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Trump drives through his military trans ban (again)

Because of course he is, regardless of evidence, or readiness, or military impact.

Because why not? He’s not the one who will be affected (or have to pay for any law suits). That will fall to the taxpayers.

And, of course, there’s the Friday night timing for the ban. It’s usually the time chosen to avoid interfering with or distracting from the week’s activities, or else to fly under the news radar. But this week was a hot mess for the Administration’s news cycle, and this particular announcement isn’t going to vanish over the weekend.

Nor do I expect it to stand, in the long run. But in the meantime, lives will be disrupted, the base gets some red meat, culture wars can be rekindled, dogs can feel appropriately whistled, and the Administration can remind the electorate what they and the GOP stand for.

White House declares ban on transgender people serving in military | US news | The Guardian

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61 thoughts on “Trump drives through his military trans ban (again)”

  1. If you are born with a penis you're a male. If you are born with a vagina you're a female. Short men don't want to be short, but that's life. Ugly women don't want to be ugly, but that's life. Live with it!!!

  2. They're banded because they were using the system to get thier surgery covered. I don't want my tax dollars to help you change the way you "think" you should be.

    Question: Why else would these people be in such an uproar to want to serve and posible loose thier lives?

  3. Transgender is a mental disorder instead of giving these people surgery to change they way they look to make them temporarily feel good about themselves give them mental health services, if Transgender wasn't a mental health illness then why do these individuals kill themselves at three times the rate of any other group of people in this country.

  4. +American Mastiff yeah its a cross dressing fetish gone to far. What the medical industry is doing is on purpose. they normalize this freak show then prescribe estrogen to turn the indoctrinated youth into sissies. this shit is not goin' on in the majority of the world which makes you wonder what the agenda is here. I know one thing when the Russians or the Chinese storm north America we are gonna be fucked if all we got are mental case trannys and their boyfriends to throw at them…….

  5. +The Ozark Howler so the doctors are not interfering making boys into girls??? they just helpin' right??? Makin' all that bank from the estrogen pills??turning those little kids into sissies?? The schools not interfering either with how a parent raises their child?? all the schools are doing is helping the boys explore their freedoms right??

  6. +The Ozark Howler freedom of speech is not bullying. it is the founding principle of this nation. If you do not like freedom of speech their are many countries that do not allow it. you are more then welcome to go to those nation but I believe your views will not be accepted there as well. I have no issue with you speaking your views but I will in no way be silenced by these tactics that these special interest groups like to deploy whenever someone does not agree with their way of thinking.

  7. +Steve Shelton Except that studies showed that most trans people serving weren't actually getting reassignment surgery through the military. And the taxpayer cost to those few who would represented a fraction of military spending on, for example, Viagra.

    Why would "these people" want to serve and possibly lose their lives? For the same reason any person does. Or are you suggesting that people only serve in the military for the benefits package?

  8. +CHANGE THECURRENT – First, freedom of speech is meant to prevent government censorship. That's what the first amendments is about. Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religious expression, freedom to protest, etc. It's funny how Trump supporters are very concerned about freedom of speech when it's their speech that's affected, but not when other people's rights are violated.

  9. It's hard to understand how someone can say that a person with a gun that kills someone else has a mental health illness but if they kill themself they have no mental health problem what so ever the problem with society is people will only accept what furthers their agenda or what their idea of what life is supposed to be if we lived with the idea that "I don't want my rights taken so I won't fight to take others " and everyone stay out of others business we would be in a better place

  10. +American Mastiff – there is no way for people to stay out of other's business with everyone being on social media now. I say that most of the problems we have are because of social networks. Everyone is in everyone else's faces. And that's never good. There is so much extra conflict we're exposed to. There is a lot of information we're exposed to as well. 95% of the stuff posted on the Internet is pure garbage. But it fuels the masses. And nobody wants to take your rights away. We need answers. We need a way to work through the problems we have without stepping on each other's toes. We don't seem to be able to do that. I don't have answers.

    When it comes to suicide, that's linked to mental health. But shooting and killing someone isn't always linked to mental health. I think it should be reexamined by the experts. Suicide is a serious issue. It tears families apart. But so does murder. I had a friend who was murdered in 2000. It's still difficult.

  11. +CHANGE THECURRENT – You're done addressing me. You don't have the expertise to make judgement calls against people who have studied this and are now experts. When you can show me your PhD in Psychology, then you can have a say. Until then, buzz off! I don't need angry people trying to tell me anything.

  12. +CHANGE THECURRENT Ultimately, this is my post that you came over to comment on. If I find your tone or language or whatever to be unhelpful toward discussion, or just plain mean, I have the ability and responsibility to delete it.

    For what it's worth, I've left up some comments here I ideologically disagree with. I also deleted some that I sympathized with on one level, but found sufficiently attacking that I felt a responsibility to delete them, too.

    There's no censorship here; you have the right to post whatever you want under your own pseudonym, within Google's TOS, just like me.

    If you're only interested in rants and slurs and ad hominem and entitled shoutiness, please do it elsewhere.

  13. +Steve Shelton
    There is no way to discern someone is transgender if they have not yet started transition. So it really wouldn't stop them from using the VA to perform transgender related surgeries. In the grand scheme of things, this cost is a drop in the bucket due to the small portion of the population that are transgender. The VA has much bigger cost overruns to address.
    You shouldn't give minors estrogen. It may make them permanently infertile.

  14. I believe everyone should have the right to serve regardless what sex you classify yourself. If you want to serve your country your gender or preferred sex should not stop you. You should be treated like everyone else no matter your color race or sex or even if your from this planet you should have the right to serve your country if you want to

  15. Aha. Pence is heavily involved in this. Of course.

    While TP tends toward rhetorical bombast, this seems a decent survey of both the history and cast of characters behind this order (issued under Mattis' name, but not in keeping with his earlier policy), some of the odd details around which trans people can actually serve (and a bit of blackmail around that), as well as some of the pseudo science put forward to justify the order.

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