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***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 11 (25 Sep 2011)

Another block of weekly comic reviews, for your listening pleasure.  This week, we take on more of Marvel’s “Fear Itself,” “Schism,” but, more importantly, a big week in the DC “New 52” extravaganza.

Covers are shown below (and you can hover over them and see my ratings out-of-five-stars).

Best cover of the week -- perhaps because it's been flashed around so much that it's become iconic, but it really captures the warrior aspect of this new WW run.
The (original?) WW #1 art, when she was going to (still) have pants.
Young Justice #8, the best kid/youth-friendly comic of the week
Best comic book I read this week. Not a shabby cover, either.
The best trade paperback I read this week

For those who are wondering what all the kerfuffle is about on Catwoman and Red Hood and the Outsiders, you can look here for a great article all about it by Laura Hudson. It includes a variety of illustrations from the actual comics in question, which may or may not be safe for work.

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5 thoughts on “***Dave Does the Comics – Issue 11 (25 Sep 2011)”

  1. As a follow up, Winick says that Catwoman #1 is feature not a bug.

    “This is a Catwoman for 2011, and my approach to her character and actions reflect someone who lives in our times. And wears a cat suit. And steals,” Winick told Newsarama. “It’s a tale that is part crime story, part mystery and part romance.

    “In that, you will find action, suspense and passion. Each of those qualities, at times, play to their extremes.”

    As Mary said when I was fussing about this Wednesday: The target audience is 15 year old boys, not you.”

    If that is the case, best thing to do is not buy any of the DCNU books from here on out, or at the very minumum, stop buying the offending ones. I am sure you can guess which route I am going.

  2. That Shortpacked comic is awesome.

    It’s interesting that Winick doesn’t directly address the the two most common critiques directly (the anatomical focus of the first few pages of the book, and the tawdry sex scene at the end), but talk about the general tone. Which is what he’s been saying before.

    I will give both Catwoman and RHATO one more issue each. Probably Suicide Squad, too. There are plenty of other decent DCnU comics out there to read, and some that are pretty damned good (Wonder Woman, for one). We’ll see.

  3. Apropos of no relation to your weekly podcast, have you read the “Possessions” books by Ray Fawkes (Oni Press)? These have gotten a lot of good press in the kids comics field, and I just picked them up and have been enjoying the heck of reading them aloud. (My kids are really into comics right now, so I’ve been looking for a lot of kid-friendly TPBs.)

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