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Why U.S. Bank sucks, and Margie is marvelous

My wife is a wonderful person. She is highly responsible. She is professional. She displays in her work a powerful commitment to customer service. She goes the extra mile….

My wonderful wife, Margie.
My wife is a wonderful person.

She is highly responsible. She is professional. She displays in her work a powerful commitment to customer service. She goes the extra mile. She is honest. She honors her commitments. She is interested in how people feel around her, both in her work life and in her home life. She is compassionate. She is competent. She is reasonable and rational and logical.

And though it may seem to belie that last sentence, she also expects others, especially in a professional, business relationship to be the same.

Which is a big reason why this whole U.S. Bank thing (see here and here) has so seriously upset her. And angered her.

We're US Bank and we're proud to be a sucky faceless monolith!Because the faceless drones at U.S. Bank have been utterly lacking in taking any responsibility. They have behaved unprofessionally. They have shown no commitment to customer service. They’ve not only not gone the extra mile, they’ve wandered off when her back’s been turned. They’ve been dishonest. They’ve not honored her commitments. They’ve shown little interest in how their customers feel. They’ve had only lip service to compassion. They’ve been incompetent. They (and their systems) have been unreasonable and irrational and illogical.

US Bank's proud five-stars-out-of-twenty service!In other words, every aspect of Margie’s dealings with them over the past month and a half, in trying to figure out and resolve this stupid little $250 amount still showing up on an old, supposedly-paid-off-by-them second mortgage, has flown in the face of everything that Margie is, holds dear, and expects from others.

Rat bastards.

U.S. Bank’s motto is “Five Star Service Guaranteed.” Which sounds impressive until you realize that that’s on a scale of 1-20 stars.

At U.S. Bank, our Five Star Service Guarantee means that every teller, every loan officer, every manager and every employee is committed to responsive, respectful, prompt and helpful service. The Five Star Service Guarantee means putting your needs first and foremost. It means focusing on what you need to maximize your business or personal financial management. It’s our promise – to change forever what you expect from a financial institution. And it’s a promise WE GUARANTEE!

They lie.

Each of us at U.S. Bancorp takes responsibility for providing outstanding service to our customers, understanding our individual jobs, and performing our jobs at the highest level. In the end, it’s our individual personal commitment that helps deliver real results to our customers, company, shareholders and community.

They lie.

Margie has talked, repeatedly, to folks in Customer Service. In Loan Dispute. At the local branch. Each time she has been unable to get anyone to resolve the problem. Each time the problem will be looked into first thing in the morning, or referred to the Research Department. Each time she has gotten a firm commitment to be called back — tomorrow, within 48 hours, within 3-5 business days.

Nobody has called her back. Nobody.

Nobody has helped her. Nobody.

Of course, it doesn’t help that U.S. Bank’s corporate functions are spread across the US like dandelion seeds. “I can transfer you there, but they’ve all gone home by now.” “You’ll have to call them back, it’s too early there for any of the managers to be in.” “I don’t know anyone in that department. They’re in Wisconsin and we’re in Florida.”

Why, yes, I'd be glad to not call you back in the morning, no problem.She’s gotten apologies — from Level 1 phone folks who prefix everything with, “Well, I’m afraid I can’t help you with this, but …” She’s had supervisors refuse to get on the phone with her. She’s been transferred to the “department you need to talk to,” only to discover, after half an hour on hold, that it wasn’t. She’s had people tell her that it has to be handled at the branch, only to be told at the branch that it has to be handled by the folks in corporate.

She’s been jerked around to the point of tearful frustration and fury such that she doesn’t trust her voice on the phone. And for those of you who have met Margie, who know what a warm and calm and cheerful person she is, you cannot imagine what it takes to get her to that point.

Or how it makes me feel.

Hey, weren't we going to call that woman who was having that problem?  Oh, never mind.The one mercy in this debacle is that it will not interfere with our closing our new loan. The title company, at least, was able to get through the layers of customer disservice and arrange for a payment of the $200-odd (the number keeps changing).

But that’s no longer the point. Hell, if it were just that much, I told Margie, it’s not worth another minute of this.

Except that it is. Because now it’s the principle of the thing. It’s a matter of getting those rat bastards to back down, to admit their mistake, to fix it, and to apologize. For real.

In the meantime, let me take the opportunity to let the customer service maxim prevail that says that someone who get crappy service will let seven, or thirteen, or twenty people know about it. I get about 300-odd hits per day. That’s at least 250 people who will read this. Plus those who have read the other posts I’ve done on this problem. Plus those who come here in the future and see (I’m about this far from doing this) the permanent “U.S. Bank sucks” category. Plus the people who will see this page, and the others, via Google searches long into the future..

That’s hundreds, perhaps thousands of people who will hear what a crappy job U.S. Bank has done in settling this piss-ant dispute. Thousands who will hear how, once your problem gets sucked into the bowels of U.S. Bank, you’d best be prepared to spend hours on the phone, and months of time waiting for the problem to be resolved. If it ever is. If you don’t give up, first.

I would have given up. I freely admit it. I’d have sacrificed the money and run, a long time ago.

Margie is wonderful.
Margie won’t do that. Because she’s all those things I listed in the second paragraph, and she expects that others will be, too. And it’s right that she does, and that she hold them to it.

God, I love her.

So tell your friends. Tell your family. Avoid U.S. Bank. There are plenty of alternatives. They might suck, too, but at least you have one firm datapoint here that U.S. Bank sucks big time.

Or, as Margie just told me (going back to the Mary Poppins lesson about banking), “If you can’t trust a bank to return your phone call, how can you trust them with your money?”

It’s all about trust. That’s what banking and finance and accounting is founded on. That’s why the Andersen scandal has been so big.

U.S. Bank has blown our trust in them. They’ve frittered it away over a silly $250 charge. They’ve frittered it away by nobody taking responsibility, nobody acting in a professional, helpful, compassionate, or responsive manner. They’ve frittered it away by not returning phone calls when they said they would. They’ve frittered it away one bad service experience after another.

They don’t have our trust any more. Should they have yours?

[For more in this thread, visit here.]

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253 thoughts on “Why U.S. Bank sucks, and Margie is marvelous”

  1. Gosh, Dave I get pissed off just reading this and I admire Margie for fighting the good fight. I would have sacrificed the money long ago too, and I don’t even have $250 to just give to a crappy back to make the problem go away! Good for you guys!!

  2. And some people wonder why I shop at Nordstrom. I have had them fix vbroken zippers, a fairly major gash in a pari of pants, mail me a replacement pair of nylons, and generally “jump to” when the situation calls for it. Customer service matters a lot to me and I do business where I am served. Needless to say I won’t go near US Bank for anything (and I’ll try to avoid their ATMs as well).

  3. Margie,

    you have the face of an angel, the sould of a saint, and the heart of a lion!! Keep up the good fight. I will not knowingly do business with BOA anymore. It’s not just BOA though, I think the majority of larger companies has suffered a serious decline in cutomer service. Customer service used to be a way of mind, now it’s a department.

  4. I agree, US Bank sucks a big fat one. They do not consider taking care of their customers, only fattening their wallets. They ripped me for over $400 dollars!!!!!!!1

  5. Here’s a news flash… your wife is ugly and US Bank rules. !! The only bank that has a heart, maybe you guys are missing that. Why don’t you spend your time and money making your wife look better instead of bashing the best bank in America. HERES A SWEET LITTLE UPDATE FOR YOUR DAMN WEBSITE…YOU SUCK!!!!!

  6. Have you ever noticed that it is only those who don’t take responsibility for themselves that blame things on others? How do we know to take what your saying at face value. You know how many times people blame others for their mistakes, and then when they can’t be assisted they blame it on others as well. It is only when you can’t be assisted that you complain of “poor customer service”. Has anyone ever stated ya they couldn’t help me with the problem I created but man their customer service was excellent. No, because that doesn’t happen. They just go and try to blame others for their lack of responsibility. I am not saying who was right and who was wrong here but if anyone works in any form of customer service they know exactly what I am talking about. People will take anything out on you that they can even if it is their error.

  7. Wow. I went to the world wide web to find people with whom to commizerate over my debacle with US Bank, and I found someone right in my own Colorado backyard! Hi Dave!

    Yep…US Bank Sucks! I have spent the last 8 hours of my weekend pouring throughaccount histories and copies of cancelled checks. US Bank asked me to have these checks sent to them (this was how I got them to delay a repossession of a vehicle). When they got them, however, instead of actually looking at them, they sent them to me, along with copies of the account histories for which they charged me $25 each. My instructions were “Once you find the problem, feel free to call us.” The problem is that I have two car leases with the rat bastards. They routinely apply both payments to one lease, and report the other lease as delinquint. No one can actually help, other than moving a pyament here and there to the right account. Buyt the problem persists. As it turns out, after my weekend of doing US Bank’s work for them, I am actually a payment ahead! Nonetheless, they have ruined my credit score (which until my relationship with US Bank was perfect).

    Has anyone dealt with Julia Beckett at US Bank? She is the Queen Bitch of Collections. She appraches customers with the assumption that they are dead-beat scum-bags. She applies not a shred of professionalism to her job. She is rude, offensive, unhelpful, and she’s hung up on me on more than one occassion because “she doesn’t have time to deal with my problem.” “Well, sir, I’m SURE you ARE late on your payaments, or your account wouldn’t be in collections.” Well, maam, I’m sure there IS a Santa Claus, or else they wouldn’t make red suits and black patent belts for people to dress up in.

    I’m not a vengeful person. But I HATE to be treated like a problem, when a little customer service would solve a problem. Customer service just doesn’t happen with US Bank. It has become my mission to enlighten as many people as possible about how US Bank operates and treats people. I am copying the letter I am preparing to US Bank with my documentation of their malfeasance to as many people as I can think of to include. The Dept of Justice and the Colo Atty General are a few, as well as as many officers of US Bank as I can find addresses for.

    Thanks for your site. Makes me feel not so alone in my war against “The Man.”

  8. Hey, CODY, do you work in US Bank customer service? I mean, it really wouldn’t surprise me.

    Sam, as someone who has done phone and tech support, there are certainly times when people calling with problems are, in fact, responsible for their own difficulties, and they won’t take that for an answer. On the other hand, I’m equally sensitive to the basic responsibilities of customer service — keeping commitments, returning calls, doing what you can to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Those were all professional qualities that were lacking in the folks that Margie called.

    It’s not only those who refuse to take responsibility for their own failings who blame others. And assuming that to be the case is just the sort of responsibility-evasion that, for example, bad customer service folks use …

    Mike, good luck in resolving your problems!

  9. I am so angry and frustrated with US bank over the crap I have gone through. I transfered my account to another bank and can’t seem
    to break free from that place.
    I pay charges and fees and have asked several times for a total
    only to have another finace charge show up in the mail.
    It’s not just this bank, it’s the attitude of American business. They
    look at the population like a farmer looks at a field of wheat and
    they sit back and try to figure out the best way to harvest it.
    Customer service ? just a couple buzz words, don’t meen anything anymore….Keep up the fight..Allen

    P.S. the remark posted on your site by “Cody”. He sounds like one
    of the US Bank employees I have had to deal with, I can best discribe
    them as “rude”, with a smile.

    1. I can’t even begin to vent my frustrations with US AKA POS or it would go off like Mt St Hellens , truth is they are founded on toxic assets and a customer service commitment from the likes of Bernie madeoff and facilitated by the trump administration. My story is hardly worth telling and I’m sure it must be my shortcoming but if any thing it’s a theophylline . So we sold said property, net proceeds from escrow were hand deposited by courtier to & from US bank . You see all parties are in the same bed or bank however you want to look at it escrow is same bank and branch as US or WE have , but here is the problem money won’t be availible for up to 7 days ? I say ok . On the seventh day god may rest and watch me request a cash amount of six figures be availible for armor couturier service to facilitate transferr to undisclosed account . Why this is something that feels so liberating but by all accounts is way more work but still worth the time and expense . Remember walk soft and carry a BF STICK . Thank Dave for the therapy session

  10. Yes, U.S. Bank SUCKS!

    Their ATM’s failed to process a transaction, resulting in multiple bounced checks. U.S. Bank withdrew hundreds of dollars of penalty fees from our accounts, even though the problem was their mistake.

