My feelings vary on the different Dem nominees. None is perfect; some far less. But Every. Single. One. would be a vast improvement over the shitshow of Trump and his administration. Thrash out the differences in primaries, but don't forget that ultimate comparison. #Election2020
— ***Dave Hill (@Three_Star_Dave) May 12, 2019
My feelings vary on the different Dem nominees. None is perfect; some far less. But Every. Single. One. would be a vast improvement over the shitshow of Trump and his administration. Thrash out the differences in primaries, but don’t forget that ultimate comparison. #Election2020
There are folk running for the Democratic nomination who I like more than others. There are some who I think are too much part of a bygone era, and others whose temperaments I don’t trust, and others whose records have problems, and others who I don’t know are as proven as I would like them to be.
Even the least desirable of them, to my mind, would be a quantum leap over Donald J. Trump and his politics of ego, divisiveness, and destruction.
The next several months are the opportunity to have the debate about who is the best candidate, the one to lead the nation into the 2020s. But whoever gets the nomination, regardless of their (presently identifiable) flaws, will have my full support. Donald Trump is an existential threat to America, if not the planet. To my readers who are not Trump supporters, remember that. We can’t afford third party protest votes and “Meh, politicians” attitudes. That was demonstrated in 2016, and is part of the reason we are in the horrifying situation we are in today.
(Was Hillary my favoritest, most perfect person in the world to be President? Nope. I didn’t like her attitude about a number of things, I didn’t like how it was presumed she would be the candidate, and I have no doubt that with a GOP Senate and House it would have been another four years of destructive gridlock. But would she have been vastly better, feet of clay and all, than who we ended up with? Without question.)
Yes, I know it sounds just like the propagandists want it to sound, but, ultimately, no matter how enthusiastic I am (or aren’t), my 2020 choice is Anyone But Trump. I mean, yeah, it is barely conceivable that some further candidate might run for the Democratic nomination and get it who is actually worse (God save us all), but I can’t think of who it would be, and of the current Cast of Dozens vying for the role, I’ll be more than happy to campaign, donate, and vote for them against the incumbent.
I’m sadden to learn that your future looks dim. I guess your party doesn’t really have a positive outlook on the future. I mean, gee, the world’s going to burn up in 12 years, we’re killing all the animals and species, we’re not green enough, etc…
But, what shit storms are you referring to? The lowest unemployment rate in decades? The robust economy? The lowest BLACK AND HISPANIC unemployment rate in years? The trade balance improving? You finally being hired after 3 years of looking under Obama’s economy? Your 401k or trust fund growth? I’m confused, because we still have our liberties, for now. I guess the shit storm you are referencing is the false narrative you’ve been pinning your hopes and dreams on for the last 2 and a half years. Or, maybe the shit storm of abuse by the FBI and DOJ under Obama that you mocked me on.
I think your angry at God because you aren’t getting everything you want in life. Well, life isn’t fair and once you realize that, it’s a lot easier. Ask me if losing my father at the age of 5 was fair? It would be wise of you and your fellow cry babies to grow up and accept life as it comes. But, that would hurt your feelings and that’s all your arguments and beliefs are about, feelings, NOT the truth or facts, just how you feel. Grow up. Become wise, not smart. I’d take a wise high school educated adult over an highly educated adult any day. The country didn’t want another 4 years of Obama and you had a shit storm of a candidate. Whew, got that off my chest