Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Bathroom Remodeling Video is Unintentionally the Funniest Thing Ever – I think anyone who’s done a house rennovation has these same kind of afterthoughts. Most of us, though, only bug our friends about them, rather than shooting an online video.
- Jon Stewart Grills Mike Huckabee On His Praise For David Barton – I watched the on-air portion of this, and it really made me wonder how soon Huckabee will return to the show, since Stewart grilled him fairly well and all Mike could do was deke and dodge and answer different questions than what he was asked. I need to watch he unabridged interview.
- Oregon State Legislature Gets Rickrolled – This actually somewhat restores my faith in the American political process. At least in Oregon.
- Restaurant to retrain staff after mixed-drink mixup – Yahoo! News – Hmmm … sounds kind of like he got served a pisco sour instead …
- Charlie sorry – Ben Smith – – Sweet.
- Which Airports Have the Most Unfair Fares? – – (1) Margie found this article very interesting. (2) Look, another reason to fly into Houston Hobby vs IAH. (3) Amusement that two of the top 5 most overpriced large airports are named after Republicans. (4) Woot, Denver is “competitively-priced.”
- No Halt to Planned Parenthood Fight – – I’m sure that will make Bryan Fischer happier with John Boehner. Or at least Eric Cantor.
- Exclusive: The Bleak Financial Numbers From The MySpace Sale Pitch Book
- How to Turn DCA Into a Parking Lot – There was always something magical about which section you were parked in at Disneyland. That said, I’m happier to see a second park (even DCA) than a vast parking lot.
- The 0.00014 percent solution – Remarkable that the GOP, oh-so-concerned over the budget, spent so much rhetoric on stuff that really doesn’t affect the budget all that much.
- Religious Right Panics Over Marriage Equality – Could it be … SAAAATAN?
- When Alan Met Ayn: “Atlas Shrugged” And Our Tanked Economy – Dolts.
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