"Oh, he's backed off everything, hooray, on to other news!"
Not quite. Because not only was his backing-off full of weasel-words, and reliant largely on the good graces of ICE and CBP, but there remain the over 2000 kids already separated from their families, and that's continuing to be a horrible, destructive mess.
"Oh, but a judge has told them to fix the problem, hooray, on to other news!"
Yeah, except you know it's not going to be that simple, because the agencies involved will appeal that order (and, hell, given how SCOTUS is headed, in the three-odd years it takes to go through the appeals cycles, they'll probably strike it down, deferring to the executive branch to handle "national security" issues as they see fit).
And in the meantime … we get stories like the one below[1], where "unaccompanied" (because they were torn from their parents) toddlers are being brought into court for immigration hearings. Yes, they're being represented, but they can't articulate why they're here, why an asylum request is warranted, or even where the heck their parents are or what their names are. And how can they possibly be turned over to "someone" or deported "somewhere" without connecting with proper, associated adults, which is tough …
… when you don't have paperwork demonstrating who these kids are.
And the parents, on the other hand, even if released from custody — deported, or let go within this country — and even if they somehow manage to track down these kids, are suddenly finding that they can't even prove the kids are theirs [2]. Because even if they had birth certificates and the like with them when they crossed the border, those documents were all confiscated upon arrest, and are not returned when the parents are released. In fact, it appears that they are destroyed, "not retained".
It's difficult to imagine an arrangement designed so poorly that wasn't done so by intent, even if by intentional neglect.
[1] https://www.texastribune.org/2018/06/27/immigrant-toddlers-ordered-appear-court-alone/
[2] https://www.texastribune.org/2018/06/28/undocumented-immigrant-parents-border-children-el-paso-shelter-separated/
Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone | The Texas Tribune
As the White House faces court orders to reunite families separated at the border, immigrant children as young as 3 years old are being ordered into court for their own deportation proceedings, according to attorneys in Texas, California and Washington, D.C.
What kind of moron makes kids go to court alone? Seriously I don't care how long it has been going on. What the fuck kind of an idiot says a 6 year old can defend himself.
It is a crime to let suckers keep their money, their home and their country.
Obviously the parents of these children endangered them, if the parents don't care about their kids, why the FUCK should I?
Democrats are like Moslems, they "like" children for sex..
I'll just leave this here.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/qArkL8A-Iwvwtcl1PCke7-wuxPdw1qMU4lqqpoV63dnNaphpwK4Mb6hiK0_Xy8VkUJ5SpV9nlw
+TRUMP HATERS ARE DOLTS, RUBES & SOCIAL MEDIA MORONS you need a dictionary. Kids aren't invading our nation. What kind of meth are you on?
+TRUMP HATERS ARE DOLTS, RUBES & SOCIAL MEDIA MORONS because this is the greatest nation on earth. Because the more Americans we have the stronger we are. Because to turn away a child is a heartless move, and because sending them back to a dangerous land makes you worse than the people that sent them in the first place.
+Dave Hill nooooooooooo!!!!!! I always have fun with that idiot.
+Colin Phetteplace Yes, kids are invading our country. With the parents help.
Come and visit my sons school. No band, field trips non existent, but ESL classes are full bore.
+Michael Risney oh no, not kids. How dangerous. You should come visit my kids school. There is a band, field trips, and ESL classes are full bore. Sounds like your kids school sucks.
+Colin Phetteplace I agree, most of the over run areas do have major problems in the schools.
No, the kids aren't necessarily dangerous. At least not unti Middle School and above. Not all, but a lot.
I am for controlled legal immigration, we just can not afford the mass of people who dream about living the good life when in reality the majority can not.
$11/hr just is not set up to support a single person not to mention trying to raise a family.
I am here because of my European family legally immigrating. My Hispanic wife is here because her parents immigrated legally and became citizens.
+Michael Risney you just lied about kids coming here. You also said they aren't dangerous until 12 years old. Oh 11 an HR isn't enough? Well then get your lazy ass a better job. Isn't that what your ilk always says?
If becoming a citizen is all you want then all we need to do is make them citizens. Simple solution. They show up, and we make them Americans. But your lie speaks volumes. Why didn't we consider your Hispanic wife to be dangerous? Or you?
