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The Unbearable Lightness of Trump’s Praise

If there is one lesson that every single person in and around Washington, especially those in Trump’s orbit, should be more than painfully aware of, is that Donald Trump has no sense of personal loyalty.

He will praise people — if it makes himself look good, basking in the glory of such wonderful fine people being hired or appointed by him, or seeking him out, or saying that he, Donald, is such an excellent person.

But if that person becomes a liability — well, then that person is a disloyal idiot, a liar, someone who was never all that important, never really met the Big Man himself, completely unmemorable, and did I mention that person’s a horrible liar? Never knew the person, and just as well, since they’re such a liar, and a little person, and unimportant, not worth paying attention to.

It’s all about Donald, and how someone serves the Donaldness. Remember that when folk are denounced. And remember it when people are praised, too.

Trump Demotes ‘Excellent’ Consultant to ‘Low-Level Volunteer’
He hires the best people.

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103 thoughts on “The Unbearable Lightness of Trump’s Praise”

  1. Trump wasn't my first choice, but I voted for him because Killary Clinton and Slick Willy are criminals!!!! I believe that if the DemoRats and media would stop the witch hunt and being a road block, Trump could get the job done! I see the DemoRats and media as being cry babies!

  2. +Yahuda101 You do realize when you control all 3 branches of government and you can't get anything done its because you are a fucking idiot. We tried to warn you. Speaking of cry baby…. WWwwwwwaaaaaaaaaa SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!! Its a joy watching Trump fall apart.. Thats what YOU get for backing a real criminal… Enjoy the show. ;o))

  3. LOL guess who is not facing charges of crimes against America.? Hmmmmmmmmmmm LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP…. Lets look at Trumps "Bengazi" LOL Poor Trumpsters Donnie is going on his 75th golf vacation… He will officially beat Obamas 8 year total in less then a year Yet another executive order shot down….. Lets all push Donnie to get a heart attack.. I loved the look on his face when the biker gave him the finger and the protester threw Russian flags at him…. The bubble burst…

  4. The President Shri Donald Trump's best good nature and potentials are known and appreciated by common people of the Nation and his team in Governance – So, baseless allegations against The President Shri Donald Trump [ with a narrow political intent ] , will not sound sensible to Common people of The Nation – Common people of the Nation feel that its unhealthy to inappropriately hunt The President Shri Donald Trump & Family , on every count .

  5. +Hunter Seeker and the whole time that your head's been stuck up your ass; unemployment's at it's lowest, illegal immigration's at it's lowest, and the Dow Jones is still breaking records. Our economy is booming again, thanks to the Great White Hope!
    But, by all means, stay in the herd with the rest of the Sheeple!

  6. +Curt A LOL Oh Curt Curt Curt Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa Baaaaaaaaaaa…. The joy of Trumps fuck ups are people like you are irrelevant. Wwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa Someone do something…….. :o) It breaks me up when they play his own words back at him to shoot down his lies…. Id say enjoy the show but I dont think you could take it….. Go back to chanting about Hilary the flock went thata way…

  7. +Curt A Mocking you was just so much more fun…. I could have pointed out facts like the Dow has been going up steady since Obama and Donnies time just started 4 weeks ago. Or that illegal immigration on the southern boarder was at it lowest before Donnie got in…. But hey he did harass a bunch of sick kids.. That should all make you feel like "men" snicker. More vacations in a few months then 8 years .. supporting that earns you "Dumb fuck of the century" award.

  8. +Curt A Donald has show yet again that he has no loyalty to anyone.. Dave said it perfectly… I wonder how many times he has to show you that before you leave the flock? Join reality with the rest of us. :o)

  9. This post appears to be suggesting that incompetent people be kept on by DT because they previously said nice things about him
    A president who puts personal loyalty before the interests of the country – a Bush, say, or a Clinton is a menace to the USA and a threat to the world.
    Likewise an individual who
    Puts loyalty to the president ahead of doing its job properly is a weak link in the chain of command

