I am not so far removed from the October Candy Harvest that I cannot remember feeling much the same way for most of these.
Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:
Guide to How Kids Judge Your Halloween Candy
Everyone has their varying candy preferences, but sizing up what’s been plopped into the bag is a pretty universal part of Halloween. However grateful and well-mannered they are, it’s impossible for trick-or-treaters to avoid casting some judgement on the… #chart #funny #halloween
I tried the Snickers approach once, but we finished up eating all the treats by ourselves way before any children had even thought of their costumes … 😊
I don’t see juice packs there. That’s what I always gave out. Very popular.
We have LOTS OF CANDY in our house for Halloween time…BUT NOT FOR THE KIDS! (we sit in a dark corner the whole night listening to creepy music and giggle to ourselves as we eat all the candy instead of giving any out or even answering the door. Yes, I'm evil.)
I haven't seen trick-or-treaters in nearly a decade. It turns out neighborhood choice plays a huge role here – both that of the visitors and of the providers.
+Michael Verona I saw lots of trick-or-treaters when we lived in the suburbs. Not in the city, and not here where I’m surrounded by retirees. The kids go into town.
We've always tended to buy only candy that we would be willing to eat, and, yes, leftovers are always a feature, not a bug.