For those who wonder why I am how I am today, I blame Saturday Morning Cartoons. This crop is from when I was in kindergarten or so, and (aside from Casper) I was an avid viewer of most of these at one time or another.
TV Cartoons of Saturdays Past

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Those are all from my first year of breathing.
+Les Jenkins Well, you are a young pup, after all.
80s cartoons are probably why I have an apartment full of junk I don't need.
+Daniel Swensen My cartoon past definitely informs my office decor.
Even though it wasn't a cartoon from my childhood, I have a Ren & Stimpy Collector Figure Set perched upon my cubical wall.
I was 3 in 1967, but I'm still surprised how many of those I never knew about.
I don't remember Super 6 or Super President (but that's Paul Frees narrating the latter, whom we also heard as the Thing, and who also narrated and did voices for a bunch of the other cartoons shown) and recall Journey to the Center of the Earth only vaguely. I had forgotten that I used to sing the opening of the King Kong theme.
The Spider-Man theme has been my ring tone for over 12 years. 🙂
The guys on the Flip the Table podcast (it's no longer being made but everybody should listen to it!) had never heard of Shazzan or the winged camel Kaboobie!
And if we didn't watch George of the Jungle then, it's because Jay Ward was too sophisticated for us at that age (although I was watching Bullwinkle reruns then).
"Super 6" was the one that I didn't recognize at all.
I have fond, unspecific memories of "Super President." It looks awful enough , though, that it's probably best I don't look it up.
I lurved me some "Shazzan", back int he day.
I don't remember a lot about "Journey to the Center of the Earth," but I know I watched it; for some reason, Lars (but not his goose).
I was never a fan of "Frankenstein, Jr," or "The Impossibles," and I didn't like "The Galaxy Trio" because of that one guy ripping off Spock. But "Bird Man" and "Space Ghost" and "The Herculoids"? Pure childhood gold.
Biiiiiiird maaan !!!