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Unblogged Bits (Mon. 20-Jun-11 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Is Your Hot Brain Keeping You Awake? Cool It Off To Help Sleep: MB Quirk
  2. As Crops Are Killed, House Forbids USDA From Preparing For Climate Disasters – Willful ignorance, at the very least. Dolts.
  3. Death penalty: Exhaustive study finds death penalty costs California $184 million a year – – That’s actually a better number to use than the $308MM / execution bandied about. Regardless, in an era of “austerity,” can we afford either? (And, no, the answer is not to short-circuit the appeals process — then you get mostly-Southern-style debacles of demonstrably innocent individuals being executed).
  4. Five GOP Presidential Candidates Shun Tenthers To Score Points With Abortion Opponents – “In other words, it’s clear the GOP doesn’t really believe much of anything about the Constitution — except that it lets them do whatever they want and forbids progressives from doing anything they want to do.”
  5. The Greenhouse Effect is Real and It’s “irrefutable” that rapid increases in CO2 will cause “rapid future warming” – Yes, yes, but … it’s inconvenient and expensive to do anything about it, so we’ll just continue to go along as though it were a myth. Teach the convenient, crumbling controversy!
  6. A beautiful mind
  7. A Test For House Republicans: Stuart Shapiro
  8. When a dog runs wild in court | The Jerusalem Life – This is the story that went viral via the BBC (and appears to have been incorrect).
  9. Shining a light on voter suppression: Steve Benen
  10. U.S. nuclear regulators weaken safety rules – Nuclear Power – – Lovely. I understand a core (heh) part of the problem — plants online far, far longer than anyone had thought. But ever-so-convenient risk reassessments that always seem to favor letting plant operations continue don’t pass the sniff test.
  11. McCain blames illegal immigrants for wildfires – War Room – – Stay classy, John!
  12. Is It Bigotry To Not Vote for a Mormon? – In many arguable ways, religious prejudice makes more sense in elections than, say, racial prejudice, insofar as (a) religion can be a proxy for morality or, at least, values behinds actions and decisions, and (b) having a predictor of someone’s actions and decisions is useful in deciding whether to vote for them. The problem is, it’s a very crude predictor (pro and con), and one really does need to drill down into how one’s purported religion actually informs one’s daily life (especially the aspects that would be of interest to voters).
  13. Not My President – Depressing. Though I suspect the numbers would change were a known or knowable candidate with one of those attributes were to run.
  14. Why You Should Repeat One Digit in Your Phone’s 4-Digit Lockscreen PIN – Lifehacker – An interesting thought. Plus, bonus, a link to the ten most common 4-digit PINs.
  15. Dormice, sea urchins and fresh figs: the Roman diet revealed – Telegraph
  16. Even this doggerel that pours from my pen – “Most of them, however, are probably indulging in yet another cynical de-legitimation ploy, giving their constituents just one more reason to believe that Obama is somehow not exactly a real president, doing real presidential things.”
  17. A Hamiltonian Solution For Europe – It seems highly unlikely — desirable or not — that the sovereign states of the EU would be willing to give up that sovereignty, to the extent that the American states were willing to give up theirs (and we still ended up with civil war and resurgent debates about federalism to this day).
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