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And Introducing the Thirteenth Doctor

Okay, I admit it. I watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special online, without +Margie Kleerup and +Kay Hill. I’m an awful, wicked, naughty Zoot.

But I look forward to watching it with them once I get home. Because, damn, that was awesome on all cylinders. Aloha to Peter Capaldi (et fabulous all), hail and well met to Jodie Whittaker.

Twice Upon a Time | BBC America
The magical final chapter of the Twelfth Doctor’s journey sees the Time Lord team up with his former self, the first ever Doctor, and a returning Bill Potts, for one last adventure.

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17 thoughts on “And Introducing the Thirteenth Doctor”

  1. I need to rewatch it, since I, Kate, and Kaylee were all yelling and crying at the surprise appearance of that one person we love that everyone else seems to hate… so we missed some dialogue.

  2. +Doyce Testerman Well I can't think of any chars in there that I considered hateable. At a guess, though, would be the previous Companion who showed up, who was quite fitting to be there (even if not one of my favorites). Second guess would be the, um, secondary Companion from the most recent series.

  3. +Stan Pedzick The guest star Companion in question is hated in some quarters because fanbois gotta hate. I'm not a great fan of the Companion in question, but thought the appearance was fitting and well done and glad it happened.

  4. +Dave Hill oh, it was. Nice closure on that unnamed characters arc.

    For me, I’m really done with the whole Doctor/Companion shipping thing. Once with Billie was enough, but to keep doing it over and over again is beyond annoying.

    Hopefully the new show runner will end this.

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