Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….
- Fritinancy: What’s the Plural of Prius? – And now you know.
- The 14 Most Unintentionally Terrifying Statues in the World | – And, yes, the Demon Horse of Denver International Airport is, in fact, on the list. Bravo!
- SETI Institute to shut down alien-seeking radio dishes – San Jose Mercury News – Well, poop. I mean, yeah, there’s plenty of other things to spend money on. But there’s a value here, too — and in a nation with vision, with a sense of more than just “I got mine, you go pound sand,” this wouldn’t be an issue.
- Franklin Graham Defends Himself from Birtherism Charges by Engaging in… Birtherism | Religion Dispatches – Yeesh.
- The word most politicians ignore: Jobs – The Washington Post – Let’s see — millions of Americans concerned about jobs (none, few, underpaid). A few hundred, maybe a few thousand multi-millionaires concerned about paying “too much” in taxes. I wonder which the pols in DC (GOP almost entirely, Dems far too many) will listen to?
- Opponents of gay marriage getting desperate – “The notion that Walker’s ruling should be vacated is build on the flimsy assumption that gays and lesbians are different from heterosexuals in a manner that justifies denying them their fundamental rights. It’s also built on an unstated but core conservative view of the courts — that judicial ‘impartiality’ is best defined as viewing the law through the cultural prism of a heterosexual, conservative white Christian judge.”
- Missouri Levee Failure Highlights Need For Increased Infrastructure Investments – But … but … but … that would cost MONEY!
- AFA: Obama Hates Easter – Plus, he kicks puppies and is an icky Democrat! Oh, and probably a Muslim!
- Return of the “Death Panels”: The Latest GOP Invective Against Health Care Reform – I’ve yet to figure out how the GOP, with a straight face, can consider governmental rationing of health care as any more horrific than private insurance rationing of health care. And that’s not even what we’re talking about here.
- The Right’s Freedom of Speech vs The Left’s Campaign of Intimidation – “Amazing, isn’t it, how when gay rights groups dare to speak up, the FRC sees it as a campaign of intimidation … but when Religious Right groups do it, FRC hails them for simply exercising their rights.”
- RTD votes 13-1 against any tax election this year – The Denver Post – Not surprising. Taxes are already going to be enough of a campaign issue. Delays will only boost the overall costs, but I don’t think it will be the top priority for the voters this year.
- DIA drops plan for Calatrava bridge – The Denver Post – Given RTD’s very tight budget, this isn’t at all surprising. I think there’s a lot that can be done as a “signature” gateway without spending a gazillion dollars. Yes, it would be nice, but not at the cost of, oh, a train station or two.
- Only 43% Believe Trump Born In U.S. – I think this demonstrates either how zany surveys are, or how zany the American public is.
- Straight Member Of LA’s Gay Men’s Chorus Comes Out Of Closet: Alan
- Murderer Caught Because He Had the Murder Scene Tattooed on His Chest – You have the right to remain silent. However, you don’t have the right to keep your shirt on. Fool.
- Office Français – As far as I can tell, given our offices in France, this is accurate. But it’s difficult to say because it seems 90% of the time they are off on holiday.
- The Complete Guide to Not Giving a Fuck – There are things here that I really ought to take to heart.
- The shocking truth about the birthplace of Obama’s policies – Ezra Klein – The Washington Post – “President Obama, if you look closely at his positions, is a moderate Republican from the early 1990s. And the Republican Party he’s facing has abandoned many of its best ideas in its effort to oppose him.” Which is a reason, yes, to be lukewarm about Obama — but also to be dead-set against his oppose-at-all-reactionary-costs opponents.
- US survey reveals that evangelicals are most likely to despise Jesus’ teachings – “Of course, conservative Americans have every right to support corporate greed, militarism, gun possession, and the death penalty, and to oppose welfare, food stamps, health care for those in need, etc. — it is just strange and contradictory when they claim these positions as somehow ‘Christian’. They aren’t.”
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