    After trying to resolve the problem with them and getting nowhere, I filed a lawsuit – won hands down, and they had to reimburse the fees.

    But in the meantime, I withheld payment, in the amount they owed me, on my U.S. Bank CreditLine account. After the court hearing, U.S. Bank agreed that they would not place derogatory information on my credit report, and would receive full payoff for the CreditLine account when they satisfied the court judgement. But they lied.

    Turns out they started posting derogatory information the day after the court papers were filed on them, and then they posted my CreditLine account as in default and “written off as bad debt” even before they had paid me the judgement.

    It took two years of fighting with them, a lot of legal fees, and a federal lawsuit, before I got them to correct the damage they had done to my credit record.

    My advice, based on personal experience: Avoid doing business with U.S. Bank at all costs. The Five Star Guarantee is a sham. What you may actually get is a Five Star Screwing.

    Please see our Website, for more information about U.S. Bank (scandals, fraud, lawsuits, regulatory actions, etc), what they did to me, and what they have done to many others.

  11. Great Web site. I’m coming here via a link at usbank-5starscrewed. Sorry to hear y’all got a dose of “Five Star Screw”.

    Now you know why they call this rathole bank, U-Suck Bank !

    A couple of suggestions:

    1. You should endeavor to create a network, all linked together, of anti-US Bank Web sites. That will get you all higher search engine placement , and provide a number of differnet portals for people to find the truth about U-Suck Bank.

    2. I see you are displaying US Bank logos – they are trademarked you know. Sooner or later you will be hearing from USBancorp’s corporate-whore lawyers about it. I would suggest that you post a disclaimer, indicating that you are using the trademarks in a non-commercial, fair use manner for identification purposes only. That should keep you out of trouble.

    Thanks for creating and maintaining the site !

  12. I’m not really interested in creating a network of “anti-US Bank” web sites (the site you came here via seems already along that line). My intent was primarily to share our own experience with US Bank. I don’t mind if folks come here to share it, and certainly if they want to leave a comment on this or other associated posts about their own experiences, I don’t mind if they use the location to vent.

    But I’ll admit a certain gratification to being the No. 1 “U.S. Bank sucks” site on Google.

    Certainly my intent in using any US Bank tradmark is for a non-commericial, fair use fashion, in association with my discussion of my experiences with US Bank, and for identification purposes only. I’m not doing it to make money, or confuse or mislead anyone into thinking I’m affiliated with US Bank.

  13. I am a USBank customer, and I am sorry to hear you have had so many problems getting your issues resolved. I have not had that experience myself, but it is disheartening to read that so many have.

    I too work in customer service and truly believe that you have to live by the “golden rule” treat others as you would like to be treated.

    You should also know that I am employed by USBank, and although I do not directly work with customers daily through phone contact or in a branch, I do get to listen to others in your situation who feel that their needs have not been met through our direct customer service lines.

    I can not make excuses for a representatives behavior, but I truly believe that we (USBank) are making great strides after large conversions to get everyone on the same page of listening to your voice, the customers voice.

    I wish I could have an opportunity to change your mind about my bank, but I do believe that your site does serve a valuable outlet-it has absolutely educated me on some huge gaps that need to be filled so others do not fall into the same situations.

    Thank you for taking the time to write this, I am sorry however that it had to be written at all.

  14. Connie, thanks so much for writing. I appreciate it, both as a former (and still disgruntled) customer, and as someone who has done customer service work in the past.

    Just as it’s helpful to you to “see” some of the human faces behind these complaints, it’s probably helpful for all of us to realize that generalizations (whether it’s “customers suck” or “U.S. Bank sucks”) don’t necessarily apply to all the individuals involved in either category.

    Thanks again.

  15. At first I thought this was a Fifth Third Bank site. Same problems as US Bank. People just don`t give a damn. I would think the turnover rate is quite high due to the inexperienced people I run into.

    Speaking of ATMs, our local ATM spit out 80.00 too much several weeks ago, notified the local manager 3 times to contact me if the ATM was off. Time marches on and still no word from the branch. They can`t even give a correct quote on a commercial ck. order.

  16. I was so disgusted with BofA trying to charge me $5 to cash a legit check, I have published this page, and will attempt at optimizing & getting it high enough in google to attract attention. Overture estimates over 800,000 searches for “Bank of America” per month.

  17. Us bank didn’t do anything as bad to me as to you guys, but I think us bank is the worst bank in the US. Jusr recently I called to see about a check that wasn’t returned (I get my cancled checks sent back to me) and the lady I talked with was nice enough, then she transfered me to another lady, and the other one was soo rude. She told me I never had my checks sent back to me and that I didn’t know what I was talking about. Furthermore the tellers at the nearest US Bank are always so useless they should be working at Buger King for the ammount of help the can give me. Oh ya and that rude lady… it cost me $2.00 to talk to her, not mcuh but I would have rather burned the money than talked to her. I changed to Washington Mutual and I am always greeted with a smile and a “Hi! how are you?” Warn your friends stay away from us bank

  18. I love my US Bank and the service I get at the Kenosha, Wisconsin south bank. The girls are great and willing to get to the bottom of problems. They get as frustarted as your wife does when things don’t turn out right. I know I can trust them to settle a dispute I have with US Bank over $200.00. The bank that really sucks is Bank One.

  19. Boy I thought I was the only one that had problems with US BANK!We lost our home,its a long story,but several lawyers have told me the bank made alot of mistakes,but noone will take the case because they say its a huge bank with unlimited legal resources.I was talking to one of the district managers,and I told him I was so sick over losing our home,that I couldn’t eat or sleep,and he said WHY?????????????Noone will ever know what we’ve been through with them.

  20. My story is a little different. I opened a savings account for my granddaughter in Dec 2002at US Bank. Days later I found out that another woman was kisted on the account. While trying to straighten this mess out, I find out that my social security number is on this woman’s loans for over $120,000. I suspected identity theft at first, but this woman I’m sure has no idea that all this is going on. I have talked to several people all over US Bank and they never call back and are so rude. Even the fraud dept. screwed everything up. They wanted me to fill out papers but got my name wrong and even where I lived. I finally talked to a Chris in MN from US Bank (very rude man) and he assured me that my name never appeared on this woman’s loans. I told him that I wanted a credit report on myself and that US Bank should pay for it and he agreed to sent it. It has been a month and I still have not gotten the credit report. There is really much more to this story like my SS# was taken off those loans but my granddaughters SS# ended up on them. As of today I don’t know the stste of the account I opened, but I don’t want to close it until this matter is taken care of. I also have a big problem in that I live in a very rural town and the next closest bank is 56 miles away either north or south. Thanks for your website. I found it while looking for the president of US Bank’s address.

  21. US bank does suck…

    It’s so true. Why?
    1. They let a post dated cheque cash 8 days prior to the date on the cheque. I was lucky to have enough funds to cover it. Bad business.

    2. Ridiculous credit policy. I’m new to the country and have no U.S. credit. So in order to establish a credit history I must get a secure credit card. I make around 45G/yr and they won’t give a $500 credit card after ‘financially existing’ past the 6mo. grace period. Bullsh*t. So fine. I play by their rules so I can start building my credit. Long story short…freakin’ Gong show. The head does not know what the ass is saying or doing. Example: Bank Manager (yes…”Manager”) says that they CAN NOT set up a secure credit card from the branch. Phone 18001STARSERVICE. So I call. They say…and I quote, “We CAN NOT set that up over the phone. go to your branch.” Baffled I call my branch. She says, “They are mistaken, we CAN NOT set that up in the branch. Phone them back.” I phone again. “We CAN NOT set that up over the phone, go to ANY US Bank branch to set that up.” What can I say…A bank that doesn’t even know it’s own policy is scary.

    3. Unstable online banking. I’m not a computer/net whiz…but I know enough to catch the signs of a bad and unsecure website. (losing SSL after I’ve logged in…). I am from another country where some banks still suck but atleast their websites are rock solid. This also scares me…

    4. High turnover at our local branch. Scary in itself.

    5. Unknowledgeable staff. See #2 and tellers that do not know what a foreign draft is…Where do they find these people???

    I could go on but I won’t. This week I’m moving my account to a local credit union. So if you are from US Bank and you’re reading this. I’m going to buy a car in May and a house late next year. Kiss tens of thousands of dollars goodbye. ALso, my company banks with US Bank. I’ve told my VP and our CEO about some of the policy issues. They were not amused…


  22. MAH,

    Post-dating checks is illegal. When you write a check you agree that you have the funds avalible at that time. Cashing a check at a later date is an agreement you have between yourself and the other party. Don’t get all pissed when a bank cashes it. Its at their discresion. Most of the time, they will cash it. That’s not just US Bank, it’s ALL banks. They are not legally-obligated to not cash a check because of the date.

  23. I am very sorry that people feel this way about any company, but in this case it is deserved. In fact, I would be downright embarrassed to admit it if I worked for them. USBank is the most impersonal company to their customers and employees that I have ever heard of. They do not even really have a real HR department. They out-source it to a call center. The way they treat their employees is downright dispicable. The upper management here is a group of profit-seeking penny pinchers who will not even allow their employees to order paper-clips. Apologies won’t make anyone’s plight better. The poor employees of USBank have never gotten an apology as their benefits have been gradually snipped away and they have to pay $3000.00 more in health insurance than they did last year. They generally don’t receive raises and most employees other than management made less this year than last. (USBANK had record profits!!!!!!!!!!!) It is no wonder that the people you talk to aren’t very helpful or competent. They don’t pay enough to hire and keep competant customer service people. The also don’t give their employees the basic consideration they deserve. There are many bitter people working there and it is understandable why they would be less that helpful to customers. It does not excuse it their poor behavior. The business of banking is supposed to be to provide a service. You might want to try Wells Fargo. I hear they are much more customer focused.

  24. Hey US Bank your horns are showing!!!

    Unbeknownst to me my account became overdrawn M.L.K weekend, as a “courtesy” US Bank continued to let me make purchases with my ATM card, charging me $32 per transaction. By the end of the weekend I racked up $400 in fees. I drank more than a few $33 sodas that weekend.

  25. timo,

    Should be keeping track of your purchases through your checkbook register. The fees are disclosed in the paperwork you recieve when you get your account. The bank has the right to return or pay items. I’m sure you woulda been pissed if they didn’t put those transactions through. So it’s your own fault. Don’t blame things on other people.

  26. Folks,
    I used to work at US Bank. I was a manager. The bank was as mean to its employees as it was to its customers. They loved to humiliate the managers and we were the ones trying to take care of our customers and employees. We often were screaming at someone in a call center or faceless department trying to get them to help our customers we were not empowered to help. I can remember customers literally sobbing at my desk because they got so frustrated and no one to help. I would like to see a permanent US Bank Complaint web site. Is there anyone out there that would like to design a web site for this purpose? It would be great if it could be done is such a way so that a regulatory agency like the comptroller of the currency could be aware of it Perhaps there is a lawyer reading this that could put together a class action law suit for related complaints. It will take coordinated effort through regulatory agencies that oversea the banking industry or
    efforts through the legal system to bring about permanent changes at this bank.
    Jack Grundhoffer, ex-CEO, was reportedly proud of his Nick ame, “Jack the Ripper” for decimating departments and axing experiencedpersonnel and taking over perfectly good and decent small banks and turning them into incompetant US banks. This is why the bank’s streamlined processes failed. The arroagance at the top level and obsessive focus on cost cutting to boost stock share price at all costs, to the eventual near collapse of customer service, created an attitude of dispirited and abused and overworked employees at all levels of the company, who began to take it out on customers themselves.
    Once this type of uncaring and hateful attitude takes root in an organizaton, it spreads the frustration and anger to many inter-related departments, till eventually everyone is frustrated to the breaking point and takes it out on the customer. This is the legacy of Jack Grundhoffer.
    I dont think the current management has the courage and imagination to turn anything around. The most experienced and caring employees were long since forced out or into early retirement taking with them a culture of caring and knowledge. Management would have to diligently
    work at retraining and most of all listen to employees who really are the ones who have the best insights as to how to change things for the better.
    But, that would mean respecting employees and customers, treating them with dignity and concern and empowering them to make decisions.
    US Banks downfall was a belief in a rigid, autocratic, top down, managment style. It has turned around and bit them, but not before
    many innocent customers and emplyees have been deeply hurt and frustrated. Jack Grundhoffer is long gone, ensconced firmly in retirement with his fabulous stock options, leaving a once fine bank decimated and struggling.
    The only thing I can think is that perhaps through the internet a web site could be created with the knowledge and approval of regulatory agencies, the press, perhaps the legal system, and dont forget shareholders, so that this bank is forced into some sort of structural
    change. But it will take more than just venting anger. Anyone else got
    some ideas out there? We need to be creative, organized, and thoughtful.

