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Unblogged Bits (Tue. 6-Sep-11 1130)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Union donations to federal candidates down 40%: John Aravosis (DC)
  2. Responsible Cable News Outlets To Devote Sensible Amount Of Airtime To 10th Anniversary Of 9/11 | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source – There are, of course, those times when one wishes Reality imitated The Onion …
  3. It is time you resigned as chairman of the universe – I can understand (though disagree with in most cases) the idea of using this idea as a comfort and reassurance. Using it as a club to enforce humility? He’s just being a dick.
  4. AP says Obama caved to GOP on smog rules – “How much would you like to wager that the administration gets zero election credit for killing these rules? What they will get, and what they’re already getting (as shown in the AP story below, is a growing perception that President Obama is a weak leader.”
  5. White House calls environmentalists “ridiculous,” “silly,” and not “serious” – equates them to GOPers – “It’s not disloyal speaking up. It’s disloyal watching an electoral train wreck coming your way, and doing nothing about it.”
  6. The President’s critics know a lot more about politics than do his defenders – “For whatever underlying reason, Barack Obama is conflict-averse.   And no rewriting of history will change that fact – it simply guarantees more of the same in the future.”
  7. Eliyahu Stern: Don’t Fear Shariah Law – Suspicion about Sharia has always reminded me of America’s anti-Catholic past (they owe their first allegiance to the Pope, not America! they have bands of clever Jesuits undermining our institutions!), and resembles as well the still-simmering anti-Mormon fears (they have mysterious, hidden ceremonies we don’t understand! they believe weird things!).
  8. Back to (the wrong) school – All those folks rooting for us to win back all those lost manufacturing jobs are doing us no favor — unless you want to live in a country where folks are earning wages comparable to those in Malaysia and India, with work conditions and environmental protections the same. The bosses at the top don’t care (or don’t think they do — sweatshop workers aren’t very robust consumers of products), but everyone else should, for themselves and their children.
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