- Yesterday I got to 7,453 of 8,335 (target). Today's target is 10,000. Write! Write like the wind … writing stuff … somehow! #nanowrimo #
- And that's 10,274, and I'm back to my word count target. #NaNoWriMo #
- I don't know if I can endure another year of this. RT @thinkprogress: Presidential elections exactly one year from today: Nov 6, 2012 #
- Getting ready for a podcast with @lesjenkins and @georgewiman … Wonder how much trouble we'll get into? Better brush up on my box scores. #
- Hmmm. Had a nice Skype chat with @georgewiman but apparently @lesjenkins has been eaten by a grue. Alas … #
- Huzzah, Les showed up. Podcast under way! #
- Podcast w/ @lesjenkins and @georgewiman in the can, better late than never. Lot of fun, and still want to get together in person some time. #
- So, @NaNoWriMo … when are the word count widgets coming? We need our widgets! #
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