  27. Bob –

    There is a permanent US Bank complaint web site. It’s:

    We used to have a simpler domain name, but US Bank took it away from us. We’ve been exposing the truth about US Bank for 2 years now. Posting every complaint, every bit of dirt that we can find. Check it out, and feel free to add your stories/comments.

    Also, here’s an interesting story (Dave, you and Margie think you got a Five Star Screwing):

  28. I received the following e-mail, with the subject line “from a banker at usbank”:


    I understand your situation. I wish someone could help you. I have had problems myself as a banker in trying to get correct loan payoff amounts. Sometimes we are given an amount and if we use that as a pay off then I have had some company get back to me a few days later after the loan was disbursed and had to contact the customer to pay the additional amount which according to them is usually an addition amount of interest owed. I then had to make that additional payment. It is possible that the banker who did the loan wasnt aware of the other amount and that may be why it was incorrect to begin with. They may have been given the wrong amount, or went by what showed on the credit report.

    I learned the hard way never to go by the balance on a credit report. I have found out that it is ironic how a company will blow the banker off when I call to try to get a pay off amount, but let me make a guestimate and it not be correct and whala! That same company who wouldnt return your urgent calls then calls you but usually after you;ve made the loan disbursment and the customer has taken the money so now how are you to get the bal paid?

    I immediately call the customer and go from there. I however have had the unfortunate problem of being the banker who diligently and desperately tries to correct the problem. I too run into brick walls and as far as getting someone in authority to help you? HA HA what a joke that is.

    It should never have been let go this long I wish you had been my customer I would have helped you. I am sorry you went through this and your wife is a saint to have kept her cool this long. As employees you have no idea what we go through in trying to do our job and sometimes we too have to one to listen to us or who will help us help you. THAT is the #1 reason employees leave their jobs and the fact that we arent getting any raises anymore period. Moral is way down from that. Discouragement is the environment I work in and believe me it is hard to keep a positive attitude with other coworkers being so down.

    Hope things work out soon.


    Example: I recently sent in a payment to make a payment to my reserve line, utilizing the address a rep gave me (In Milwaukee, WI) Several weeks later, I received the same amount back, in a new check written by US BANK, with a computer generated note, stating that the money was not needed for your reserve line, or “you have paid too much.” I’m like….what???

    Several days later, I started getting calls from collections, so naturally, I vented a bit, talked to several reps, and finally a manager…During the conversations, they said all this will be documented….What sent my blood pressure up several notches later that week, was I called back, to ask some questions on the calls I made…and lo and behold, there were no notes, “documenting the call…” in fact, another rep told me, “…we don’t document those calls…” perhaps it was collections you were speaking with….

    The point here, is that it was the general 800-usbank helpline, and I don’t care if I was talking to the VP of USBANK, I was CLEARLY LIED TO AS SOMEONE TOLD ME DURING THE 45 MINUTE PHONE COVERSATION, that all notes will be documented……

    So….now I’m being charged interest for the month I’m behind, since USBANK returned my full payment, stating it was not needed (what???) as indicated earlier in this story….Now, they want me to get a copy of the cancelled check from my bank—which will cost me more money, and fax it to another manager….It seems…they do not have the ability to track the original USBANK check, written to me, with my account number……Wouldn’t one think that they keep records of checks written to individuals???

    If anybody has similar experiences…..please…please…let me know….I’m sorry if this is long winded, but, the fact of lying…not being able to cover your tracks…or even keep simple business records of how much a company pays to whom…seem simply odd…dontya think?

    Please respond…if you can

  30. fyi: I hate to admit it but it was me that sent you that letter. That should really get some action of the Grundhuffers now when they think there own employees are on your side.

    I hope it helps you out.

  31. I’ve been fourteen months trying to get my address changed on our car leases. I’ve called USBank eleven times requesting a change, it never happens. The local Post Office is getting very upset that they have to continually put the correct address on the two envelopes we get form USBank each month.

    I’d like to locate the name and address of the CEO of USBAnk and then write a letter to him with a copy to the state banking regulators.

  32. It’s somewhat comforting to know I’m not the only one to find that us bank is run by Hitler and Satan’s offspring. To give you some insight into my situation, I’m a poor college student who lives paycheck to paycheck. My problem started when I deposited a check in a non-Us bank ATM and three days later I had three transactions: paid rent, and two other minor purchases w/ my debit card. I went on for about another week and half using my debit card like a guy whose bank isn’t emptying his bank account into their own pockets. Little did I know, it took the bank 7 days to clear my check from WAL-MART (not exactly a junk bond- they’re probably good for it). Three overdraft charges (33 bucks a pop) were attached to these three transactions, sending my account into the red. By the time I caught the problem, I had 18 of these fees, most of these transactions being for small things like a candy bar, or a pop. It should be noted without these fees I never would have gone negative. I should have had 290 bucks in my account, instead I had -300. I later learned that in the small print in opening the account, it states that it may take up to 6 business days to post a check. While I do think this is a ridiculous and shady practice, if this was my only beef I would expect a reply from USbank saying something like it was my fault for not being fully knowledgeable of USbank policies, which admittedly I was not.
    The problem that I do believe I may have a legal leg to stand on happened months before this happened when I added credit protection to my account (or so I thought). Around November I actually did go negative, and had to pay the 33 dollar fee. I went to the bank and asked what I could do to see that this would not happen again. They told me to get the USbank credit card and they could ad credit protection, and the $33 overdraft charges would be thing of the past. So I did, and later that month was surprised to find I did not have the protection. So I went back, they gave me a form to fill out so I did. I went back to make sure my account was covered shortly after that, and again it was not, because since mine was a joint account with my dad, we had both had to sign for it. Finally, me and my dad went in, and filled out the paper work. I asked the lady if she was sure that was all I have to do to get the protection put on my account, and she replied yes, she would get it all hooked up for me. Super. Until about now when I’m told it was never put on my account because the checking account was a joint account and the credit card was in my name only (shouldn’t the banker have known about this policy?) . Neither me nor my dad were contacted about this, leading me to believe the protection was in place. Perhaps it was my fault for believing the words coming out of the banker’s mouth, but I don’t believe so.
    As far as getting any corrective action from the bank, it was about the same as every other story here. I could write even more about the interactions with these people, but I won’t. The people I talked to who acted concerned and promised corrective action(overturned ODC’s) and phone calls back, but never did as they promised. I know I am entitled to my money back, and am thinking about taking them to small claims court. If anyone with any legal background is reading this, I want to know what the official term is for this lack of follow through and knowledge of bank policy (incompetence) would be, and what are the chances of me winning in court. I may file just so the lawyers they pay will cost more than my $600.
    Thanks Dave, I appreciate the site.

  33. she looks like an idiot and so do you, why don’t you explain the WHOLE story to everyone so everyone knows the real truth. Oh, and by the way US Bank doesn’t have any offices in Florida, not even a call center, so right there we know YOU are the liars!!

  34. Hi, jnl.

    That is (along with the other associated chapters in this category) “the WHOLE story,” so far as I know. If I left out any bits, be sure and tell me so I can update things here.

    As to US Bank not having any offices in Florida — well, either someone on the other end of the phone misspoke, or I transcribed it incorrectly; the underlying point of different support groups in different states pointing the finger at each other (or being used as an excuse for crappy service) remains.

    As to my wife looking like “an idiot” … why don’t you come over here and say that …

  35. I am a computer expert. I know for a fact that USBank’s computer system is screwed up. I worked on it. About a year ago they needed to change their software because it was amortizing the lones incorrectly. Yep, USBank has some mahor problems. I am not a disgruntled employee, but what everyone is claiming is true.

  36. I worked for US Bank for many, many years. I enjoyed working for the company and really caring about my customers. My job was eliminated through some bullshit called “right-sizing”, which is a politically correct way of saying that they needed to cut it to make the numbers look good enough for Jerry and his cronies to get paid a nice fat bonus at the end of the year for ‘doing their job’. It was a definite relief when Jack Grundhofer left…everyone literally breathed a sigh of relief and morale visibly improved. It’s a relief not to be one of Jerry’s Kids anymore. I hope Jack enjoys his California retirement mansion paid for by the customers of US Bank. Maybe with luck the sow will die early and not get to enjoy the fruits of his ‘labor’. And I hope Gerry Cameron chokes on his $12 million ‘pieces of silver’ he got for selling out US Bank to the Grundhofers in the first place. Judas Pig.

  37. I’ve banked with US Bank for over three years now. Recently those jackasses decided to change their accounting procedures. They put a blurb on the end of my monthly statement that left me asking myself the question, “what the hell are they talking about?” In their new system they hold your deposits for a period of three days. If you try to use your check card any purchase you make will go through based on how much money you have in the bank. It’s always been that way. Deposit your money and it’s there when you need it. Now they let the charges go through and then charge you $33 in overdraft fees because they tell you that at the time of this transaction you only had so much money available. It has cost me over $800 in overdraft fees and the only answer I can get from them is, “Were sorry, but you were notified of the change.” “There’s nothing we can do.” Well after about a week of negotiations they said that they would refund $99 in fees. Hmmm, lets see they took almost $800 and want to give me back 1/8th of what they stole from me. I told them to shove it. It’s not the money that makes me angry with them, it’s the fact that they don’t care about anyone. Five star service my ass. They got that slogan when they took over Firstar Bank. They have no regaurd for the common person. They have acted unprofessional and now they have basically found a legalized way to steal peoples money. US Bank, YOU SUCK! Everyone I know, including myself are closing our accounts and going elsewhere. Hell, I’d rather cash my paycheck and bury it in the back yard. At least then I’d know how my funds are being treated. Us Bank has become too big for it’s own good. Once again US Bank SUCKS!!

  38. Wow.. a site designed for complaining.. does no one have anything better to do? me neither! I use to work at US Bank and I can tell from working there that they never look at a problem from the cutomers point of view. I use to work in the billing area and numerous times we over charged the customer, knew about it, yet did nothing unless the customer complained.. BAD BUSINESS. Also I was way underpaid and when I got a job offer from a different company only then did they decide to increase my salary. LAME.. so I left. US Bank sucks. DONT BANK THERE.

  39. I think this website is a little over exxagerated! I work for US Bank in the customer service department and I think you are making a big generalization about all customer service. Your wife had one bad experience and now you want to revolt? I deal with nasty peolpe like you all day. People that get made because we gave them a late fee because their payment was 2 weeks late,or because we won’t raise their credit limit on the spot,or because their account went 90 days past due and we closed it. Personally, I think that is standard practice for any bank. I take about 150-180 calls a day and out of that number I would say a forth are nasty,rude people. How am I supposed to give someone respect when the first they do is start yelling and swearing at me? I can’t even tell them what I really think,I have to wait and let someone bash me at least 3 times before I can tell them I am disconnecting! To tell you the truth,usually it is something they did themselves. If I put up a website about every company that I have had a bad customer service experience with, I would be wasting my time because there are just too many. So, I hope in the future you can spend your time in a more productive manner.