    Hope the above isn't too difficult for everyone

  10. This equates to a simple scenario. You run a business, hired some people that, for a long period of time, seemed loyal, and conducted their jobs as you prescribed that job to them. Then suddenly, for whatever reason, their not doing their jobs as they were prescribed to them. Would you keep them just because they were "loyal" in the past? No, you would seek out new help that will do the job as you prescribe it to them. Now that would be perfectly acceptable wouldn't it? It would be the logical and appropriate thing to do right? So judging by the comments here, it would be okay to dismiss people who are not loyal to "your" purpose, unless the man's name is Trump, then it suddenly becomes a travesty of morality. You people need to get over it. Lose the hypocrisy, hatred, and sheer stupidity just because your poster child lost an election.

  11. +Yahuda101 , they investigated and investigated Hillary for anything and everything. Funny, nothing but made up lies about her. What's criminal is people like you who have no reasoning abilities and buy into the disinformation and untruths! You bought the propaganda the conspiracy machine and you are the problem in America. Grow a brain!

  12. LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP LOCK HIM UP.. DEATH DEALING DONNIE look at his Bengazi.. He was golfing while they were being killed.. Lets investigate Lets investigate… Man this feels so good to throw it back in their faces….

  13. +Scorpion , so, if we show our distaste for a corrupt, racist, misogynistic, manupulative, anti-constitutional, lying of a man it is because we are sore about losing an election? You're the one bringing it up shit for brains or should i call you nazi or fascist lover?

  14. Trump continues to lie simply because he knows 30% of America will always be the stupid Muricans. He knows that just as long as he hides behind the flag and says " Murica" really loud and calls people stupid names that those 30% will always be there. Our communities have been so jerrymandered by the politicians over the years that the republican politicians are afraid of speaking out public ally against him, if they want to win re-election. It's a sad time in US history.

  15. +Yahuda101 trump's party is the majority party, so how can the demorats stop him? Think before you speak.

    I'm not a big Obama fan, but when Obama had the majority party, he passed Obamacare. trump has the majority party and can't repeal OBAMACARE. Still think it's the demorats?

    Obviously, you're just a Parrot repeating trump's words. Polly want a cracker………..

  16. +Yahuda101 Oh the whining Snowflake that locked himself away in his private rooms to scream at the TV instead of sorting out California wildfire, Puerto Rico, US Virgin islands and North Korea, as in his fucking job. Just hid away like the Pussy he is.

  17. The coffee boy Papadopoulos wore a wire for three months, he also was in contact with Clovis, Trump's pick to be Head of agriculture, Clovis has been interviewed by Müllers team.

    I suspect Flynn might be next or Sessions, because it appears Sessions lied twice in his confirmation hearing.

  18. +Scorpion well said! Just reading the moronic childish posts of Hunter comments alone, show his lack of respect for other people's opinion. Typical liberal mentality. They're right and everyone's wrong. President Trump is getting the job done and he could care less what liberals think. His loyalty is to American people and those who will get the job done effectively will stay on in his administration and if they don't workout…he will get someone who will. Look at those in power over 10 20 30 years….haven't done much but have gotten rich. Hopefully we will be able to get rid of these incompetents soon enough.

  19. He will not hesitate to fire anyone if he's no longer serving his purpose. He's the worst kind of user. He hires and fires anyone at will. He easily forgets the good record and the excellent service rendered by the person axed. His forgetfulness is worse than a person with alzheimer disease. He doesn't know the word "gratitude". He's the most ungrateful rotten bastard in this planet.

  20. Dear God ….. our leadership in the last 37 years has been so corrupt and pathetic that , we have become the JOKE of the Western world . Billions and TRILLIONS MISSING from our budgets !!!! THIS and all these idiots can do is argue like little school girls on a playground ???? HOW ABOUT …. DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PK

  21. +Hunter Seeker you're not just a funny Lil liberal snowflake, you also suffer from confusion about our economy. You think the muslim POS and his administration; The Muslim Brotherhood, accomplished anything?
    Being a misaligned Civilian I don't expect much out of you, but you can start by bowing down to YOUR PRESIDENT!
    Keep spreading your lies about the best POTUS, since Reagan, we're all used to the extremists coming out of the woodwork, like yourself. LMBAO!
    Have a nice day Civilian!

