing or policy-making (vs. getting applause and having people obey his orders).

It’s hysterical, except when you realize that (a) he’s the freaking President of the United States, with his finger on the nuclear button and capable of ordering the most awful things to occur, and (b) he’s populated his cabinet with a load of extremists zanies who seem quite capable of tracking the numbers and inflicting huge harm on human beings now and for decades to come.

Trump’s latest big interview is both funny and terrifying
POTUS swings and misses at the softest softballs.

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3 thoughts on ““I laugh so that I do not cry””

  1. "Perhaps it will all work out for the best, and someday we’ll look back and chuckle about the time when we had a president who didn’t know anything about anything that was happening and could never be counted on to make coherent, factual statements on any subject."

    "Always look on the bright side of life." (Whistling.)

    "When you're chewing on life's gristle, don't worry – give a whistle; and things'll always turn out for the best. (More whistling.)

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