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It’s been quiet. TOO quiet

Some folk might have noticed I’ve been largely not-online of late. (Most folk, I expect, have more than enough this-n-that in their social media streams to not notice.)

The Christmas holidays were a week en famile out in California, enjoying the usual Christmas bonhomie. That was followed by a week of my staying on while the wife and child headed home, helping prep for my mom’s move from SoCal to Colorado at the end of January.

I headed home after that, only to come heading back out when my Mom managed to fracture her left forearm (the ulna, for those physiologists among you), putting it in a cast and making her far less capable of dealing with day to day stuff, let along an impending move.

So there were a couple of weeks in California doing move prep, and then the actual move out here, and then … well, pretty much since then several hours a day helping with unpacking and getting her used to the (very nice) retirement community she’s living in, and all that jazz.

It’s been … intense. Remarkably (on both our parts), Mom and I are still speaking with each other.

(And sidebar kudos have to go to my parents-in-law who live in the same community and who’ve gone above and beyond to help my mom feel welcome, and to my wife and child who have both helped the effort overall as they could, and kept me relatively sane when they couldn’t.)

Things are by no means all settled and skittles and beer. My mom’s disinclination to change in her life (just one of several personality traits of my own that I’ve had highlighted in origin over the past couple of months) and the amount of change that’s been firehosed onto her even in the kindest and gentlest ways remain a challenge for her (and me). And her having to deal with being largely one-armed has not helped that situation at. all.

But we persist. And it will get better (as it already has). And, perhaps, I’ll be able to creep back onto the Internet again (both in terms of time and in terms of “Do I really need the aggravation that following current affairs gives me?).

This is a start, at least.

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12 thoughts on “It’s been quiet. TOO quiet”

  1. Well, I didn't intend to fish for complements, but thank, all.

    I am (in case it isn't clear) really happy that Mom is out here now, we're enjoying including her in things, and once all the brouhaha has smoothed out and routine can ressert, it will all be better for everyone.

  2. Moving is highly stressful, right up there with divorce and losing one’s job. I think a major injury like a broken bone is right up there as well. I think reducing ones internet activity is a good way to reduce stress where you can, so I admire your ability to focus on what’s most important and do what you can to reduce stress elsewhere. Kudos to you and your mom for getting the move done and I wish you both good fortune in 2018!

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