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Illegal immigrants are terrible! Except when I, er, the FARMERS need them!

Donald thinks E-Verify might be too hard for everyone to use.

Pity the poor construction company country club owner hotel operator farmer who isn’t able to hire undocumented workers. Because, you know, it’s hard.

Speaking on Fox News, here’s what Our President had to say about the E-Verify system, used to help validate SSN and other job applicant information to ensure that the person in question is in the country legally:

I used it when I built the hotel down the road on Pennsylvania Avenue. I use a very strong E-Verify system. And we would go through 28 people — 29, 30 people — before we found one that qualified. So it’s a very tough thing to ask a farmer to go through that. So in a certain way, I speak against myself, but you also have to have a world of some practicality.

Donald Trump campaigned on how hordes of illegals were storming across the border to, depending on the speech, (a) kill and rape and sell drugs, (b) lounge about and get free stuff, or (c) steal all our jobs. And he’s been beating that drum pretty much every day since taking office.

But here he is, admitting that there are American employers who maybe have a need to hire undocumented workers — as it’s been documented that his hotels and golf resorts repeatedly did, prior to starting this year to use E-Verify.

And given how American farmers are suddenly realizing that “Tariff Man” isn’t doing them any great favors (as opposed to the farmers of Russia who are offering the take up the slack with China), it’s maybe no surprise that he’s suddenly showing sympathy toward how the government makes their lives so “very tough.”

And as for all those immigrants that he they might need to hire — well, they’re still all rapists / mooches / enemies of the working man, depending on which speech you’re listening to. Except, perhaps, when they’re being hired by certain construction companies country club owners hotel operators farmers.

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One thought on “Illegal immigrants are terrible! Except when I, er, the FARMERS need them!”

  1. I believe you need to become educated and read more that NPR, NY Times, etc…, maybe go to Real Clear Politics and you can read both sides, like I do.
    1. If you knew anything about the hiring process, you would know that since 2001(you guess the month) it is very hard to find valid SSN. Prior to that, you just need a number. But, after that infamous date, we have to fire 3 people. So, your ignorance and feelings show.
    2. The positive side to farmers, as you state, can’t find workers, that’s true, but, they aren’t farming as many acres as in the past due to this fact. Also, the existing legal work forces has seen their wages increase! Isn’t that what you want for the forgotten little person?
    You base all your “logic” off of your feelings, not facts or truths. You never say this type of behavior from the Republicans during Obama’s 8 years. Were we disappointed? Oh yes, but we showed the office of the presidency the respect it deserves and didn’t act like little spoiled rotten children. Your candidate in 2016 couldn’t connect with the people your party left behind for the LGBTQ, etc…, minorities and victim classes. So, you reap what you sow and you sow %$#%$#%#.
    You’re life would be better if you had wisdom and not wisdom you get from your secular sources. It’s sad how you waste so much time with your anger and time trying to find that “aha” Trump moment.

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