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Some sort of an echo in here

It’s hysterical reading about Kellyanne Conway’s insistence that nobody in the White House talks about Hillary Clinton at all — when her boss is busy continuing to crank out tweets about Hillary Clinton.

From Conway’s perspective, does that mean that Trump isn’t seen as part of the day-to-day activities in the White House? Or that, well, yeah, the President, sure, but when he’s left the room they roll their eyes and talk about cutting poor grandmothers off of health care and other important stuff? Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking / lying that no, dammit, if we say we don’t have to have conversations with the President about his “Crooked Hillary” obsession all the time, then it will magically come true.

Or maybe it’s as Conway hints — if every time 2016 comes up someone starts talking about Clinton, then maybe people will get tired of talking about the 2016 election and therefore all that inconvenient collusion stuff.

Except Trump, because it seems he is emotionally incapable of dropping it. From his perspective, is constantly circling back to Clinton just ongoing grudge-mongering and insecurity, feeling that when he’s under attack the only thing he can do is pivot back to his electoral college win over Clinton and try to boost himself up by pulling her down? Or is it a clever and intentionally manipulative appeal to his base, who were convinced to fear and hate Clinton, turning her into the Emmanuel Goldstein focus-of-anger character of Trump’s dystopia? Or is he trying to draw Clinton out into the political arena again, so that he can focus his ire on her as an again-active “opponent.”

I would dearly love to read the history books from a few decades from now that can start delving into the truth of this, outside of the immediate political speculation of today. Assuming anyone is still writing history books a few decades from now.

(As a close aside: congratulations to “Sneaky” Diane Feinstein for joining that select club of people Trump has pathetically made up epithets for.)

‘Nobody here talks about Hillary Clinton,’ Kellyanne Conway says just before Trump tweets, again, about Hillary Clinton – The Washington Post
“We don’t care about her. Nobody here talks about her,” Kellyanne Conway told CNN’s Chris Cuomo Wednesday night.

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