  22. +Hunter Seeker just think about this Civilian, you're gonna want to start pacing yourselves, there is still 7 more years of whining left! What's next Nancy? How's the Russian thing going for you? Thanks for catching that coffee boy though, it could've been tragic with his vast knowledge of our nation's inner secrets, ha ha ha!

  23. +Curt A LOL You are one sad confused little man aren't you. I love when people like you post. Its helps to shrink your base even more. That Russian thing is going pretty well actually.. Im having fun watching Donnie and his cult shit their pants. Like I said you are irrelevant.. Donnie is blowing his own administration apart.. You can go back to your flock now.. I hear FOX is planning an Impeach Hilary party. The rest of the country is leaving you behind. ;o)))

  24. +Nick McIntosh It's always odd to walk away from a post for several hours and discover it's been "discovered."

    I've cleaned up some of the worst of the mess. I do ask my readers, and commenters here, try to keep the zealotry to a low roar. Even with people I agree with in sentiment, at some point the noise to signal ratio gets too high to be worth it.

  25. +John Lawrence 'This post appears to be suggesting that incompetent people be kept on by DT because they previously said nice things about him' … no, it's suggesting that DT keeps people on because they say nice thing about him. Once they stop, or once they become a legal liability, then bestest of friends and loyal staffers and key, important people suddenly become strangers, someone who was never really around, never really did anything important.

    It's not a pleasant personality trait on Trump's part.

  26. +Raven Raven The incompetents are currently in the White House. Trump leads, a administration that is a clueless clusterfuck of epic proportions. You Republicans hold the White House, Congress and Senate, yet no legislation has been passed that helps the working and middle class, only rich elites. Trump had not passed any of his promises. He is a lame duck President. He has passed President Obama on signed executive orders, yet you called Obama a Dictator for doing this. He has passed President Obama's travel costs, in ten months he has racked up $44 million on visits to his own resorts. President Obama in his first year was only $19.7 million, and $97.3 million on eight years. Yet the far right wing howled in protest. Seems kind of hypocritical too me.

  27. +Awake Alert​​ , you see you don't understand English. What you said is you have watched all of Alex Jones shows. Look up double negative makes a positive. You're still wrong about my comment. If you don't watch any of these shows then tell me how Obama is misogynistic? Is it when he passed many pro women policies? I don't know if you noticed, but Obama had vastly more women in and around his cabinet unlike Trump. I can go over the race issues also. Why would you say Obama is racist. Give me something, anything?

  28. +Chris Blair Alex Jones had a show where he claimed that NASA had a child pedophile camp for The Democratic Party.

    This is the utter stupidity of Alex Jones, he is BatShit crazy as are anyone who believes his garbage. I blocked Alert Awake sometime ago because he is dead from the neck up.

  29. +Chris Blair Obama had a habit of stoking any issue that related to race. His comments on the media driven race narrative of any news story was always on the side of racism. And that was always the excuse for any disagreement with his policy…racism. If you don't like Obama you have to be racist.
    Misogynistic? Not so much outright or blatant. But his overwhelming support of a religion that is very anti-woman was telling. And, he would support gay/transgender causes over women's rights.

  30. +James Graham , then i will show you his comment. Its hilarious!

    +Chris Blair I don't watch any tv news, network or cable, nor have I never watched Alex Jones.

    Yes, Alex Jones either has an agenda, is nuts, or is in it for the money. I couldn't live with myself if i acted and talked like Alex Jones!

  31. +Awake Alert , he supported womens rights more than gay rights! He passed more policies for them, then gay rights. All religions are misogynistic, but not all of those within it! Give me one example of where Obama pushed any issue related to race.

  32. +Awake Alert​ , ok i will give you that, but most do not make that mistake. I expect my president to be careful with his words, that is very important to being a president or even a CEO of a corporation or at least to apologize if it could be taken wrong. For example the owner of a football team who said if you let the prisoners take control, you are in trouble. He inferred probably mistakingly that his players were prisoners. He at least apologized!

