Representative Donovan, the US Postal Service is a quasi-governmental agency, and has been for decades. It is tasked by the government to provide certain services, and is dependent on Congress to define how much it can charge for them (one reason why it’s in such financial trouble). But it’s not a government organization. That was quite intentionally made the case some time ago.
So, no, I don’t expect to see Trump and Pence’s pictures up on the walls of the post office. Except, eventually, along with other Most Wanted.
GOP lawmaker introduces bill requiring pictures of Trump, Pence at post offices
Can we display it with black bunting?
+Linda Tewes Only if you're very fortunate.
We have one too. Meet Senator Eric Abetz (grand-nephew of Otto Abetz).
They should be careful with what they wish for, because it will backfire.
Another American who doesn’t understand how their own system works? Colour me shocked!
+Piero FilippIN Good point. If the local Post Office manager got to choose the pictures, it could get very interesting …
Yea,a picture of him wiping his ass after dumping some big mac leftovers.
Trump wouldn’t want his picture displayed at a loosing department.
+SIR SQUATCH Why not? He displayed his picture at his bankrupt businesses.
Btw, the USPS isn’t a department.