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Congress tells Trump to denounce Nazis, et al

Okay, this is weird. Welcome, but weird.

The House and Senate have unanimously passed a joint resolution urging President Trump to denounce racist and anti-Semitic hate groups, sending a blunt message of dissatisfaction with the president’s initial, equivocal response to the white nationalist violence in Charlottesville, Va., last month.

The resolution passed the Senate without dissent on Monday and was approved without objection by the entire House on Tuesday night. It could be sent to the White House for Mr. Trump’s signature as early as Wednesday.

The condemnation from the President is to be specifically about “White nationalists, White supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups.” Trump is called on to “use all resources available to the President and the President’s Cabinet to address the growing prevalence of those hate groups in the United States,” and Attorney General Sessions is to “investigate thoroughly all acts of violence, intimidation, and domestic terrorism by White supremacists, White nationalists, neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, and associated groups,” as well as “improve the reporting of hate crimes.”

As it’s a joint resolution, it require’s the President’s signature.

Of course, this is all non-binding, so it will be interesting to see what Trump does about it. I could see anything happening — a sullen signing and taking the “urging” under consideration; a sullen veto against the prerogatives of the President; an outwardly enthusiastic signing that gets defused by additional “many sides” comments during the ceremony; evenly a signing that takes on a “Congress and I stand united in” tone, and then things go on as they were — pretty much anything.

But there’s certainly a possibility of it becoming … interesting. And the very fact that the joint resolution was passed unanimously has to be causing some excess stomach acid over at the White House.

UPDATE: White House spokesfolk say that Trump will “absolutely” sign the bill. I look forward to his comments.

Congress Passes Measure Challenging Trump to Denounce Hate Groups – The New York Times
The House and Senate delivered a blunt message to President Trump, unanimously denouncing racist and anti-Semitic hate groups without equivocation.

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32 thoughts on “Congress tells Trump to denounce Nazis, et al”

  1. +David Arbogast BLM is dedicated to civil disobedience – check your facts. Antifa is a term that covers a lot of different people and they are controversial on the Left. But they are there to combat fascists who bring guns and beat peaceful protestors.

  2. +John Wehrle​​​ False. If you have been paying attention since the rise of Antifa, you would have noticed that they were the first to bring makeshift weapons (bikelock anyone?), throw urine at people, spray mace, smoke bombs, fireworks, and also attack people. Antifa initiated this narrative, not the other way around. Sure those on the Right started preparing in accordance to what they knew they could expect from Antifa, especially when Antifa members would pass out leaflets and/or emails organizing counter-protests purposely looking for conflict, especially with their "Punch a Nazi" campaign.

    This is why in some states they are deemed as domestic terrorists – because that is exactly what they are regardless if their cause has any merit or not.

    Also, what fascism? I've lived in this country for 40 years now and not once have I experienced any sort of fascism except that which is exhibited by Antifa, who are fascists in all but name.

  3. +David Arbogast False. You don't know what fascism is? How is that possible? Nazis are fascists. KKK are fascists. Fascists believe in ultra-nationalism based on racial superiority and unchecked police power.

    The history is clear. In the US, in Germany, and in Japan.

    You are mistaken about who the terrorists are.

    [Edited for losing my temper.]

  4. Trump has called out white supremacists. What's this about? All he needs to do now is mark them as terrorists that doesn't have the 1st amendment right to march on American soil. But he can't consider them as terrorists if antifa and blm are allowed to beat and kill people, destroy cities and march preaching hate.

  5. +John Wehrle​​ Correction. No, those fascists were nationalists, Antifa are globalist fascists, this is evident by their choice of tactics which strongly resembles those of Nazi brown shirts. What's that? Don't think or act like we do? Then we will suppress you with violent authoritarianism! This is what Antifa does through and through. Perhaps it is you who is confused who the terrorists actually are. Terrorists employ violence or threats of violence to achieve political goals, and yes, Antifa has done that from the start.

  6. +L. Hamm Shut….the….fuck….up…with…..that…..rhetoric…..always some dick-head making shit up to cover their racist, idiotic views…."BLM kills ppl "……I'd like to see a link to where a person was killed by a BLM member. a REAL link to a REAL article..not some Breitbart shit you ppl love to read…..meanwhile, I can give you hundreds of links of KKK members killing Black ppl by the hundreds….the problem is that ppl like you think you can look down on somebody, until you're shown that you're NOT as great as you think..and you can bleed and die just like POC……so now you ppl are scared and deflecting….

  7. +David Arbogast your double think won't work here. Fascists are fascists regardless of what nonsense you spew. Those who oppose fascists for being fascists are not thereby fascists. If you're going to devolve into this kind of nonsense then I will not engage in a conversation with you.

