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Unblogged Bits (Sun. 19-Jun-11 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. DC Women Kicking Ass – Five kick ass dads of DC women who kick ass – As a father who introduced his daughter to comic books and attendant media, this is a nice list.
  2. The Black Rose – I love Jeff Jones’ art. Have some up at home and at the office. (Not this piece, alas.)
  3. Bruce Bartlett: Can We Afford the Military Budget? – – “This is going to require serious rethinking of what we perceive to be our strategic threats and whether the United States can continue to afford to be the world’s peacekeeper.” Especially given the idea that the US is “broke” with debt.. Unfortunately, the folks in charge of “fixing” the budget problems are the last ones to substantially cut the defense budget. Who needs food programs for impoverished children when we can blow things up real good?
  4. MBTA Bans Ad on Scott Brown’s Vote to Gut Clean Air Act – “Why should they censor a factually accurate ad?” Because it’s troubling to too many politically and financially powerful interests that might have influence on the MBTA’s budget and appointments.
  5. Green Lantern’s modern age stories – I’ve been an occasional GL reader over the years — and this mish-mosh ebb and flow of plotlines over the lasdt couple of decades is the main reason. And, honestly, the whole Geoff Johns revamp over the last five-plus years hasn’t helped a lot.
  6. First Laptops – Ah, the “luggable” computer. So impressive in the day …
  7. Forgiving and Forgetting is a Very Christian Thing to do, Unless… – “Just because Christians aren’t supposed to slap people doesn’t mean that Christians are supposed to sit by and allow others to be mistreated. We, as human beings, have a duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves.”
  8. Air Conditioning the Military Costs More Than NASA’s Entire Budget [Military] – Not saying we shouldn’t be providing our troops a/c, just saying we should keep amounts in perspective.
  9. Constitutional Myth #4: The Constitution Doesn’t Separate Church and State – Well-said. This pernicious myth, through regular repetition, is becoming “truth” in too many minds.
  10. Counting Calories by the Dollar – – Now let’s map that vs. agricultural and manufacturing subsidies from the government, and see our taxpayer dollars at work. Cheap soda and beef for everyone!
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