Because of course the Las Vegas mass shooting was all a government hoax, and the people whom you’ve seen speaking about it were all “crisis actors” hired by the government to justify [insert paranoid lunatic conspiracy rants here], and therefore definitely should receive death threats.
My only hope for our society is that this is simply the fractional percentage of lunatics who have always existed but who never before have had the social media reach that they can have today, and that this isn’t simply a spreading sign of something worse.
Though it sure the hell isn’t helped by our Chief Executive spending his days ranting about “fake media” all the time.
‘I hope someone truly shoots you’: online conspiracy theorists harass Vegas victims | US news | The Guardian
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar.
You can't tell me that's just a coincidence.
Have people checked to see who these conspiracy theorists are? Are they actually people or bots/mercenary attack accounts?
+su ann lim Some of them are certainly real. They have entire YouTube channels. Check out Alex Jones.
+Kee Hinckley I'm reluctant to accept Alex Jones as a "person," but for purposes of conversation I will do so. 😛
+Lorne Lehrer HA!
If nothing else, don’t they think it’d be much cheaper to hire an actual gunman and outfit him with a dozen rifles than it’d be to hire a thousand crisis actors?
+Jasper Janssen But that, of course, would provide no cause to rebuff the victims.
While it's to be expected on the dark side in the form of toxic chatbots, isn't there hope to get besides online AI psychiatrists who'd deal with the crazies?
Which is why the whole brouhaha about the JFK documents was meaningless. Even if the government had released EVERY document, and had released everything found in J. Edgar Hoover's home after his death, and everything found in the Kennedy, Castro, Bush, and Cruz compounds, the conspiracy theorists would argue, "Well, of course they've hidden the REAL documents."
These nutjobs are really great. On one hand they constantly decry "The Government" as a completely incompetent and almost useless organization. On the other hand "the Government" is the craftiest and secret organizer of the most complex "red herring" events in history. And no one in "The Government" knows anything about it..
+Doug Senko That Venn diagram doesn't completely overlap, but there's enough that it's worth a chuckle or two.