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On Monstrous Motivations

See! He's not unknowingly pursuing some horrible policy in a callous and unfeeling and brutal fashion because he's a callous and unfeeling and brutal monster. He's knowingly pursuing a horrible policy he admits is horrible because it will give him leverage for political and narcissistic concessions he wants from others.

That's much, much better, right?

President Trump has calculated that he will gain political leverage in congressional negotiations by continuing to enforce a policy he claims to hate — separating immigrant parents from their young children at the southern border, according to White House officials.

On Friday, Trump suggested he would not change the policy unless Democrats agreed to his other immigration demands, which include funding a border wall, tightening the rules for border enforcement and curbing legal entry. He also is intent on pushing members of his party to vote for a compromise measure that would achieve those long-standing priorities.

Trump’s public acknowledgment that he was willing to let the policy continue as he pursued his political goals came as the president once again blamed Democrats for a policy enacted and touted by his own administration. “The Democrats are forcing the breakup of families at the Border with their horrible and cruel legislative agenda,” he tweeted. After listing his demands in any immigration bill, he added, “Go for it! WIN!”

See also: "If you make me shoot my hostages, it's all your fault."


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97 thoughts on “On Monstrous Motivations”

  1. Those policies would necessarily employ civilians to build the wall and government agents to enforce immigration control. Sounds to me like he's creating jobs… that is what lots of people want and it would make him popular within that market segment, just like tax cuts or healthcare would within eithef theirs.

  2. The Trumpty Dumpty puppet follows orders from the Zionists, just like every president that saw JFK MURDERED because he said no to them having the atomic bomb..

    JFK also refused to sign off on OPERATION NORTHWOODS which was a proposed FALSE FLAG ATTACK to murder American citizens by flying planes into buildings and blaming it on Cuba…

    Yes…"Operation Northwoods" was the blueprint for 911…

    JFK also signed an executive order to STOP THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING CARTEL from printing cash and strangling America with debt..

    He then began printing our own cash backed by silver…For those of you who remember, theu were called SILVER CERTIFICATES…

    Yes Trumpty Dumpty is a jackass puppet…However, the key is to remember HE IS A PUPPET controlled by your DUEL CITIZENSHIP GOVERNMENT LEADERS here in the USA and Israel…

    If you don't know they murdered JFK and did 911 to spearhead an invasion of the middle east to murder millions more, YOU HAVE SOME RESEARCH TO DO…

    The MOUNTAIN of evidence and first responder eye witnesses proves beyond any doubt it was a false flag inside job…

    Your 3000 BRUTALLY MURDERED American citizens deserve the TRUTH from your voice…

  3. +Marl King When I commit a crime that puts me in jail, I'm separated from my family. Understandable. The big difference here is these children are also put into cages. This is not their fault and do not deserve this. Bigger problem here, we have no clue how these kids are being treated in these private facilities. My guess is they are being treated horribly. Why do I think so? The simple fact that they won't allow anyone such as our congressman/senators etc. in those privately funded facilities. The public has a right to know.

  4. You want to make America great..? Dump the duel citizenship imperialistic Zionists in the American government and their apartheid state of Israel…

    That would include the federal reserve banking cartel, the CIA Military Complex, Trump and both Zionist owned houses on Capital Hill…

    America is infested with Zionist pedophiles…

  5. Wow until the two years are up for cup of ham he's going to make monsters out of there pretty soon it's kind of his fault with going the poacher out controlling a population sometimes is a bad idea because fight back like that.

  6. +Donna G unfortunately you have to fact check every sentence and even most words in "news" stories to understand the answer to your question. Then you also need to look into who the friends, family, and influences are of not only the reporter, but also their employer as well as the corporate and conglomerate owner of the "news" you are reading. THEN, you have to cross check the people who donate to and fund those corporations and conglomerations.
    Basically, don't believe everything you read, and if you still are inclined to believe it, take it with a grain of salt.

  7. President Trump is absolutely right, and I support him. These illegal immigrants are putting their families' well-being at risk. If they do not want their children separated, they should not attempt to cross our border. Simple as that.

