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Let Them Eat Grade Books!

An Arkansas state legislator is fed up with schools that don't improve their reading scores.

His solution: cut lunch funding from schools that don't perform well.

Guess which party he's in.

Arkansas legislator proposes cutting lunch funding from schools that struggle to improve reading skills
One Arkansas lawmaker wants to get more students reading by putting money on the line—specifically, their lunch money.

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38 thoughts on “Let Them Eat Grade Books!”

  1. Well the school lunch is shit anyways, so is this really a bad thing? I mean it doesn't make sense in the long run, don't get me wrong. But look at the goddamn lunch shown in the image: chicken nuggets, a moist waffle with sugary syrup and fries that mimic the children of any age? Fuck that.

  2. he might be on to something look at that poor excuse for a lunch, all Joking aside. this is the Wrong approach Kids need to eat and no that cant concentrate when Hungry the guy is an asshat

  3. If the ones doing poorly die from malnutrition, the schools' aggregate numbers will improve. Before Republicans were for "trickle down" and ketchup as a vegetable. Now, they're for completely turning off the tap and slow euthanasia by starvation for the poor. Welcome to Drumpf's America.

  4. There's no connection between being a self-proclaimed conservative and cutting funding. Former President Obama did something very similar to it and he was a Democrat.

  5. You can't teach kids that way… By starving them… turns them. You can't expect for them to improve on in something .and do better like that when your taking away their "nutrient" that keep their brains running& function ……"that's just bad form…… Need another approach. There no solution there

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