Crap. If Europe gets rid of Daylight Saving Time / Summer Time, the US will never do the same, just because the Europeans did it first (cf. the metric system).
EU Commission President supports ending seasonal time changes
Europe is one step closer to stopping time changes.
Would non-Navajo Arizona IMPLEMENT Daylight Saving Time if the Europeans abolish it?
They'll end up doing it on odd years or something (US will then do even). Because, you know. Consistency and logic. Need not apply.
So, post-Brexit, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland will have different time zones for around half of the year?
The article speaks of 'summer time' becoming permanent. Isn't that the 'daylight saving' setting?
In Australia we just call them 'standard' and 'daylight saving' times. From October to April, because the States control the decision, we have 5 time zones.
Yes, European "Summer Time" is the equivalent of US "Daylight Saving Time."
The point to me is less which setting is permanent (since it's all arbitrary anyway) but that a single setting is chosen year-round.
European time zone naming gets confusing because, as a Murican, when I see "CEST" I immediately assume "Central European STANDARD Time" rather than SUMMER time.
Of course, this pales in comparison to my pet peeve of people in this hemisphere consistently talking about times in EST or PST during the summer months. I'm always tempted to ask "so should I adjust that by an hour?"
+John E. Bredehoft Yeah, I tend to be a bit pedantic about correcting people on that one.