  40. Hi Dave,
    I totally agree with you. I busted my @*!!@ for that company for 2 years as a Branch Manager, working 70 hours most weeks, giving up my vacations, and being a complete team player. None of that mattered. On Aug. 18 they called me in on my day off and fired me b/c I had $4.65 in loose change in my desk drawer. They claimed that I was force balancing my tellers! In reality it was MY money that I used for the soda machine. Also, now they will not pay me for all of my vacation time (which was earned) when they have not had a problem paying other people that they have terminated.
    I have seen about 36 people out of 16 branches be wrongfully termed in the past 6 months!!!! The reason that the customer service is so bad is because they are disposing of their highest paid people, and bringing in ones with no banking or customer service experience and paying them thousands of $ less so that they save money. I could tell you stories that would blow your mind!!!!!!! So please tell your wife that not only do they treat the customers like garbage, they treat their dedicated employees like garbage as well!!

  41. Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away, I worked for a great bank…..called “Star Bank” – then it became “Firstar” and it was still a pretty good place to work – It wasn’t until it became “US Bank” that things got way out of control. At this point, I’m going to guess that you know that I’m no longer employed with “US” – why?……don’t get me going – The corporate atmosphere has changed so much – a branch manager no longer has any decision making abilities and has to get approval on almost everything – including the most mundane of supply orders. I remember when you could actually manage an office and make a difference – that no longer exists within the new US Bank – if you can’t get approval from your superior you may as well forget about it – what’s right for the customer is secondary in the corporate view – I feel fortunate to now work for a bank that still has the customer’s interest at heart.

  42. I am stuck at US Bank until I get what is owed to me!
    This all started about a year ago when I did an online funds transfer from my primary US Bank account to my secondary account. Apparently the transaction did not go through. There are no transation tracking or confirmation numbers given when doing this sort of transfer so that you cant possibly have anything to back yourself up with. When I realized what had happened I called the bank and they told me nothing could be done. At this point all of the transactions that had gone through my secondary account had bounced and I had fees comming out of my ears from US Bank and from my other creditors that had tried to get the money owed to them out of my secondary account. I was very upset and noone would do a thing about it. So I decided that the only way I would get my money back is to get it back in 5 star service guarantee credits. As many of you know here is the US Bank policy:

    U.S Bank Five Star Guarantee

    U.S. Bank Personal Bankers will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    ATMs will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    You will wait no longer than 5 minutes in any teller line.
    We will respond to all questions the same day, when asked before 3 p.m.
    Checking and savings statements will always be accurate.
    U.S. Bank Internet Banking Five Star Guarantee

    Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    Respond to e-mail inquiries within 24 hours
    24-Hour Bankers will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
    On line account information will be accurate
    Transactions initiated on line will be processed in a timely and accurate manner
    If we fail to meet this level of service, in any of these categories, we will credit your account $5.

    So I have been emailing them every time that the website is unavalable and every time that ATM’s are not available. And every time it takes them more than 24 hours to respond to my email so I email again. Each time they screw up they pay me 5 dollars. I have got all of my money back and then some and they still do not respond to any emails within 24 hours. So I continue to get $5 per screw up from them in the hopes that so many people will take atvantage of this guarantee that it puts them out of business. So please make them give you 5 dollars when they do things wrong and maybe if enough people do this we can force them out.

  43. 1.$42,000 dollars unauthorized withdrawal from Putnam Investments. Checks cashed without my knowledge or signature.

    2. $30,000 forged checks.

    3. Photo copy sent to Peoples Bank of a check marked Fraud. $300 debited repaid by me for my utilitiy bill.

    4. Photo opy of check for $650 sent to 5/3 account debited repaid by me.

    5. Photo copy of check for $233.28 sent to Wachovia again debited repaid by me.

    6. Pension funds confiscated.

    7. National City bank given telephone verification of sufficient funds then bouncing the check for $2000.

    US Bank is not run by regulations . It is a gangster organization and a threat to Homeland Security. Its employee need to wake up and seek other employment. Our political system is unfortunately tied to money in such a way that gangsters always have been a big part of politics and obviously exert a lot of influence on the government regulators. These three banks that made the debit payment
    had no legal process for the debit. The cancelled checks had cleared the Federal Reserve and been returned to me. One baner candidly told me that they just wanted to get along with US Bank. I believe a great thing for America would be for enough of us to unite in an effort to eradicate US Bank at least from this continent and send a strong message to all those who bask in the financial sunlight of that hellish organization. I feel very strongly about this, but not in any sense of violence . I wish no physical harm to anyone. I do believe that the Grundhoffers are psychotic and that US Bank is a psychotic corporation. Thanks to everyone who participates in this communication, even the poor souls who are trying to remain faithful to US Bank because of their employment.

  44. September 25, 2003

    I would like to initiate a class action lawsuit against US Bank on my customers and my behalf. About 2 ½ months ago, US Bank had a rate special as the rest of the conventional market was going up in rate drastically, they did not. What US Bank did to stop some of their losses was to quit finalizing the loans so they would not be finished and they could cut their losses. I spoke with three managers, including one high up in the corporate office in Minneapolis. His name was Peter, and he told me that they had about $1.3 billion in their pipeline, but could only realistically fund about a third of that amount they had locked. I proceeded to tell him and the other managers that this would harm borrowers and we had locks on many of our loans. Said there was nothing he could do about it. We made every attempt to get US Bank to honor their locks and agreements, but they continued to employ stall tactics designed to make the loans go away to other lenders and lessen their problem.

    I sent one of my borrowers directly to the phones of the corporate offices of US Bank in Minneapolis. One of the head people there, Peter was the person he was instructed to talk to. The manager would not take his call and the borrower was told that Peter “does not deal with borrowers” I then told my borrower to mention the Class Action he would start if he did not get his loan closed. The manager jumped all over this and called the borrower back in 5 minutes after my borrower let Peter have it for 2 hours, he gave in and closed his loan very quickly. The loan and all the final loan conditions, had been at US Bank for the previous 3 weeks with no progress, suddenly it was being moved to front of the line. When we did get paid on the loan, US Bank kept $4,000 of the $9,000 we were to receive for their “troubles”. I have heard many other brokers telling the same story and know that US Bank did this disservice to many others across the country and the scope of this case is huge. I have e-mails from another borrower that US Bank actually gave to another broker illegally, even though we were the first in their system with this loan. Many of these borrowers had to take higher interest rates as when we found out they were not going to close them the market had gone up farther. Many, many borrowers suffered this injustice and want to join this Class Action Lawsuit and that is just the tip of the iceberg. There would be thousands of people who would join in on this and were harmed by US Bank’s actions. The damages in a case like this is astronomical! We have a good amount of supporting documentation on this to back our claims.


    Dan Thompson

  45. Any of you want to join my class action lawsuit I am filing? E-mail me and I will get you in touch with the attorney when we are ready. Below is my letter to the attorney in Minneapolis.


    September 25, 2003

    I would like to initiate a class action lawsuit against US Bank on my customers and my behalf. About 2 ½ months ago, US Bank had a rate special as the rest of the conventional market was going up in rate drastically, they did not. What US Bank did to stop some of their losses was to quit finalizing the loans so they would not be finished and they could cut their losses. I spoke with three managers, including one high up in the corporate office in Minneapolis. His name was Peter, and he told me that they had about $1.3 billion in their pipeline, but could only realistically fund about a third of that amount they had locked. I proceeded to tell him and the other managers that this would harm borrowers and we had locks on many of our loans. Said there was nothing he could do about it. We made every attempt to get US Bank to honor their locks and agreements, but they continued to employ stall tactics designed to make the loans go away to other lenders and lessen their problem.

    I sent one of my borrowers directly to the phones of the corporate offices of US Bank in Minneapolis. One of the head people there, Peter was the person he was instructed to talk to. The manager would not take his call and the borrower was told that Peter “does not deal with borrowers” I then told my borrower to mention the Class Action he would start if he did not get his loan closed. The manager jumped all over this and called the borrower back in 5 minutes after my borrower let Peter have it for 2 hours, he gave in and closed his loan very quickly. The loan and all the final loan conditions, had been at US Bank for the previous 3 weeks with no progress, suddenly it was being moved to front of the line. When we did get paid on the loan, US Bank kept $4,000 of the $9,000 we were to receive for their “troubles”. I have heard many other brokers telling the same story and know that US Bank did this disservice to many others across the country and the scope of this case is huge. I have e-mails from another borrower that US Bank actually gave to another broker illegally, even though we were the first in their system with this loan. Many of these borrowers had to take higher interest rates as when we found out they were not going to close them the market had gone up farther. Many, many borrowers suffered this injustice and want to join this Class Action Lawsuit and that is just the tip of the iceberg. There would be thousands of people who would join in on this and were harmed by US Bank’s actions. The damages in a case like this is astronomical! We have a good amount of supporting documentation on this to back our claims.

  46. I finally closed my personal and business US Bank accounts, and ended my 10 year history with them. I ran a report on my books and found that between 1/1/03 and 10/17/03 I had paid them $1280 in overdraft fees and services charges. A lot of these overdraft fees are bogus and brought about through shady policy.

    Example #1.
    You have $10 in your checking account. You need to fill your car w/gas, knowing it will only take $5 to fill it. When you tell the attendant to “fill ‘er up!”, he authorizes your debit card for $35 because he has no idea how empty your tank is. US Bank takes this AUTHORIZATION amount to show as the “pending transaction”- you wind up with -$25 shown as available. It’s only a day or two later that your transaction actually posts as the final $5 it actually came out to be – but not before you receive a lovely $32 overdraft fee. Your account balance now is -$27.00 w/no pending transactions.

    Example #2.
    You have $250 in your checking account. You have written 3 checks for $251, $2, and $5. US Bank receives the checks to process all on the same day. The first one they deduct is the $251, overdrawing the account and receiving a -$32 penalty. This is followed then by the other two lesser checks clearing through, each bringing with them another $32 apiece. In the end, your balance is -$104. If they were doing things in the customer’s best interests, they would clear through the LOWER transactions first – in which case you’d still pay a $32 penalty for the large transaction – but have your balance turn out being -$40 instead of the -$104 according to US Bank’s calculations.

    At any rate I closed my accounts. Sorta. I walked into the bank and waited in line for 12 minutes to get to a teller, only to have her tell me that I had to deal w/the branch manager. After another 5 minutes, the branch manager came over, walked right past me toward an old Japanese man who was sitting in a chair obviously waiting for his wife in the teller line, asking him if he needed any help. He, of course, answered No. Only then did the gal grudgingly ask me to follow her.

    After much arguing with the lady, the business accounts were closed. I had managed the balances all down to $0, and made it easy. However, my personal checking account was standing at -$4 (thanks to more fees). I gave the lady a $5 bill and asked her, again, to close it. She said it would take overnight for the deposit to post – and she couldn’t close the account until tomorrow. So I have to go back tomorrow and finish the job. Even after I had the change from the $5 bill, she continued arguing with me forever, fighting tooth and nail to change my mind. Told me it would hurt my credit, prevent me from getting loans, and just be a bad idea in general. She even had the nerve to tell me about their “5 Star customer service” policy and how she’d “credit me the $5”. I told her my time was worth far more than that – and followed it up by the two examples I posted above. She didn’t dispute it any further, I bid her good evening, and told her I’d see her in the morning.

    John – as far as banks that DON’T screw anyone – try a local credit-union. Many of them offer memberships based on where you live or who you work for. My credit-union maintains a personal relationship with me, always credits my deposits immediately, loans me money without batting an eye, and helps me prevent overdrafts.

    Hope you find something out there that works for ya.







  48. Sorry Jerry – didn’t realize you were a perfect person with a perfect banking record. I can assume from your sin-free stone casting, that YOU carry a perfect record banking, or otherwise. Be careful next time you go to cross any street without using a cross-walk. That’s jay-walking, and it’s BREAKING THE LAW. I’ll be sure to keep my eye on you.

    To err is human, to err and deny it is a mental disorder. Jerry – seek help.

