Evidently this is a not-wildly-uncommon error that WordPress gets. Something happens to disturb the userid/password/host database connection, and suddenly (the downside to a fully dynamic system) there is no blog.
That this came up first thing in the morning for me was a bit embarrassing. Fortunately, I was exchanging messages (on a completely different matter) with Stacy, and she was able to poke into it. I tried all the standard stuff, including creating a new database id and password and updating the wp-config.php file … but it had no effect. Stacy did it, though, and it worked perfectly, which is why I’m no longer in tech support.
So back up and ready to rock, huzzah.
Put it in . . . .The Comfy Chair!!!
Are you even really trying? *sigh*
Sorry, your Eminence . . .
Monty Python references FTW!
Thanks for the fix! I’m glad I wasn’t the only one wondering where my database went.
Wow. Not even a full week on WordPress and suddenly I’m a tech support expert. 🙂
Glad you’re out of the biz dave. . .although you’d fit right in with the newb techies in my company! hahaha
Nah. I’d much rather supervise the newb techs. And the senior techs. And their bosses. But thanks for playing.