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Trump makes it clear who his bestest buddy is

I have no doubt that Donald is wildly impressed by and envious of Vlad’s 75% victory (not to mention the ease with which Vlad suppressed the opposition and the media). I have no doubt that Donald wishes he could do those same things. “Congratulations on the victory!”

Oh, and that nerve agent attack that everyone — including portions of the US government, at least in theory — are blaming Russia for? Never came up in the conversation. Because, y’know, even if it’s not fake news, Donald probably thinks it’s kinda cool super-spy stuff that he wishes we were doing to his our enemies.

Trump congratulates Putin on his reelection, discusses ‘arms race’ – The Washington Post
The U.S. president confirmed the call and said he hopes to meet with Putin “in the not too distant future.”

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5 thoughts on “Trump makes it clear who his bestest buddy is”

  1. When is putin going to come out of the closet about his homosexuality cause he lets donald trump give him blowjobs fucking piece of shit and his pussy chemical weapons and there fake rigged elections

  2. So it appears that his national security advisors (a) included a note in their briefing, in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, suggesting he "DO NOT CONGRATULATE" Puting, and (b) recommended strongly that he raise the British poisonings.

    Trump, who generally reacts to strong advice from others like a 4-year-old reacting to their mom upon being dragged away from a toy store, decided he knew better what he wanted to say.

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