  33. Any event that the media tried to push the race card, Obama would stand on the side of racism. Starting with the Cambridge incident.
    Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. His words were divisive to the race issue when race had nothing to do with any of these.
    Look around. There are interracial couples everywhere and no one takes a second look these days. America is not racist. The only ones that care so much about race is government and the media.

  34. +Awake Alert , Travon Martin? You really think he would have been killed if he was white? There was a bias or racist situation. You are wrong! Michael Brown? I really want you to produce anything that shows Obama agreed with what Michael Brown did! Anything! None of his words were divisive!

  35. +Chris Blair Color had nothing to do with Trayvon. It was the events of the night and the altercation. If it was a white guy that pinned him, I'm sure he would have been shot also. Also, the Obama statement, "If I had a son he would look like Trayvon" didn't help matters.
    In the Michael Brown incident, Obama sounded like he blamed the police as he did in Cambridge. Not the criminal. Further pushing the narrative of cops blatantly killing blacks. And also aiding the birth of Black Lives Matter, a truly racist organization. Even having them at the Whitehouse.

  36. +Awake Alert All Obama appears to be guilty of is actually talking about race and racism (rather than ignoring it or "there are good people on both sides"ing it), which, when a black man does it, is evidently deemed to be racist and divisive.

    Your statement that "America is not racist" is absurd. Just the rhetoric about Obama, let alone an array of anti-Obama t-shirts and tchotchkes, all show a robust dark current of racism in America, apparent even to me, a white guy.

    "There are interracial couples everywhere and no one takes a second look these days."

    Kind of bad timing for that assertion, per the attached story..

  37. +Awake Alert When asked, "What does that incident say to you? And what does it say about race relations in America?" while he admitted he didn't know all of the facts (not "any" of the facts), his statement, quoted more broadly, is pretty straightforward:

    "I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home, and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately."

  38. +Awake Alert , you can say color had nothing to do with it, but you would be wrong. Zimmerman followed him around for no apparent reason! Zimmerman said he looked suspicious! Was it because he was looking into cars, into houses? Nope, nothing just walking around, not being suspicious, talking on the phone to his girlfriend. If someone approached me like that i would ask why you were following me! Sorry, but blacks are suspected just because they are black and if you don't understand this, then you are just crazy! When you say America isn't racist then that tells me why you think Obamas words are divisive. Because you are either racist or ignorant! You don't think that white supremacists exist or that they have become cops? You don't believe David Duke exists or Donald Trump? You need to go outside your bubble and see tge truth!

  39. +Dave Hill Race relations have been set back decades. It has been a non issue until it was stirred up in the past 8 years by the media and previous administration. Again, all opposition was publicly deemed racism.
    These clowns started coming out only after the Black Lives Matter movement started being forced down our throats. Which was based on the false narrative of "hands up don't shoot" And their message today (BLM) is segregation, which is the exact opposite of what the whole civil rights movement was.

  40. +Awake Alert​ , now your telling me that there is a narrative of cops blatantly killing blacks? How often do cops kill unarmed white men running away from them? Are you joking around or do you really think in racist tones?

  41. +Dave Hill The incident at Cambridge was based on the police being called because some one was trying to force their way in a front door. The police were just responding and following procedure. The professor immediately started claiming he was being harassed based on race and refused to show ID to prove he lived there. He was belligerent, yelling at the cops, and being uncooperative. So they did what procedure tells them to do.
    Then Obama also says, "there is a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately, and that's just a fact."…Not helping.

  42. +Awake Alert​​ , less than twice as many whites have been killed. Funny, whites make up 79 percent of the population and blacks 13 percent but that doesn't show the racism. Just show the unarmed blacks shot and killed compared to unarmed whites killed. That is the issue isn't it? Why are you changing the goal post and the real issue?

  43. +Awake Alert​​ ,I wholeheartedly disagree with your assessment that America isn't racist. They all came out when Trump started his candidacy, not before. I am not saying racism didn't exist before Trump, just the biased people who were racist and proved their racism.

