Trump on the Mueller Report:
"Witch hunt! Fake! Lies!"
"Totally Exonerated! Absolutely correct!"
"The Attorney General can release it."
"Witch hunt! Fake! Lies!"
"Complete exoneration. Let's move on."
"It's mine! You can't see it!" #MuellerReport #Trump— ***Dave Hill (@Three_Star_Dave) May 8, 2019
Trump on the Mueller Report:
“Witch hunt! Fake! Lies!”
“Totally Exonerated! Absolutely correct!”
“The Attorney General can release it.”
“Witch hunt! Fake! Lies!”
“Complete exoneration. Let’s move on.”
“It’s mine! You can’t see it!” #MuellerReport #Trump
You’d almost think he was either (a) incoherent from mental defect, or (b) trying to clumsily make the case that he’s innocent based on a report that he otherwise condemns and refuses to share with Congress.