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Administrivia: Toot Toot!

Putting some new life into the old blog.

I am trying a new experiment, as my normal posting here (for things other than movie reviews) has been a bit, um, lacking.

Since I have been more active posting over on Mastodon, I will start pulling my posts from there over here. As some of the metadata (like post title) stuff is missing, and wanting a chance to clean up some of the formatting bits, I’ll be importing in draft mode, and then manually publishing it.

That creates a bit of a lag but with diligence and discipline (ha!) I’m sure I’ll stay caught up.

My goal here is not necessarily to garner a huge audience (the days of blog-centric Internet are long past), but to re-establish this site as my “extended memory,” my journal, keeping track of stuff I’ve done, thought, written, etc.

If it works out, I’ll eventually post about how I did it, technically.

(And, yes, I could use the blog as the source and use various tools to post to Mastodon — or, heck, ActivityHub to making things here visible over there … and maybe I’ll eventually go that course. But using a Masto client to write things remains a lot easier, which is the key to sustainable blogging, even of a micro sort.)

We shall see.

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