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Movie Trailers before “Thor: Love and Thunder”

Because trailers can be half the fun of movie-going.

Movie Trailers

Were there any movies advertised before Thor 4 that caught my eye?  Hmmmm. (Links are to the appropriate IMDb entry.)

Movie Trailers

Nope – This Jordan Peele film has looked largely like a horror film in the TV spots I’ve seen, but in a longer trailer, some interesting, off-beat humor shows up. I don’t know if I’m going to see it in the theaters, but it looks … intriguing.

Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul. – As presented in the trailer, this looks like a “televangelist couple trying to recover from a scandal that decimated their congregation agree to have their efforts filmed, hilarity ensues” movie. Some amusing moments, but not nearly enough of them.

White Bird: A Wonder Story – Presented as a sequel, of sort, to the movie Wonder from a few years back. As given in the trailer, it looks like a movie grafted into a framing sequence to provide a dubious tie to the original (though both are from books by the same author), but, in any case, it, like its pseudo-predecessor, appears guaranteed to require a test for diabetes after you’re done viewing.

Beast – Just the terrifying movie the African Tourist Board does not want you to see, with a terrifying lion terrifying a family just visiting the the continent. The trailer is kind of a mess, though, mingling numerous CG jump-scares with random threatening plot elements, all of them out of sequence. Not on my list.

Black Adam – It’s not a comic book character I’ve been a heavy follower of, except to know that he’s been retconned any number of times recently, and this movie, too, seems to be part of that trend. I’m leery of DCEU flicks, and a lot of this is painted in that dark anti-hero tones that have been a reason for that, but there’s a bit of humor there, too, and Dwayne Johnson certainly looks the role. I may see what the buzz is when it releases, and plan on an out-of-theater viewing after its run.

Strange World – I had no idea this Disney film was coming out, and it looks — zany, sort of “Jurassic Park meets Dr. Seuss meets Lost in Space,” but, aside from remarkable visuals, I could glean almost zero about the characters or plot. Keeping an eye on this.

So, nothing advertised that I would classify as a must-see, and it was a very odd, mixed batch, for the movie the audience was there to see. But, then, it was a Tuesday evening, and that might affect the distribution.

One thing of note — a lot of African-American casts out there (Nope, Honk for Jesus, Beast), plus a film starring someone of Samoan descent (Black Adam). That’s kind of refreshing.

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