    As far as the gas station example goes – the gas station didn’t CHARGE my card $35 — they only AUTHORIZED that amount. They only CHARGED the card $5. It’s the BANK’S fault for not properly categorizing the activity on my card, or more appropriately – categorizing the activity on my card in a manner that will benefit the BANK.

    Example #2 is standard banking procedure…. I guess my credit union doesn’t use “standard banking procedure”

    I’m a conservative capitalist, and I DON’T have a “death to the evil corporations” attitude. However, US Bank is a PROBLEM.

    The world is the way it is because of morons such as yourself Jerry – people who add no value to anything…only empty accusations and baseless opinions.

    Go troll somewhere else.

  49. Well just like everyone else here I have been screwed by US Bank. They actually drained my account in a matter of days by charging me unwarrented overdraft fees. As of day 1 they had taken out the standard overdraft fees of $28 twice which then just started a snow ball effect to the sum of $274 by the time it was all over. Only when I contacted an attorney did they reverse the original 2 overdraft fees . Now my attorney is trying to get them to reverse the other charges due to the fact that if they had not taken out those two then none of the others would have applied. I feel truely sorry for anyone who makes the same mistake I did in choosing US BAnk as the financial institue and If I could stop anyone from making this mistake this would be worth all the HEADACHES that this organization has put me and several others though.

  50. OMG this is scary I have had it with US bank this month and LOOK I am not alone. WOW.
    Did you know their Satalite was down 2 times the first two weeks of October and they are not telling people. That is alot of the prob and THEY COULD be HONEST and just treat people with some respect But no Same thing as above aways ….. sorry there is nothing we can do.
    OK that is my 2 cents looking into a different bank today.

  51. I used to work for the devil. A great majority of the comments found online are indeed true. The sad side effect is the majority of thier practices will be status quo in a few years.

  52. Hi all,

    Just wanted to tell you all about my horror story with US Bank. Awhile back I opened up a savings\checking account with US Bank as well as applying for a car loan. During that time the bank rep asked me if I would like to open a line of credit as well. The line of credit would basically cover any overdrafts made from my checking account. I said sure but the Rep then said that I wouldn’t be able to at this time because my accounts didn’t have sufficient funds so any overdrafts from my Checking would be covered by my Savings.

    Well it turns out that 4 months later after I initially opened the accounts US Banks decides to give me a line of credit without notifying me. So I am a US Bank customer for 9 years and this whole time I assumed that any overdrafts were covered by my Savings account. Unfortunately I don’t look at my statements but rather download it using MS Money so I don’t see this line of credit charges.

    So after 9 years of being a customer at US Bank I get an opportunity from my work to be a member at a Credit Union. I figure great and call US Bank up to close my accounts. They tell me it was a pleasure having me as a customer yada yada yada. I am then in the process of moving and not all my mail gets forward to me. My old landlord eventually forwards me some mail and one is from US Bank. It says they desperately need me to get a hold of them because they can’t close one of my accounts even though they had told me it was closed when I last called them.

    I contacted US Bank and my call gets re-routed to their collections department. The lady on the phone tells me I owe the bank $5k!!!! Then the lady asked me she needed a payment today or it would affect my credit. So at this point I’m extremely pissed because I have no idea where this amount came from. I refused to pay anything until I figure out what is going on. Well after dealing with their collections dept. for a couple of months and them doing research it turns out that it was due to this line of credit. I had filled out an application when I first set up the accounts requesting a line of credit but it was not approved until 4 months later without them contacting me. During these 2 months of research US Bank still charges me interest and late fees on this overdue amount.

    So now US Bank admits fault on their end because they should’ve notified me. I admit fault because I should’ve looked at my statements more closely. But because of the application and my signature, US Bank says the fact remains I still owe them that amount. I tell them alright I will pay off the amount and make arrangements with the colections dept. I have made 7 months of payments. Well these A-holes call me each month to harrass me about when I’ll be making the payment. I have paid 7 months straight and these bastards are still calling me up???? On top of that they are still charging me interest! I am so frustrated with dealing with these guys that I am taking out a personal loan to pay these vultures off! I have also sent a letter to the Federal Reserve Board concerning this issue as well as US Banks Corporate office to let them know how much they suck! I hope none of you will ever have to deal with US Banks collection dept or go through this type of situation. I apologize for the long post. Believe me I could’ve gone on.

  53. Jeff, i feel you man! had the same thing happen to me. I deposited an in state check to the bank on sat morn. then
    i spent money of monday. thought i was fine right. well i would have been had usbank not hold the check minus 100 dollars until thursday. thursday!!!!! is a long darn time to hold an in state check. we had a total of 242.00 in overdraft fees. all we got from stupid 1800usbanks was nothing but you should have known! so i asked on what date did you change this policy and when did you begin notifying customers? no one could answer this question for me!! eventually i was lucky enough to get a brach assistant to reverse the charges with me explain the procedure to me. even though she does admitt that since we were long time customers there should be no waiting period for deposited checks as long as they are in state. till this date they still hold my measely 300$ from mcdonalds fro 3 days

  54. hi you all,

    jeff, i know what your wife is going though, i used to work at usbank and i was a personal banker, the branch manager there was very mean, disrespectful, and overall cruel to the customers and employees, i was laid off just because i complained to the hr people in the corporate office, about the way he was protraying usbank, and how he was treating the customers, i feel for all of my customers that have to go though this, again, i want to thank you for giving me the opportunty to air out my anger.

  55. Brenda,

    You were FIRED, not laid off, because you are a TRAITOR, not because of some bullshit youre claiming. I know you, and we treated you very well, paid holidays, all the OT you want, good pay benifets 401K stock options, and you turned out to be a traitor. Good luck with your trailor and your illigitimate kids.

  56. Cool Beans!

    Dave you are at Numbers 1 and 2 for “U.S. bank sucks” on google.

    Sadly you are only ranked 31st for “u.s. bank

  57. Let me get this straight…

    You “loan” a bank your money by opening an account and making deposits. The bank then uses your money to loan out to other people on interest returning loans, invest in securities, and other financial vehicles – the bank can be said to “profit” by this activity. So, after you loan the bank your money – you also get to PAY them for this priviledge. How convenient!

    The next time I take out a loan somewhere, I think the loaner should just kick in a few hundred bucks extra just “because that’s the cost of doing business with me.”

    What a crock of horsesh*t.

  58. Hello all!

    I really can’t understand all the bashing towards one bank. I’ve never come across anyone who has been rude at US Bank/Firstar. I’ve come to trust them with my finances and have built very stong friendships. Why punish all the employees for the mistakes of a few. As far as I’m concerned you wouldn’t have problems with US Bank if:

    1. You kept a checkbook register.
    2. Don’t spend more than you have
    3. A blank check doesn’t mean you have money.

    Thanks for your time =)

  59. Steve, glad you’ve had good experiences thus far with US Bank. That clearly influences your judgment of them, just as the negative experiences that various folks here have had influences their judgments.

    Of course, it should go without saying that basic financial responsibility must be part of the customer’s side of the relationship. And taking responsibility for one’s actions is very important.

    That being said, the problems that folks describe about US Bank, beyond what their own personal failings have been, if any, are people at various levels within US Bank being unresponsive, deceptive, or inept in resolving problems that have occurred, whether originating with the customer or with the bank. I am certainly not asking US Bank to make money magically appear in my account for free if I overdraw on my account, I do expect that they’ll keep accurate records, inform us of any obvious problems, and, when sought after for customer service, return calls that they promise, follow through on actions they commit to, and work to resolve problems they’ve introduced into the process to the customer’s satisfacton.

  60. I understand some of the comments made by individuals working in customer service and how some customers avoid responsibility. But to assume that is the case for every customer is just plain shitty customer service. I keep accurate records, balance my account every day, and pay my bills on time. But it seems that in the past few years, I dread making calls to a “customer service” center. I have to take a few deep breaths and be very careful what I say to the “customer service” rep on the other end in order to avoid the assumption that I’m just another idiot customer wasting their time. God forbid I ask a question that’s not on the script. The computer is always right. Even if I ask why a policy is implemented I get the “unfortunatley ma’am response, which is roughly translated into “go away stupid bitch”.

    I am a calm, warm, spiritual person in traffic, in stores, and towards people that I meet. I never call a customer service center with the intention to bitch, but to solve problems. Especially when we are dealing directly with my hard-earned money. But these calls are so demoralizing that I spend the next hour trying not to cry from frustration. I know that I’m not alone.

    Please, someone tell me how customer service reps, particularly at US bank, are trained. By now I know to be nice, but I have had some of the nicest and reasonable people help me and some of the absolute worst.

    I was particularly disturbed by the story of the collection agent. I have an excellent credit rating, and all it takes is a bank with policies set up to serve the bank and rip off the customer, and a call center full of low-paid- script reading employees to turn the universe upside down. Things have gotten crazy and out of hand- trying to keep from being bled dry is becoming a part-time job. I am simplifying all I can this weekend- one consolidation loan with a credit union, US bank is being fired, and I’m looking for other ideas. I’m exhausted. Isn’t this what these companies are hoping for? Seriously.

  61. Steve,

    obviously you don’t know about the new policy- when using a checkcard the balance posted via phone or website will reflect the total balance available, but US bank has an entirely different balance, making it extremely difficult to know what is going on unless you call customer service every day, which I have been doing lately. I take it that you also get paid on a regular basis- this really does make life easier. I am self-employed, however, and am constantly making small check deposits, and their check holding policy makes life very difficult for me. I probably don’t have a large padding of extra money- it sounds like you have the luxury of a steady paycheck and a nice fat savings account. I’m struggling, but still paying my bills ON TIME if it KILLS me. I really resent comments like this- I try very hard, and their new policies translate into about 2 hours each day in order to keep on top. Believe me, I am a conscientious person to the point of having a constant headache over this stuff. I don’t trust any of my balances anymore, paper or electronic. I’m afraid to spend $5 on gas before calling customer service, and I never know when funds are available from a check deposit from one deposit to the next. I have never had this problem before August. Before you try to lecture me on responsibility, please remember that being newly self-employed is like being on the edge all the time because you never know when you are going to get paid, you just do the best you can. Since I like to pay my bills on time and stay sane, I’m firing US bank.

    Please check out some of the other complaints to see what US bank has been up to lately. Their service has declined considerably since about August. Did you know that you can actually go into overdraft if you have money in the account? You really don’t think that US bank has changed their policies in hopes of making big bucks from fees and bogus overdraft charges? How come there are fewer and fewer tellers and longer lines?

    When I deal with my credit union, they have actually alerted me to their own mistakes as well as my own, as well as those that you don’t really blame anyone for, you just solve them. I have peace of mind with them, and I am relieved to be dealing with real, live human beings, knowing that my register and what they show match and I know exactly what is going on, and that the employees are knowledgable and treated well.

    This is a real problem and we are all working on ways to solve it, and I feel it is my responsibility to let others know what actually goes on, even if I have to sit down with a register and show them visually. But let’s be honest, it is necessary to keep meticulous documentation that goes way beyond keeping a register when you make a lot of small check depoists, electronic transactions, and are dealing with a bank that is tweaking the system to their advantage, like a casino does. You really have to watch US bank like a hawk, and keep records of conversations with customer service reps both on the phone and at the branch level. I don’t have time for their crap, and I’m not in business to have US bank bleed me dry. I feel optimistic, thank god, or I would have given up by now.

    Thank you for your time.

  62. I’ve been doing buisness with a small midwestern bank for the past 7 years and durning the past 2 years their service has fallen off, so much so that we’ve decided to look at alternatives. I stopped into a USBank office today to review their products and services. Granted it’s the week of new years but hey, they were open but no one was at the customer service desk. That’s odd I thought, only a sign up sheet. So I signed up and waited, and waited and waited. Finally someone came up, looked over the sheet and started reading names, there must have been about 15 and most had left. There was this women sitting there and asked if so & so could see her now. How long have you been waiting he asked, since 1 she replied, it was now about 3:30. Well he’s in with someone (I don’t think he was) and this guys leaves again.

    Now understand I was thinking about moving a large sum to their bank, not now!