  8. +John Wehrle If it oppresses like a fascist, sounds like a fascist, looks like a fascist, well then, it must be a fascist. Calling yourself "anti-fascist" is meaningless. I could describe myself as omniscient and omnipotent, that doesnt mean it is true.

    Also, where is this fascism that is claimed by you and those on the Left/Antifa? I have yet to see any sort of evidence that proves the Trump administration is indeed a fascist party. If you make a claim, have the evidence to back it up, otherwise its just conspiracy rambling. Now, if you want to flee because you've got nothing to stand by with your assertions then that is fine, but don't pretend like something is a reality when you have no proof of it being so.

  9. +David Arbogast If only "Antifa" and BLM weren't always talking about racial cleansing and creating a special homeland for just their own people. Oh, wait, they don't.

    If only "Antifa" and BLM didn't have websites talking about how very special and favored of God they are and how they can and will beat up or kill any lesser pseudo-humans and animals of different religions. Oh, wait, they don't.

    If only "Antifa" and BLM didn't have a history of decades or more of killings, assassinations, and genocide. Oh, wait, they don't.

  10. +John Wehrle Great, you didnt have much to say in the first place. Have a good day.

    +Dave Hill False equilavence, but hey, you get an A for effort.

    +hulkdaddy71 You know nothing of me, so you too, should give it a rest. In any case, politically, I am left of center and I do not like extremists regardless of what side they are on, so your assumption only made you look like the ass here. Good on you. 👍

  11. +David Arbogast Your asinine statements, and bigoted attitude has you looking EXACTLY as what you are. You can always tell how a person is by their writings. Learned that in psychology, in school. You're just deflecting because you're exactly what we see you as.

  12. +hulkdaddy71​ blm celebrated when cops were being ambushed. Blm chanting for the death of cops while others act out on it. But you going pretend like all those ambushes had nothing to do with the blm when you know damn well what motivated them. You act like they need a blm card to be blm matter activist. Fuck that, they guilty as fuck for triggering violence. Look at you talking about me bleeding and dieing while taking up for blm, fucking hilarious. I'm well aware of white supremacists being a problem and said they shouldn't be able to march on American soil. I can't stand motherfucker that preach hate and think they're better. You went off on some bullshit with that rant. You acting like I've got a superiority complex, what the fuck you know about me? I'm not scared, we get along great around here, all people. It's the supremacists of all races that should fear us because we will not be divided by weak bitches like you.

  13. +David Arbogast Uh huh, which is why you ONLY named ANTIFA and BLM, yet, NEVER once mentioned the KKK, those extreme right-wing bitches who flocked to Charlottesville from different parts of the country. The mental midgets who were calling for violence and mayhem on their very misguided pages. Riiiight…..Mr " left of center "…..fohwtbs…..your particular writing of only naming a particular couple of groups. clearly shows your true feelings. So stop lying.

  14. +L. Hamm​​​ Yea, they have lots to say but I've yet to see them point out exact instances of fascism from the Trump administration. Instead, they resort to ad hominem rather than provide actual evidence to bolster their arguments. This is very typical of staunch Leftists these days, nothing but emotional drivel.

  15. +L. Hamm Riight…you are aware that BLM was started by 3 black women who started it to protest the killings of unarmed black ppl by police. Just because someone says "BLM", now you want to blame them all. I can dress in all black, and go outside and scream "BLM", does that make me a member? Shut the fuck up. Funny, I haven't seen you or David even mention the "other side". Like I said, " you ppl" { see how that works} are not as invulnerable as you think. Your idea of the " Great White Hope" is just the " Great White Hype" and hot air. You honestly believe if they don't share your tone, they're underneath you. You and David saw exactly what happened, and want to act like ppl are supposed to just accept you ppls violence and hatred and not counter it. Surprise idiots, now there's no more turning the other cheek.

  16. +hulkdaddy71 either your dumb as fuck or very arrogant. What other side are you talking about? You say us people are not invulnerable, what does that even mean? You still insighting violence while taking up for blm? Lmoa…Who's the great white hope you talking about? You're all over the place with your bullshit. What's wrong with you?

  17. +hulkdaddy71 I only mentioned those groups because they were not mentioned in the article. Are you one of those idiots who feel that if I'm not with you then I am against you like many regressive Leftists these days? Just because I dont call out all forms of oppression doesn't mean I support any particular ideology. Your group think is embarrassing.

    Also, why would I have to mention the other sides specifically when I've already denounced extremism from all sides? I've been straight-forward from the get-go, I didnt back down or clarify anything because of any reason you listed. Was I called out? It didn't seem that way to me, really, just attempts to remove the cloud of befuddlement and presupposition that is obviously confounding you.

  18. +hulkdaddy71​​ see there, didn't take you long. Keep going like you going and see where you end up in life. Generalizing people for their color is the mentality of a blind man trying to chose a color. Sorry you don't know no better.

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