+Michael Risney strange that you call the immigrant kids dangerous by Midddle School. Must be why the vast majority of crime and violence comes from kids that were born here. Why don't you fear those kids? What is your dark reason for considering a 5 yr old a threat?
+Colin Phetteplace Sorry missing the part where I lied 😉
Didn't say all the kids are delinquents, but yes many are, and yes, usually starts to really show up in Middle School. To be fair, they do exist in the lower grades.
No becoming a citizen is not the all important issue, but why move here and not become one ? Oh, because the native country is so nice.
Would love to move, wife wants to stay near her family, bad luck for me. For what I paid for my "mid century bungalow" I definitely would be better off in another state.
But, do not understand why I should move to avoid the problem, kind of thinking we should just stop the problem?
No do not need a better job, living below what I need. Working above minimum wage for my wife and I has been good.
Travel and toys now and then.
Just because a kid is not dangerous does not change the legal status.
In the Los Angeles area, I would bet the stats are pretty high as far as crime from Illegal kids, add in the anchor kids from illegals and you get even more (but being legal, we won't count that group)
+Michael Risney
kids are invading our country. With the parents help.
Kids aren't invading the country. By that logic we need to do something about the European invasion.
"Didn't say all the kids are delinquents, but yes many are, and yes, usually starts to really show up in Middle School. To be fair, they do exist in the lower grades"
And I can say the exact same thing about your kids, my kids, and my brothers kids. But wait, you don't seem worried about them. Why is that?
Why move here and not become one? Because it is difficult. Hey why not just make it as simple as give your name. Why not just register them as citizens?
You consider a 5 year old fr Mexico to be dangerous, but a 5 year old that is American isn't? Huh. So what do you do when 2 Mexican guys stand next to each other? Is that proof of the invasion? If one isn't illegal do you have some kind of system to ID him?
Why can't we just make people citizens? Seriously give me one good reason why we can't make the process as easy as giving your name?
+Michael Risney what state do you live in?
+Colin Phetteplace The kids are with the parents, so yes they are a part of the "invasion" – no, they are not "masterminding" the journey, just along for the ride.
I do worry about whatever kid is disrupting school,
A lot of this would not be needed if the laws on the books were enforced, such as employers not checking or caring about legal status.
The numbers are just out of hand, open borders will just flood any country.
We do not have a good handle on our own derilects and poor people.
We will probably never agree on this subject, don't really have to.
This has been going on for years, we need to put this to a vote. The will of the people should rule – in my favor or not.
The continued skirting of laws is not good for anyone.
+Michael Risney people come to this country for a better life isn't an invasion. Why don't you show some sympathy for the European invasion of the 1600s/1700s?
You don't worry about whatever kid is disruptive? Oh so it really is just the brown kids! Got it. White kid shoots up a school and you're ok with that. White kid sells crack and you're ok with that. Mexican family wants a better life in the USA, oooooohhhhhhh nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
Alot of this wouldn't be happening if we simplified the system and people like you didn't label kids as criminals. Why don't you want them to streamline the system?
Oh, so now you care about our trouble makers? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha yeah ok, just not worried enough to label them as criminals, or potential criminals by age 12.
We will never agree because I have an idea of how we could solve the boarder crisis, and you are just affraid of brown people. I want to help those in need, and you want to label them as bad. That is why we don't agree.
Your solution: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! Mexicans need help. NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! THEY ARE CRIMINALS AMD BECOME DANGEROUS BY AGE 12!!!!!!!!! THEY WONT ASSIMILATE, AND LISTEN TO FUNNY MUSIC. MY PROPERTY VALUE WILL FALL, AND WE CAN'T HANDLE OUR OWN DERILECTS. Not that I care. It is just that American kids don't commit the same amount of crime as those Invaders.
My solution: The issue with becoming a citizen is the process. You want to stop secret entry to the country? Won't happen! All you can do is make it easier to become a citizen.
1, lower the standards.
2, eliminate the test.
3, no one should have to do any more than I had to do to become an American. If your parents had to do anything more than show up then there is a problem.
Dude my first known ancestors came here in 1600s. They had to do dick to be here and they left a blood line that had to do less than dick to stay. And if your next statement is that they should go back and fix their own country, this 6th generation American requests that you and your wife do the same.
