Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- A Conundrum Of Fancy Chairs – Heh. “I can tell Game of Thrones is going to be my new Harry Potter or Doctor Who, where it’s the geek franchise that everyone can rally behind with near universal geek adulation, but I end up 5 years late to the party.” Yeah, I suspect that will be me, too.
- Dimensions – DORK TOWER, Monday, April 18, 2011 – HA!
- The Emperor’s New Nakedness – Brainstorm – The Chronicle of Higher Education – I expect to be judged and (if warrented) respected for my actions. I don’t expect anyone to particularly respect my personal religious beliefs beyond the level of courtesy extended to any of my personal opinions. If Christians spent less time demanding respect and more time earning it, they’d catch a lot less criticism (and would, I think, be better Christians, and evangelists, for it).
- World History, explained – Nice.
- Foster children would be allowed to get clothing only from second hand stores | Michigan Messenger – And, you know, there’s PLENTY of perfectly good food that gets thrown out in the dumpsters behind restaurants and grocery stores …
- Okay, This Is a Lil’ Thor I Approve Of – Win!
- How Green Lantern Got Its Groove Back – Part of me’s all geeky-joy about this, part of me is just not feeling it yet.
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