  63. First: Steve, JJ and HR are all the same US Bank employee paid to track down negative comments about USBank on the internet and discredit them. The slimeball’s email address is We know; we’ve been dealing with him at our web site.

    Second: The level of customer complaints involving U.S. Bank has increased about 10-fold since this time last year. They really are getting worse.

    Existing customers, and people considering doing business with U.S. Bank should read the above comments VERY carefully. They represent the truth, and they are not the result of stupid or unethical customers. Just a very screwed up, greedy, and incompetent bank.

    Then people should go to to get the rest of the story: The whole truth about US Bank.

    This company thinks its customers are stupid and lazy. They really think that having lots of “convenient” branches off-sets sub par customer service and products. They even say so intheir current national “image” campaign (“The most convenient bank in America”).

    Lastly: The Five Star Guarantee is a sham. If you can use it against them, like “stuck at us bank” (comment above), great for you. Stick the greedy bastards for all you can take from them. But be forewarned that the guarantee will disappear the minute you have a real problem with this bank.

    Think they didn’t live up to the terms of the “guarantee”? File a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). It’s called deceptive and/or false advertising. You can find a link to the FTC complaint page from our web site (http://www.usbank-5starscrewed).

    US Bank is a SUCK HOLE Bank. It treats its employees like dogshit. It treats its customers even worse. All the while the Grundhofer brothers and their friends skim off tens of millions of dollars each year into their own pockets.

    Now you know the truth. Do the rest of your research and decide for yourself.

    And don’t be swayed by the Grundhofer propaganda nazis that are trying to spread their disinformation and discredit the people that know first hand how bad this bank really is.

    [All of the above has been my personal, constitutionally-protected opinion about how crappy US Bank, its senior management, many of its employees, and most of its out-sourced contractors really are]

  64. For what it’s worth, JJ and HR do indeed have the same underlying e-mail address (and same IP address). Steve does not (which is not conclusive, one way or the other).

  65. I think I posted this on another page, but I want to make sure US Bank gets all the bad publicity they deserve. In the past week I have had 15 overdraft charges. Now if I had written 15 bad checks or made debit card purchases and not had the money to cover them when the merchant came to get their money from US Bank, that would be shame on me. However, these were 15 charges despite the fact that I had money in my account to cover every last one of these items. As many of you may know US Bank recently started a policy of making funds from your account unavailable at the time a debit card purchase is made rather than just taking the money out when it is actually presented for payment. So, if you make a purchase with your debit card on Monday, the funds are immediately unavailable, even though the item may not be presented for payment until Thursday. If you have items come through Monday night, since a portion of your money is not available to pay these items they may bounce. If you deposit money into your account on Tuesday, it’s too late. Now ideally one would only make debit card purchases if the money was actually in your account, but part of having a checking account is convenience. So I paid a bill Thursday night that I needed to pay immediately and transfered the funds into my account on Friday morning and have been bouncing ever since. What is so funny about this is that it’s sole purpose is to collect fees from even careful customers. It has no other purpose. It benefits no one and actually could not be done at a small bank since it could destabilize them. Here’s why – by manipulating my “available balance” in this way, the bank is making it more rather than less likely that a customer will not have the funds available to pay the debit card items when they are presented for payment. In a case like mine, the money I transfered into my account to cover was debit card purchase was diverted to the bank to cover their overdraft charges. Now, instead of having money to pay the debit, my account already has a negative balance. So where is that money coming from? Well, the bank is assuming I’ll just dump more money into the account to cover it. But what if there is no more money – then they are stuck with either sending the debit item back or paying it and trying to chase after me for the money. US Bank can afford to play this game because they’re huge, but most consumers cannot. In the previous system as long as there was money in my account to cover items presented for payment everyone was happy – I got my goods, the merchant got their money and the bank played their proper role as go between. If I made a debit card purchase and came in and cleaned out my account prior to that item being presented for payment the bank always had the option of returning the item unpaid, even though they had authorized the charge at the time of sale. The one and only reason for changing the system is to widen the pool of customers paying overdraft charges and increase the number of overdraft charges they can collect from any customer caught in their net.
    They are using a legal loophole to do this, but we are going to be talking to some lawyers in the next week about looking into the legality of this practice and the potential for a class action lawsuit. If this turns out to be a possibility I will post it here. Also, I am writing to my congresspeople and house rep. to urge them to look at this issue and close this loophole. I would urge anyone else who has been affected by this malicious policy to do the same. I am also going to contact the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency to file a complaint and ask for a review of rules. Their website is We are closing our account as well and will probably try and get a letter to the editor published to encourage others to stop doing business with them. It may be a losing battle, but I’m going to make it as painful of a battle for the bank as possible.
    For the couple of people who seem to think only irresponsible people have these sorts of problems, I would ask them to consider this – I have heard from many, many people who say they never had problems with their account – never bounced a check or had an error on their statement until they either switched to US Bank or their bank was bought out by US Bank. I find it highly improbable that these folk lived their lives as paragons of responsibility and then threw it all to the wind just as US Bank entered into their lives. Heck, just go to a site like – complaints about US Bank outnumber complaints about other banks by a long shot. Hardly a coincidence.

  66. Let me just say, I am an employee of USBank. I have also been a customer of Firstar/USBank since 2000. I have had minor problems in the past, but I fixed them on my own when I realized they were my fault. I wanted to first apologize for some people getting the run around with customer service. I work in a small town branch and have had some customers have the same kinds of issues, but please do not blame everyone in USBank corporate-wide. We try to fix these things for our customers, but we also get the run around. I personally spent the last week and a half fixing a customer issue created by someone else within my branch… only to have someone else along the line make a mistake… after several days working with my assistant manager, everything was taken care of. Sometimes people have bad experiences because the people they dealt with did not care, but I feel like when people complain they are also judging me because I work for this company. I care about my customers and have had several of them tell me they would have left if they hadn’t hired me.

    Secondly I would like to post a comment about a policy of ours, so that it might be cleared up. With all banks, we cannot be guaranteed that funds from a check drawn on another bank are cleared, so we give 100 dollars immediately available from the total of checks deposited that day. Every bank does this… it may not always show, but EVERY bank does this. As for our check card policy… this was implemented not only to help you, but also to help the businesses who accept your card. I know personally that people make purchases with their debit cards before they make deposits into their accounts, -this is called kiting, and it is ILLEGAL. The whole reason behind the check card policy is to make sure the merchant will be paid and that you can continue to go to that merchant and make purchases with your debit card and/or checks. I know for a fact that if you can see a debit card purchase will put you into the negative if some items previously made clear…. you can go in and deposit cash to cover that item and your account will be fine. If however you wrote out checks to pay for things and then made debit card purchases thinking, it’s ok I can just go in in a couple days and make a deposit, it is more than likely too late. Keep accurate records and maintain a current balance in your register…. and even go in and ask someone at your local branch to explain funds availability… if they are anything like the people at my branch, they will take the time to show you. Most of the problems with overdrafts we see come from people who do not find it that important to keep a check register. I say this as well, you will not find a single bank that does not do something to make you angry at times… but for the most part all banks policies are similar…. and if you go into another bank thinking that will solve your problem… you might encounter the same things… or even worse… because making purchases on uncleared funds could send you off to meet someone a little less pleasing than your local branch employees… I don’t know, but meeting a police officer with handcuffs labeled just for me is not what I would want.

  67. Ted,

    Oh please! Do you really think the cops have the time and the resources to arrest someone who is purchasing groceries at noon on Wednesday with their debit card when they know their direct deposit comes in at midnight? Or someone who mails a check two days before funds are available so they can pay their bills/mortgage on time in order to keep their credit ratings and interest rates stable? If US bank doesn’t get you, Citibank will. C’mon, dude, get real. This is why banks have overdraft protection accounts and charge overdraft fees. Why arrest a customer when you can make a buck off them? It’s about profits for big corporations. I have to ask, Do you live at home with mommy too? Does your spouse do your accounting? Have you ever been in a situation where you had to write a check NOWso that your interest rate didn’t go up to 27% ? Do you have any idea how much it costs to be even one day late on a credit card payment? Did you ever have to wait for payment from a client? Have you ever been in a situation where you had NO IDEA how long the bank intended to hold the check? What about automatic withdrawls? This is a part time job! I keep my register updated every day and my head still spins! Did you ever have to call customer service to find out if you can authorize funds to put gas in your car? Do you know that the balance you get over the phone or via customer service is often quite different from what funds are actually available? It’s getting ridiculous, and there has got to be a better way. Even having a real person to talk to (my Credit Union) who is reasonable and willing to work with me is better than a bank where the fee guzzling computer is king. Don’t EVEN try to lecture me about this, I don’t think you have a grip on reality. As far as convenience, it doesn’t seem to have occured to US bank employees that credit unions have service centers and online banking options, and the balance you see is what you get. Amazing concept.

  68. The cops have the time and the resources to arrest someone for passing bad checks… I personally have seen it happen… before I ever started working at the bank…. USBank didn’t make the rules when it comes to kiting, we are just federally required to follow the rules… It’s not about making a buck either… I have to think, what would I rather have? A check be cleared from the bank and have to pay a 29-31 or even 33 dollar overdraft fee? OR would I rather the bank say, nah don’t pay it… it’s a bad check… and then get hit with a 25-30 fee from that place of business on top of a 29 dollar fee from my bank…. on top of most likely not being able to write checks or use my debit card at that place of business again… I would choose saving face and let the bank pay it. To each their own though… and if you are happy with your credit union then so be it… I am sorry the company I work for could not do everything it possibly could to help you. BTW I do not live with my mommy, I am NOT some guy named Ted (I am a girl thank you very much), I am not married, and I am only in my early 20’s. I knew how to keep accurate records in my checkbook… and that was even before I started working for the bank… I have bills too… I understand that you may not understand all our policies… but as I said… please do not bad mouth the company… It is my bread and butter, how I pay my bills each month… when comments are made that USBank sucks and so on… it seems like everyone seems to direct it right at the front line staff, the ones in the branches…I work hard at my job… and I feel that every customer who comes to me with a complaint or an issue is a priority in my book… and I take every matter personally… I always make sure that I personally call someone to make sure I resolved their issue as well as to see what else I can do for them…. It’s the experience that sucked… not the whole! Not everyone who works for any bank is out to get you… some of us really do care…. and again I say I am sorry that USBank could not do everything it could to help you… but if you are happy at your credit union, then I wish that they continue to provide you with great service…

  69. Give me a break. What US Bank does best is use small “technicalities” to stick it to their customers. They make massive amounts of money in fees and services charges alone. Any business that’s out to make a profit is going to find as many angles as possible. So, to sit there and say that US Bank is just an innocent party enforcing federal regs is just laughable. I guess the fed is just really tough on poor, old US Bank…isn’t it? I’ve not experienced -ANY- of the US Bank-esque technicalities since I’ve been at my new bank.

    Life is much better out from under US Bank’s thumb.

  70. I am an employee of U.S.Bank. When I started 15 years ago, we were First National, then Firstar, Now U.S. Bank. I am also a divorced mom supporting my child soley on my paycheck. Until “THE MERGE” I loved my job, the people I worked with, and going to work each day in general. Now, here is my U.S. Bank horror story. I became critically ill one year ago. I could not walk or talk. I was on company disability for 5 months. Of course, the disability usually did not pay. Well, even though my Drs. said I would never work again, I fought my way back to working 30 hours a week. My car loan is also through U.S. Bank. Here comes the scary part…. I arranged to have my car payment automatically taken out on my first paycheck, well to my suprise I worked 60 hours and was paid $82.00. I called payroll and they said it was correct. They subtracted out my disability pay for 2 weeks. I AM NOT ON DISABILITY!!!! I AM WORKING!!!! They blew me off. I frantically called our instalment loan dept., explained the situation and asked that they NOT take my payment out until the next day…when i was SURE that this would be straightened out. They said, sure, no problem… well they DID take the funds out, overdrew my account, and I am STILL being charged overdraft fee’s as we speak. I believe the total is $290.00 now. payroll refuses to talk to me, Human resources does not return my calls. Now, I realize that since we became U.S. Bank, that employees are treated like trash, but this is THEFT!!! I am excellant in my profession, dedicated as are my co-workers. (we all work in a processing center.) But you are right. EVERYONE in Ohio hates U.S. Bank! If they treat customers half as badunderstand why they have not gone under. I am ashamed to say that I work there. I told Human Resources that i will have to get an attorney to help me get my pay and reverse their charges, so I will probably be fired, BUT as my co-workers have stated..”what difference does it make when they are not paying you anyway” If there is anything I can do to assist you in taking them down.. LET ME KNOW!!!