    This issue is such a political football, with neither side willing to concede one inch. I think we need a national referendum where the people of the United States, and not the politicians, decide what they want.

  8. They have No Business Here When they are Illegal I'm Sick Of Them If they stayed where they belonged there Kids Would not be Separated from them. They Just want all free stuff in America, I Can't Stand them.

  9. So I've tried to clean/banhammer up the most egregious of the comments and name-calling (from all directions), except for some of the comments that stand alone in discrediting themselves.

    Play nicely, children.

  10. The UN has officially called the United States a shithole. Once the parents return to the wonderful country's they came from they should be able to easily find employment far above the poverty level and secure the return of their children.

  11. This came up in several comments above, some deleted, some not.

    The idea that "Oh, it's these parents fault because they're illegally crossing the border — that's what's putting their kids into danger" ignores a couple of things.

    1. Nobody casually saunters across the border like they're heading to the shopping mall or a job fair. These families are often fleeing dire and/or dangerous circumstances.

    Indeed, that they are crossing as a family is a sign of the problem; if this was just about finding a job, they would be following past patterns of (illegal) immigration: crossing the border, taking a job that Americans don't want, and sending the money home. You don't brave the desert, the drug gangs, the police shake-downs, etc., with your family, for trivial reasons.

    2. For those crossing the border at designated points and applying for asylum, that is not, per se, an illegal act. That they are being thrown in jail separate from their children, treated as criminals, is unconscionable.

    Oh, and those people won't be "stopped" by "securing the border" — they are crossing at legitimate crossing points, along with all the other travel that goes on between the US and Mexico.

    3. That this tactic (which Trump himself has attacked as awful) is being pursued and expanded into new areas, by the administration's own admission, to

    a. terrorize people (if we scare them off, great!)
    b. serve as political leverage for congressional negotiations

    is, in fact, monstrous.

  12. +rita jennings : In 1900, in order to immigrate to USA legally, all you had to do was have pink skin and round eyes. The modern quota system was not yet in place, there were only restrictions against Japanese and Chinese immigrants.

    So, thanks for illuminating the racist nature of the immigration restrictions.

  13. +David Haskins So, again, we need to draw a distinction between:

    1. Entering the country illicitly and illegally, outside of controlled entry points, for whatever reason.

    2. Entering the country at a controlled entry point and seeking asylum.

    The former is illegal. The latter is not.

    But legal vs illegal also begs the question of what is appropriate punishment and appropriate treatment of such individuals or families, in either case. For example, shooting people who have allegedly entered the country illegally on sight would be deemed wrong by most people.

    But is tearing families apart and putting the children in tent city camps in Texas appropriate, sane, or humane? In either case? Is threatening to do so in order to extort a political advantage in Washington, DC, monstrous? Those are the actual questions in play.

  14. Oh gee, we should give everything to these lawbreakers. They can have their kids running around, TV, excellent Mexican meals, Obama phones. All the best, while the American working class still struggles. Pick your side: Americans or Invaders?

  15. The "seeking asylum" angle is quite interesting, as I have no doubt there are hundreds of millions of people worldwide who live in danger daily.

    Can (or should) the United States of America absorb all the people worldwide who are searching for a better life? At what number must we say we can't manage the influx? And who do we allow in while saying no to others?

    And this says nothing of the cultural impact rampant migration has on a society. Free peoples should have a say in how their culture is maintained. That is why the people of the United States of America (its citizens) should petition their government for a national referendum on this issue. Let the people decide.

  16. +Son Of Dad Can we / should we absorb all people looking for a better life? Do we draw a distinction between "times is rough" people and "we're starving" people and "the cartel down the street is killing everyone" people? Do we let the Okies starve? Do we "just" worry about those who actually make it to our borders? For those that do, do we shrug and say, "Sorry, no room at the inn, we've got a culture to protect"?

    What actually is the number where we cannot manage the influx? Are we anywhere near that number? How many grunt-level jobs do we have going wanting right now — construction projects constrained, agricultural product rotting — because Americans won't take them but immigrants would but right now can't make it here?

