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“We’re America, Bitch!”

Witness various senior Administration folk trying to sum up the Trump Doctrine on foreign policy, which the post title is the most provocative example of.

Then there’s “Permanent destabilization creates American advantage,” because being the erratic drunkard down the street who occasionally shoots his gun at the moon and/or passing cars is just what we want to be and do. Oderint dum metuant.

Also suggested: “No Friends, No Enemies” — treating everyone on a transactional, cash-and-carry basis (“What are you doing for me this week?”), because … well, why should we treat Canada any different from Russia, or the UK on a different basis than China? After all, we’re America, and have no need to worry about having allies, because who would dare be an enemy to us?

Sigh. And to think, at one time, the GOP were all gung-ho for Reagan and his “Shining City on a Hill” metaphor for America’s place in the world. What the hell happened?

A Senior White House Official Defines the Trump Doctrine: ‘We’re America, Bitch’
The president believes that the United States owes nothing to anyone—especially its allies.

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15 thoughts on ““We’re America, Bitch!””

  1. +Telly Vin-a It goes beyond that. It's not just "You're either with us or you're against us," but "Reconfirm, right this moment, that you are with us. Okay, I'll check in on you tomorrow to get you to bow and kiss our ring again, too."

  2. Really, it's just knee-jerk Obama derangement syndrome. President Obama thought it was a good idea to have allies. Therefore, the racist scum have to believe the opposite, regardless of all common sense and basic logic.

    Even the diplomatically disastrous Bush administration had allies and tried to convince others to join up with their coalition of the willing. This idea that having allies is dumb is a new idea and it's driven by the fact that Obama was so good at building strong alliances.

  3. +Dave Hill it's amazing the sarcasm in this article. It not funny stuff at all. We are America, Bitch!!! And it's always been that way. Because a black person can own a business, a man can merry a woman, a woman can merry a woman, and a Republican and a Democrat can cook on the same grill. That's more than power in the world. It is freedom and it should never be overlooked.

  4. What a sad little troll, unable to say anything about the right of men to marry men or women to marry women because Putin won't let him!

    You know what real power is, and President Obama had it. Real power is the power to cripple your third rate economy in retaliation for invading Ukraine. That requires allies, the sort of strong allies that President Obama could build up and rally to action.

    That's so powerful, that an impotent weakling like Donald can't undo it. He tried to get rid of the Iran deal. Whoops! That ended in a pathetic humiliation. All of the other signatories simply ignored the POTUS.

    That's what would happen if the man-baby tried to undo the Russian sanctions. It would just show how utterly powerless he is, as all of the other signatories simply ignore the POTUS.

    Face it, loser. President Obama was so good at global diplomacy, that your daddy Putin is still reeling wondering what hit him. See, Putin doesn't understand forming alliances. That's why he's so bad at it, and has somehow managed to actually reduce his influence in the former Soviet Union. How the eff did he manage to lose Ukraine? That'd be like President Trump somehow losing Florida to Cuba. Even he's not that incompetent.

  5. +Isaac Kuo wow you went into a lot of places. I guess only if we could have a king. Oh wait. We had a war over that and threw the wonderful work of Obama the French came over to help up win our independence.

    Saying that everything we enjoy today came from Obama is as ridiculous as what I just stated.

    Try going to any country outside of Europe with exception to a couple like America as a gay or trans person. What do you think would happen.

    Are we better. No. Are they savages. No. Get off your high horse.

    I live in St. Louis. If your in town we should have a beer and I'll bet a great chat.

  6. I'm happy to live in a country where men can marry men, women can marry women – or vice-versa – and where a black woman (or man) can own a business. Is it America? Canada? England? France? I'll let you work it out.

  7. I’m not sure why putting it like this is news. This is basically what American Exceptionalism is. “We can do what we like because we are the US”. A lot of what Trump is doing is a explicit demonstration of what the rest of us believe is implicit, no matter who was in control; its just Democrats were more outward facing.

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