  71. i have worked in a few big banks ( 5/3rd, u.s. bank ) i’m sure some of the problems are genuine / people are people / some work hard wherever they are, some don’t / i can’t help but think most of the complainers (based from my experience) are full of half truth / typically, people want to have fees and such waived, when they make a mistake, but want to hold the lending & financial institutions to the letter / by the way, if a lein is being held on a second mtg (supposedly) paid off by the lender, the company that recieved the payment is the one holding the lein / it has nothing to do with the bank / get a good title lawyer, that is what needs to happen here / the title lawyer will let you know what lein is recorded @ the county, and you may address it from that angle / it would be much more effective than spending hours on a web sight that promotes yourself, while providing no solution to the situation / I GUARANTEE IT! *****

  72. US Bank does not give a sh*t about anyone but themselves. When I first opened my account they neglected to tell me that for the 1st month when you make a deposit, even if it’s a payroll check from your work, the funds aren’t available for 10 days after the deposit. How can they hold your money like that? AND THEY WILL NOT CALL TO VERIFY FUNDS EVER! They have charged me many overdraft fees and done it in a way that make all off my checks bounce resulting in $100’s of dollars in additional overdraft fees. Sometimes they will give me a credit for them, other times not (when they put them in order to be able to f*ck me over when the go through) On their website, half the time it’s not working and when it is, they do not even have correct updated information or all of the information posted. Oh and another thing, about 3 months ago I made a $100.00 cash deposit in my account, which covieniently just didn’t show up and they had no record of, I had to wait a whole day while they went through their teller video tapes and other stuff, and then they still didn’t know how to fix it when they finally proved that i did make the deposit. Another thing is, is that calling their customer service number is pointless, they cannot do anything to help you if you have a problem, only refer you to your branch, and the people are working at the branch are as*holes, especially since I have to come in their with a new problem at least every other month. I THINK THEY HAVE THE HIGHEST FEES IN THE BANKING INDUSTRY, and just use them to make money off their customers.

  73. I have been a customer with US Bank for around 4-5 years, the last 3 as a online banker(using no paper checks). I found it to be much easier, to set up my payment date, without writing checks, and found it to be everything the commercials said it would be… until last week.

    I had a payment set up for Friday April 23, plus two other payments for the same date. The payment cleared my account, on Wednesday, April 21, overdrawing my account, and adding 6 more overdrafts @ $34 each, with the total damage being over $350. All of which could have been avoided had the bank stuck to my payment date, which I set. After much protest, US Bank insists, that this is my fault, and that I should have known the regulations that supposedly state, that the payment could clear up to 4 days before the date I set. The website has no warnings pertaining to this, and in fact, their FAQ page says that the payment could take longer to clear. Anyway, the bank refuses to budge, and my family and I are without money for this week, and $150 lighter next week, as the carnage has carried over another week.

    Why have a column in the website that says: PAYMENT DATE, when there is no way to be sure of this? And no warnings to boot? YES THEY DO SUCK!!!

  74. I have spent almost all day reading what everyone has been writting about US Bank, I’m really glad to see that there is somewhere people can go to get out everything that pisses them off and I’m truly glad that I found it! I worked for US Bank for a year and a half and it was the worst place that I have ever work for!!! From reading there was some people that currently work at US and are trying to protect themselves from the comments of others; the way I look at it is if you are a great employee and do everything within your power to help your customers then they’re NOT complaining about you. From working at that company I have run into the most ignorant,irresponsible,back stabbing,lying,idiots I’ve ever met!! The Branch Managers that should be fired are not and the Branch Managers that should not be fired are it just doesn’t make any sense to me. US Bank is absoutly horrible to their employee’s, what customers don’t understand is we get paid SH*T but they said that we have great incentives… INCENTIVES? Please I only knew a handful that got an incentive. They had/have our goals so high it was merely impossible! I would leave my house at 7:00am and I wouldn’t get home until almost 8:00pm (sometimes later)when I got home I eat then went to bed and started my day all over again… IT SUCKED!!! I sympathize with US Banks customers and the troubles they constantly have. I know for a fact that notices didn’t go out to customers on many occations forcing many, many, many accounts to get overdraft charges. I also know that the branch managers where told to reverse the fees then told that’s too many reversal stop reversing fees! I know that there is way to many branch manager meetings to attend making them scarce in the branches. The corparate office could give a flying sh*t about anyone unless it affects they’re numbers!!! When I gave my 2 weeks notice it was one of the happiest days I’ve had in a very long time. By law they are suppose to have your check waiting for you on your last day (if you give them at least a 72 hour notice)I didn’t receive my Final Check until 2 weeks after my last day… guess what, they paid for it!! I got paid for everyday including weekends up to the day I got my check! I had the labor board ready for this case and just me they where itchin for the chance and these jack asses!!!
    I curreently work for a company that US Bank always said is a horrible bank and I couldn’t be happier! Now I know that every bank has there positives and there negatives but I could honestly say that US Bank has way more negatives then positives!!! Good luck to the people who choose to be blind, you’re going to need it.

    Thank You,
    Melinda 🙂

    P.S. US Bank – I worked HARD for you and you had a lot of satisfied customers when I helped them and you blew it! You pay nothing for all the abuse you put people threw. YOU SUCK!!!!!

  75. Gadzooks!

    Unfortunately a lot of these stories can be found at other banks. I could tell you some hair-raisers about Wachovia (the bank we kept running away from, except they–in their guise as First Union–kept buying all the banks we moved to!) and Washington Mutual (I have a wonderful 9/11 story about Washington Mutual).

    It seems the bigger they get, and the more they care about “maximizing shareholder value” the more they screw customers.

    So we’ve taken out all our money and put it in a local community bank which explicitly states in it’s charter that it can never be sold.

    Best financial move we ever made.

  76. I have no idea whether USB is particularly better or worse than others (aside from anecdotes and testimony here and elsewhere). Certainly there’s enough variation within any organization to engender these sorts of stories, even if they aren’t systemic.

    We’ve been pretty happy with WaMu (and my mother-in-law works there, so that helps, too), but I’m sure there are stories that could be told. And I’ll never forget how I Sword I’d Never Bank with B of A Again, changing over to Security Pacific … two months before BofA bought them. (sigh)

    Ah, well. The local credit union/small bank sounds like not all that bad an idea, if you have a convenient ATM to hit up.

  77. I’ve found incompetent people at the credit unions too. One car loan processor did not have a clue about rental property – that it actually brought in more than enough money to cover the mortgage.

  78. Ah, but there’s incompetence and there’s malice. The former is sadly ubiquitous, but it’s how it’s handled/corrected by management that determines whether a corporate culture is evil or not.

  79. Let me guess,
    all of you who are complaining bring your accounts down to
    IF YOU LIVE PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK, cash your fu*king payroll check and buy money orders from 7-eleven, they’re .35 cents a piece which is a hell of a lot cheaper then $33 overdraft fee.
    Yeah, getting something done in a big corporation is not easy, but we are all going to have to learn how to deal with it. Big Business’s are taking over and that’s a fact. Your phone company, cable, water/sewer and credit card company are no longer local.

    USB IS a good company, they’re paying 75% of my tuition, they give me health insurance and provide me a standard of living. I do believe they’re centered around customer service however keeping it on a consistant level will be a continuious struggle as their employees are exactly the same people who post on this site, pissed off, depressed, stupid, etc. and maybe because they have a job that sucks the life out of them.

    Happy banking,

  80. When asking a CS representative at US Bank what the deal was with an overdraft charge based on a pending transaction, her response to me was “KISS THAT MONEY GOODBYE.” (seriously…quoted) Great 5 star service. Thanks Margie for trying to change the world a little bit at a time. We certainly are forgotten by many at this corporation.

  81. First of all Eric, it is the customer’s responsibility to balance their own account, not the bank’s responsibility. Whether you have $10 or $10,000 in your account the bank does not have the time, nor the responsibility to manage your funds. Unless, of course you have paid U.S. Bank for cash management services, which it sounds like maybe you should have. (many businesses do, by the way) Or, at least get on their FREE Internet Banking website, to check your balances on a regular basis. Either you are too lazy to do this, or too “busy” to do this. If you are too busy then you how did you find the time to create this website, complete with links to other websites, bashing U.S. Bank? People like you always feel that they have no personal responsibility and are always looking to blame others for the bad things that go wrong in their life. When the fact is, everyone has responsiblity for their actions and must accept the fact that even though U.S. Bank may have made a mistake, it was not solely their fault.

    U.S. Bank recently received recognition for their outstanding web site (voted #1), and according to Fortune Magazine the SECOND BEST RETURN TO SHAREHOLDERS OVER THE PAST 10 YEARS. This was out of every major corporation, including Coke, Disney, etc.

    Furthermore, your link “loosing market share” should be “losing” market share. And you don’t spell business, “bussinesss”. Based on the inaccuracies on your web site, I can only assume that you handle your personal and business affairs with the same manner, and don’t feel sorry for your bad experience w/ U.S. Bank. They made a mistake, and apparently, so did you.

  82. I wasn’t suprised to find this site when I typed in “US Bank sucks,” becuase it really does. They charged me two overdraft fees, even though I never went over my balance. The people on the phone told me that I had to go into a branch to have the charges reversed, and this is a serious pain since I work full-time during the day and go to school full-time at night.

    Every time they make a mistake (accidentally closing the wrong account, wrongly freezing my bank account, etc.), I’m not supposed to make a big deal about it, but the one time I had an over-draft, the bastards wouldn’t give me a break.

    LMB must be a US Bank employee, you can tell because he/she likes to insult and degrade others. Don’t worry LMB, you’ll be making angry posts as well after they screw you a couple times.

  83. US Bank has raked me over the coals with the “available balance” overdraft fee scam and I’m ticked. I could post the details but it sounds like a story often told already.

    I’ve seen a lot of references to doing something serious about this issue but can find no info where people actually ARE doing something.

    If you know of a real class action suit pending or in progress against US Bank for overdraft charges (or any other bank for that matter), please let me know.

    Somehow I’m going to get somebody to fix these folks. I’ve set up a special email address for that purpose:

    If you have been screwed for overdraft charges and have documentation to back up your claim, PLEASE drop me a line. I’m going to try to compile enough case history to present to an attorney and try to get someone to pursue this.

    Also, if you have actually won a court decision or judgement against them, whether in small claims court or regular court, I’d like to hear from you.

    Be aware that, at some point, I might ask you to actually identify yourself and maybe even fax me copies of what you have. If I ask you to fax me anything, please be sure that ALL ACCOUNT NUMBERS, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS, ETC ARE BLACKED OUT. I don’t want to be accused of trying to harvest information for identity theft or anything like that. My only purpose will be to develop a portfolio to submit to an attorney.

    Please feel free to post this message on other similar boards that you may encounter. If you do so, please post it in entirety so that there will be no misunderstandings in the process.

    Thank you for your time and cooperation.


  84. I am a co-trustee for a trust account with a US Bank Trust officer as the other co-trustee. We(me & USB) manage an elderly relatives funds. The relative dies; the account is very simple. All the assets are in funds and all bills are paid; IRS is done for 2003 and there are no problems. EXCEPT, do you think I can get someone in the Trust Dept to return phone calls or emails – of course not. They will keep charging their enormous fees for their “work” but they simply will not respond to me or my lawyer. The estate should be really easy to dispurse to the heirs – just write three checks and hold a little for 6 days of 2004 just in case there’s any tax due. The glitch is that the trust dept can legally just hold on to the funds until 9 mos following the date of death (which in our case will be after October 1). This way they can collect their monthly fees, do nothing, use my relatives money and not give any of that fine customer service we were promised. Never use US BANK TRUST DEPT either. They abuse their responsibilities no matter what some of those US Bank employees will tell you here.