+Colin Phetteplace All Illegal entries need to stop. Don't care the race.
We need to fix the system, slow and broken.
Criminals are a big part of my point, yes.
We do not need millions more. No not all the Illegal immigrants are criminals and bad people, the reality is that the percentages tell the story.
Lower income/education of all races have higher crime habits.
I would rather see money wasted on Illegal problems be spent on our problems.
More jails, legit job training for our criminals before release, Veteran programs, etc….
+Colin Phetteplace You are going in a crazy direction with old , meaning 400 year old immigration.
Yes it was open way back. Even more recent We also had a lot of open space to fill. Needed people to build a economy for a new country.
You know this.
If we could fill Nevada and other barron states, great. Not real popular area.
Everyone wants to go where others live.
Many very large cities are full.
Would be like having kids. Everyine has a number that fits, start adding 3, 6, 10 kids after that will break the household.
+Colin Phetteplace You are throwing way more in the kids and criminals. Sounds like the news building a story from a kernel.
Plenty of "white" kids are capable of getting in trouble. Every group of kids will have a few.
Poor and uneducated parents raise kids that mimick whatever they are or are not taught. We both know this is not across the board for all immigrants. Good people exist everywhere.
I do want to help those in need, just not everyone in the world who is in need.
We need to fix our country, other nations need to be fixed also. People need to fix the country they are in. Yes it is hard.
Open borders is a recipe for failure.
+Michael Risney and now you begin to back track. Amazing how you started off calling kids as young as 11, dangerous if they are illegal, but once called out for it, you state what I have already stated.
+Colin Phetteplace You started bringing in the " Dangerous" part…. The goal of my statement was to say that around that age is when the acting out starts to manifest.
Spin it as you will.
No back tracking here.
My original reply was and is to state that we need to clamp down on illegals.
That is true, and still is true.
+Colin Phetteplace Before this turns in that direction (usually does), no, I am not a big Trump fan.
He has serious issues to say the least, pretty much a egotistical nutcase.
I do like some issues he is for, against others.
Same for Obama. Seemed like a nice guy, liked some things, didn't like others.
As a human, Obama is far ahead of Trump.
Whatever President is in office is limited in what they can really accomplish.
Congress is the bigger problem. For years, across the board, just dysfunctional.
Personally, if the Democrats really care about the immigration problem, put it to a public vote. Change the laws, 40+ years of pointing fingers on both sides, no action.
Good chance the issue would be in your favor, maybe not. Think the vote would be pretty close overall.
+Michael Risney
Ok, so now we know that you can't read.
"Yes, kids are invading our country. With the parents help.
Come and visit my sons school. No band, field trips non existent, but ESL classes are full bore."
Your words. Now by all means show me where I said the kids are dangerous?
Your original statement, as I have shown, paints kids as an invading force, and then you made a point to say that those kids are dangerous at mid school level. I then pointed out that I could say that about all kids, and then you started to backtrack. All you have to do is read, but alas that is too hard for you to accomplish.
Put it to a vote? Ok fine do it, and while we vote we can watch it get worse and worse and worse. The American people spoke loud and clear about the direction we want our country to go. Thanks to some votes counting more than others we got Trump.
+Colin Phetteplace I think this is your first use of the word: "Michael Risney oh no, not kids. How dangerous. You should come visit my kids school. There is a band, field trips, and ESL classes are full bore. Sounds like your kids school sucks. "
I like them "invading force" part…..
I only said they are invading. The parents are doing the footwork, the kids are along for the ride. No, the kids are not a "force" using the term as a invading military type word.
Yes vote. The laws on the books are pretty clear. Illegal or not.
Congress probably does want to drag this out for another decade or so.
I would rather let the people decide, either way.
Won't go into the Electoral College situation. Once again, is law, has been the law. Just change it if that is the big deal.
But Congress won't.
Good reasons for it and bad reasons for it.
All in all, I do not think the total vote count method is bad.
+Michael Risney great spin on the word force. You said they were invading, you said they wereaking your kids school bad. All I did was point to your words.
+Colin Phetteplace But while doing so you do add things, such as "dangerous" and "force".
Anyway, as we both agree, we won't ever agree on the subject.
I need to finish putting my smoker together – need some good pork soon….
Hopefully these 2 items we can agree on?