  44. +Awake Alert

    Regarding your statistics…

    1. The sources require a subscription, but I'll assume for the moment they are legit.

    2. Where the race of a shot person is known, Whites make up 51% of the police killings (vs being 61% of the US population), and blacks make up 27% of the killings (vs 13% of the US population). Hispanics are roughly proportional (19% of victims, 18% of the population).

    So, yeah, that sounds disproportionate.

    3. Police killings are probably not the best statistic, as the number are so low (581 deaths out of a population of over 320 million).

    On the other hand, and more germane to the point, black and hispanic drivers are pulled over by the police and their cars searched significantly more frequently than white drivers.

    After being stopped, black and Latino drivers are ticketed, searched and arrested more often than whites. For example, when pulled over for speeding, black drivers are 20% more likely than whites and Latino drivers 30% more likely than whites to be ticketed. Black and Latino drivers are about twice as likely to be searched compared with whites.

    […] The study found that in Los Angeles County, black drivers are stopped more than whites and Latinos. For every 100 black drivers, about 15 were pulled over, compared with 10 stops for every 100 white and Latino driver. Black drivers in the county were searched six times per 100 stops; the rate for Latinos was four searches per 100 stops and for whites, two searches per 100 stops.

    […] The Stanford group sought to refine their analysis with a test that seeks to answer the question: What level of suspicion must an officer have to search and how does this threshold of suspicion relate to the race or ethnicity of the driver? Their answer was that blacks and Latinos are searched on the basis of far less evidence than whites.

  45. +Chris Blair I don't personally know a single racist person. I only hear about them in news stories. I get the feeling that the media only pushes these types of stories and never shows the other side. One of my best friends is a retired Vietnam vet, who is black. Our families would get together often. I have never heard him talk about racism experiences either. Maybe in the big cities.

  46. +Dave Hill The problem with the statistics is: Why were they pulled over? Is there any evidence it was based solely on race or something more?
    What were they ticketed for vs. why wasn't the white guy ticketed?
    And also, the .gov site I posted mentioned one of the reasons for scrutiny, being pulled over or searched, was their behavior.
    I myself am cautious of LA Times. It's a liberal leaning publication.

  47. +Awake Alert 'It has been a non issue until it was stirred up in the past 8 years by the media and previous administration.'

    So your message is that talking about racism is racism because racism no longer actually exists. Racism didn't exist before people stated talking about it again (or, rather, "forcing it down our throats," as the Right always seems obsessed with saying), and white nationalists didn't start doing racist stuff until Black Lives Matter started doing racist stuff first.

    I think we're done here.

  48. +Dave Hill these statistics are meaningless as statistics usually are. You'd need to know how many black stops were by black officers how many white stops by black officers etc etc
    You'd also need number of actual offences and percentages by blacks against percentage by whites etc etc

    You seem to be preoccupied by personal relationships: they should be irrelevant in business and politics

    I am very supportive of sacking people at every available opportunity
    Nothing destroys creativity more than the same boring old faces every day worrying about their pensions their mortgages their kids school fees their lovers and their dealers.

  49. +John Lawrence , wait a second. You are saying black cops can't be biased towards a black person? Not true. It doesn't take white against black or Hispanic against black to be racism. It can be a race against itself! A black man can be racist (biased) against his own race!

  50. +John Lawrence 'these statistics are meaningless as statistics usually are.'

    Facts are tough, I understand.

    'You'd need to know how many black stops were by black officers how many white stops by black officers etc etc'

    Actually, no you don't. Racism by police doesn't necessarily align to race within the police, nor does it need to. If the black police are treating black civilians worse than white civilians, that's still institutional racism.

    'You'd also need number of actual offences and percentages by blacks against percentage by whites etc etc'

    If you have actually read the article, you would have seen that was factored in.

    'You seem to be preoccupied by personal relationships: they should be irrelevant in business and politics. I am very supportive of sacking people at every available opportunity. Nothing destroys creativity more than the same boring old faces every day worrying about their pensions their mortgages their kids school fees their lovers and their dealers.'

    So you follow the asshole rule of management. Got it. Aloha.

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