    And what culture are we talking about that needs protection from "rampant migration"? What is "American culture"? Is the culture in Santa Fe the same as that in Pierre the same as that in Oshkosh as that the same in Mobile the same as that in Bangkor? What culture deserves to be locked in stone as it stands today? What culture hasn't changed in the last fifty years — or the fifty before that — or the fifty before that? What culture must be protected against newcomers, vs. absorbing what newcomer bring?

    As someone descended of both Irish and Italian immigrants, I'm quite familiar with historical argument to preservation of culture. Those swarthy Mediterranean types, those half-savage Papist Celts, if you start letting them in, who knows what might happen to the country?

    A national referendum isn't entirely a bad idea. Let's go for a popular vote for president, as starters. That would be a national referendum on the executive branch. That seems a reasonable start, rather than micromanaging every issue on a national level.

  17. +Andres Soolo There is a lot to consider, with no easy answers. But I believe the will of the people is important.

    As for Dave Hill's attempt to sway this conversation toward a perceived unjust Trump victory, we must first abolish the electoral college.

  18. +Cosmo Genesis Enforcing our laws is not a crime. Crossing the border illegally is. But I'll play along, how do you know the bank robber isn't just down on his luck and needs money to pay bills, would you still support jail time and removal of his children? Btw to all idiots talking about kids being in cages, those pics were taken during Obama years, nice try though.

  19. +Beerus The Destroyer The distinction being, a bank robber's children would not be sent to a tent farm at a Texas military base, or a mass defunct Walmart warehouse. The children would be housed, by preference, with family members, or with foster parents under city or county child protective services — you know, services actually focused and tasked with the care of children. Only in extremis would the children of a bank robber (or, more properly, an accused and jailed suspect in a bank robbery) be put in an institution, and those institutions would, again, be designed for the care of children, not an unplanned warehouse meant to be unpleasant enough to supposedly deter the alleged criminals.

    But, hey, maybe that's how we should deal with domestic crime, through theats against families. "Commit a crime, and we'll stick your kids in a Texas tent city." That seems completely reasonable, right?

  20. But, again, we are talking about a policy that even Trump has said is wrong. He's try to deflect it into something that the Democrats are responsible for (even though he broke massive new ground in how it was applied), but he claims it's something that is wrong and shouldn't be done …

    … and is continuing to do it in order to exact concessions from the political opposition.

    That, in and of itself, is monstrous.

  21. +Beerus The Destroyer Those articles don't actually say what you think they say.

    Again, a bunch of things are being conflated here, sometimes through error, sometimes through intentional disingenuity:

    1. The Obama Era policy around holding unaccompanied minors found illegally across the border. That's where that infamous "cage" picture came from.

    2. The shoddy practices of the DHS Office of Refugee Resettlement in keeping track of those minors once they've been placed.

    3. The Trump Era new policy that separates accompanied minors from their families, requiring then housing of those minors in mass incarceration facilities — old big box stores, tent cities, etc. We don't have a lot of pictures of that because the Administration hasn't allowed them.

    Each of the above is worthy of discussion and debate, both as to actions and (the original point of the article) motivation. Dismissing one because of the other is being intentionally deceptive.

  22. I get that Trump voters are angry but I don't understand why or why they blame immigrants. Unemployment is at a record low* and the economy is booming* so what harm exactly are immigrants doing?

    *according to official reports

  23. +Dave Hill They say exactly what I said they say. Are you actually trying to tell me CNN ad politico are being deliberately dishonest in favor of Trump? I also noticed you conveintly left out the word "illegal", as in illegal immigrant. They use more tax dollars then they put in. You're basically saying you're ok with them stealing your money, like any other welfare mooch.

  24. +Beerus The Destroyer Since you're deliberately misrepresenting what I (and others) said, I'll assume you aren't interested in an actual discussion, just posturing. Your profile seems to bear that out, so I'll bid you an aloha.

    (For the record, a look at the research on people in the country illegally and whether they pay in taxes more than they take in benefits is far less certain, in either direction, than your blanket handwave. I can say that the idea that people here illegally are doing so to be "welfare mooches," or that "welfare mooches" are a big thing at all, demonstrates your fundamental biases.)

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