Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- SmartCo’s costly failure pushed owner to shut down Colorado stores early – The Denver Post – Sounds like the whole thing was planned really poorly.
- Microsoft storefronts aren’t yet as sweet a lure to customers as Apple – The Denver Post – Summed up as: “Everything sold here can be bought somewhere else, likely for a lower price,” Smits said. “There is no exclusive product here to pull me in. But at the Apple Store, there’s all kinds of stuff I can’t get anywhere else.”
- Q: Why Has the ACLU Been Silent About TSA Abuses? A: Because You Haven’t Been Listening – Hit & Run : Reason Magazine – Conservative punditry slamming the ACLU for something they didn’t do (or for not doing something which they did)? Inconceivable!
- Amelia Earhart May Have Survived Months as Castaway : Discovery News – Hrm. I almost wish she’d died on impact. The idea of surviving but declining, or being caught by some accident or infection she couldn’t recover from, is not a happy end.
- Study: No one cares about your tweets – Holy Kaw! – Okay, all the play here is over folks actually reading their Twitter feeds. The actually study indicates 1/3 of Twitter users check the site regularly, and 1/3 check it once every couple of weeks. That’s hardly surprising.
- Guest Blogger Starling: Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without being maced « Shapely Prose – While the author’s concerns seem overblown … I’m not really in a position (gender or environmentally) to pass that judgment. And, regardless (a) being right doesn’t actually justify doing something that’s going to scare someone else, no matter how (ir)rational that person seems, and (b) I’m SO glad I’m not in the dating game …
- NASA tables plan to expose monkeys to gamma radiation – What could possibly go wrong?
- The indignation of the persecuted hegemon: An illustration – “It’s a sad thing. The sadness of it is qualified somewhat by the harm it does to others, but it remains sad enough that one wishes there was something one could do to help those trapped inside this self-inflicted misery.”
- Even Greater Moments – Glad to see this is back, and looking forward to attending next time we’re at Disneyland.
- Anti-drug groups protest RTD bus ads for marijuana convention – The Denver Post – So a legal organization, promoting a legal gathering at the Convention Center, related to something that (with stringent limits) is legal … is a Grave Danger to Our Society, according to law enforcement. “You keep using that word ‘law’ — I do not think it means what you think it means.”
- Cheering a victory over their own idea – “In case there are any doubts on this, Republicans are cheering today’s ruling, but it’s not because they have a problem with the mandate. It’s not even because they have a substantive problem with the Affordable Care Act itself. This is about cheap politics.”
- Right Hails Health Care Ruling As Victory For the Constitution – “Amazing, isn’t it, how when a judge rules in a way the Religious Right dislikes, it is unadulterated judicial activism but when a judge rules in their favor, it is a heroic stand for the Constitution?”
- Texas Airport Security Insults India After Wrongfully Demanding To Search UN Envoy’s Turban – How to lose friends and negatively influence people. Of course, I’ve little doubt that there are some who think that insulting “rag-heads” is a good thing …
- On Day Of Tax Cut Vote, Sen. Mark Kirk Wants Constituents To E-Mail Him What He Should Do – Political hack.
- Dear Abby offers poor advice to insulted maker – Heh …
31 view(s)
7. OK, those examples on i09 are of kryptonite and cosmic radiation, which have completely different effects from gamma radiation. Did any of those apes turn green? No! The site is very misleading. I personally look forward to a Hulk monkey, a Leader monkey, and a Harpy monkey. Maybe not so much to an Abomination monkey, though.
9. Now, if we could get a new Journey Through Inner Space and Mission to the Moon/Mars/Gliese 581…