  85. That’s as in, “Jerry Grundhofer’s (CEO of US Bancorp) worst nightmare”.

    We maintain the web site, http://www.usbank-5starscrewed.0catch. com. We’ve maintained this site for over 3 years now, to expose the incompetence and unethical conduct of US Bank. To provide a place where the TRUTH about US Bank can be made public. We receive hundreds of complaints and horror stories every week from US Bank customers and employees.

    This is truly an evil organization.

    They’ve set up their processing to maximize the likelihood that people will overdraft their accounts. Why? Because it is fee income that is driving their quarterly earnings and keeping shareholders happy. They’ve taken things to such extremes that some people claim that even CASH deposits, handed to bank tellers, fail to be posted for days — assuring that checks written on the account in the next 24-48 hours will bounce. A few folks have even claimed that their DIRECT DEPOSITS (these are digital requiring no verification) fail to post in a timely fashion. Yet US Bank is real quick (as in immediately) at posting fees, debit card authorizations (not actual charges), and checks against accounts.

    Recent horror stories we’ve received include:

    1. US Bank allowing an unauthorized person to clean out a persons account (no apparent identity theft involved; they allegedly just let an unauthorized person take the money — the case is in court now);

    2. US Bank handing over a bundle of money pursuant to a garnishment order, except they failed to check the name and social security number on the order — they didn’t match the person whose account they pilfered. Then they told the poor guy it would be up to him to hire a lawyer and fight to get his money back.

    3. US Bank allegedly forging customer initials on their copy of lease agreements, resulting in additional charges to the customer when the lease period ends.

    4. We have a story from an employee who was fired when she refused to change information (specifically the interest rate) on an already signed loan agreement.

    5. We have a few stories about US Bank accepting mortgage and refinance applications, with interest rate locks, and then allegedly stalling the processing so that the rate locks expired and they could “coerce” the customer to pay a higher rate.

    A real scary part of how US Bank operates is how they treat people they decide are “problems”. Many of us already know how they threaten, and in some cases follow through, with damage to credit histories or adverse financial impacts. When we sued them and won, they retaliated by smearing our credit record. Took a federal lawsuit to get them to finally back down and clear up the mess they made. Scariest yet — the number of people who have contacted us and said that US Bank had them ARRESTED over some banking complaint or problem. That’s apparently the culture that has been instilled in this company.

    For the record, we have in the last 2 years received numerous messages from employees, many of them branch managers, who have been screwed by US Bank and have filed lawsuits. One such lawsuit, for unlawful discharge, was just recently one by a former manager in Washington. Employees are starting now to come forward and tell us just what has been going on inside this eveil empire: the illegal and unethical activities. Just a matter of time before either a massive class action lawsuit or regulatory enforcement action takes US Bank and Jerry Grundhofer down a few pegs.

    Our web site, http://www.usbank-5starscrewed.0catch. com is now the #1 return when any does a Google search for “us bank, complaints”. We are the clearinghouse for information about how US Bank screws customers and employees, and we have become the core of the internet information network about US Bank and its evil ways.

    We will be updating the web site this month — actually a major re-do. One of the added features will be a section listing all of the lawsuits; filed, pending, proposed — against US Bank that we know about. Just so everyone can see how much trouble they cause, and can also see that they can be successfully fought.

    Ignore the US Bank employees that the company pays to come to this and other complaint sites to try to discredit those of you who voice complaints: they are part of the culture of evil and speak lies.

    Yes, US Bank SUCKS — AVOID U.S. BANK!

    Looking for a decent place to park your money? Find a small local bank or thrift, or a local credit union. They will treat you a whole lot better than any of the big corporate banks.

    (NOTE: Dave’s new spam blocker software apparently won’t let the link to our web site be posted. If you want to visit us, please either cut and paste the following URL to your browser (remove the space before “com” first): http://www.usbank-5starscrewed.0catch. com , or follow the link in “quoth jerrysworstnitemare” to a site gateway page.

  86. US bank hasn’t stolen any more from my account recently, than when I first opened my account. They’re very consistant, and reliable in their thievery. A simple rule of thumb, to avoid many of the problems that have been described on this site, is to simply subtract $300 from your ledger at the beginning of each month. This way, you should be able to stay within a few hundred dollars, or so, of what US Bank actually decides to steal from your account, in any given month. It’s really not that hard.

  87. I AGREE 100% US Bank is HORRIBLE>

    We had a mortgage with The Leader Mortg company for 2 years. We paid online no problems what so ever.

    Well now we got switched to US Bank Mortgage and in 2 months it has been HORRIBLE!

    First month couldn’t even get online to make the payment FINALLY after 3 days of phone calls they finally figured out that all the people who were switched over had too many digits in their loan numbers.

    So we then have to pay over the phone since we don’t even like to be 1 day late (Forget about the 15 day grace period) and they charge us $9 to pay by phone.

    Next month we FINALLY get it straightened out and pay online by echeck 2 days before the due date. 10 days later they call us and say that our bank said there is NO such bank account LIARS>

    So we read off our bank account # and routing number and US Bank says YES that is the number we have but it didn’t go through so we ahve charged you and extra $20 and you better hurry up and pay or else in 8 days you REALLY will be late and it will go on your credit and we will charge you a $50 late fee.

    Well I just went online and paid AGAIN and we will see what happens. If we didn’t have such a low rate I would refinance but they got us by the short ones those BASTARDS

  88. hello all,

    I am reading your website in disgust right now. I believe that whatever you are saying would also be said if you were banking with lets say “Bank One”.. no matter what bank you bank with you would be complaining like this. I for one work at the US Bank Service Center dealing with you people. People calling us every second of the day,due to the fact that we have to be open 24/7 to deal with all your problems and “complaints” that wouldnt be there if you simply read the “cardmember agreements before signing up for the card or using the card”.…before working at us bank, i didnt know much about credit cards or anything about banking, but for training we were forced to sit down and read the cardmember agreements sentecne by sentence. Im sick and tired of hearing this one simple phrase.…..”Why did i get this late fee??” Why you ask!!!! What does late fee mean???? it doesnt mean you were early…it means you were LATE!!! “But i wrote the check out before the due date, i cant control the mailing system. Well sorry, neither can we, so thats why you should leave more then 3!!!!! days before your due date. Have you ever mailed anything else that takes only 3 days, i dont think so. And also…im sick of hearing…you guys purposly held my payment to be late!!! You guys suck!!.…well for one thing, its against the law for us to hold payments. All payments are recieved and posted electronically the day we get them, if by chance there is an error, we will not charge a late fee, due to our error!!! Dont you think its kinda odd that we would hold just YOUR payment and not all 2 million cardholders payments????? Oh ya…and sorry we cant handle all calls in one department!!! So we do need to transfer you to a different department to for say.…change your address. As the famous phrase goes…you cant kill a 2 birds with one stone. As soon as we mention that we have to transfer you, i hear that recognizable SIGH from the back of your throat!!! For example, you go to the doctor for your skin!!! ok?? and you have a broken arm, that skin doctor cant help your broken arm…so you hve to scheudle another apointment with a different doctor…kinda like we transfer to different departments!!! Now i would love for you to work for me just one day, and see how many people yell at you, and swear at you, for something that is not your fault, but is acutally their own fault. Kind of like all your situations.!!!! Just remember…you show me respect..i show you respect!!!!!!!!! I LOVE US BANK!!!!!!!! by the way…i have had a credit card with them for 2 years!!! not one late fee..or any type of problem…due to the fact that i read the CARDMEMBER AGREEMENTS before i purchased one thing!!! And by the way.…do you have a job?? cause making this website must have taken some time??? you must be devoted to HATING US BANK!! Well, whoever reads this posting..and has a credit card with us bank, or not even a us bank card but another credit card, please read your cardmemeber agreements, you will find out alot of information, and if you dont have your card member agreements im surely glad one of your customer service reps will gladly send you a additonial copy!!!!

  89. WOOOOOHOOOO I also love usbank!!! I also work their and know what your talking about..people just simply dont read their cardmember agreements we wounldnt have to deal with whining people that cuss and bitch at you for something that isnt your fault!!its their own fault because they are retarded and dont read there agreementS!!UGH!!I cant stand usbank haters cause you would be haters no matter what because your ignorant to something that is so simple to understand if you would just READ!!!!

  90. Hey, “Brandon,” any reason why you use the same sort of exclamation point style and spelling of “cardmember” and use of two periods for elipses and other stylistic bits as, oh, “zach”?

    Or why you use a suffix of “85” in your e-mail address, just like “zach”?

    Wouldn’t be the same reason as your having the same IP address as “zach,” would it?

    Just wondering.

    For what it’s worth, btw, this “site” is one page (or group of pages) in a much larger site — and 95% of the above was written by other people about US Bank, both pro and con. I do have a job, and many other things to discuss besides our own bad experiences with US Bank. But if other people want to take time to relate their encounters (bad and good), I’m more than pleased, for the time being, to provide a forum.

  91. ok sorry…but were not the same person…we are to guys that work at us bank!!! i wouldnt use to different names to post something i would post it all on mine…and seriously…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!whoops…sorry…hit that key accidently! it is possible that two people have the same suffix of 85?? so did you just have a loan..or did you have a credit card?? SORRY!! you feel so bad towards US BANK…but im just stating my personal experiences too…as a US BANK employee….so what bank have you decided to go to now?? Bank One?? or just curious..thanks!

  92. hey i got a question….why are you looking at our IP address?? are you a stalker?? is it possible..that we could be two different people at the same house???? do you really need to know our ip address???””””””””””Oh YA us bank rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!””””””””””””””858585858585858585858585…whooops sorry

  93. YEs transfering is part of hte job!!! get use to it!! i dont know how you t hink one representative can handle everything!!!Just lik eyou cant handle everything!!! so just shove it!! its your own fault stalker!!!

  94. It’s ironic that these two USBank employees who are fighting for their bank are actually affirming the negative PR that they complain about in their postings. It’s my opinion that these people are not even capable of having a reasonable dialog at or away from work. With a recent fraud incident on my USBank check card and everything I’ve read about on the web I’m switching my banking to someone else. I think this cat has just used life number eight and doesn’t want to stick around and chance losing number nine. This is after 12 years with USBank. Thanks Zach for affirming what so many others have already said. If it weren’t for us “People” calling at all hours of the day or night you wouldn’t have job you blithering idiot. Do you think that the bank would pay you to sit around a call center that wasn’t receiving calls?

    Responding to some of the earlier postings regarding saving the bank I say run and don’t look back. Screw saving them, I personally can’t wait to see the other banks squash them with good solid performance. They’ll eventually change or go the way of the dinosaurs, as this is the way of business. Either way I won’t be around nor will I care what happens once I’m clear of this organization. Thanks Dave for all the efforts and your professionalism in your postings.

  95. Thanks chris for you wonderful response!! It enlighted my day! So you guys arent “capable of reading your cardmemeber agreements.” I would just like to see how you would do in my position…have to here the same exact words over and over and over again!! For example…why did i get this late fee???? Boy i dunno,what does late fee mean? Does it mean you got ur payment to us early??NO!! But i sent that payment in 3 days before the due date! Do u really think anything can get mailed out to any place in 3 days?? And yes we do control the we can choose when it comes to us…right??? WOW!!!!!! We are talented..its all our faults! Thanks for your input chris. And bank is awesome.

  96. I feel your frustration. I am dealing with a situation where US Bank set up a couple of TRUSTS, and then did not follow the trustors’ intent and instead paid out the money however they felt like, and now US Bank is trying to cover it up and pretend they did nothing wrong even though the grandchildrens’ inheritances are gone.

  97. Well, I am here to say that I agree with everyone who had said that USBANK sucks. It is not that they could not do anything to help with my situation that got to me, BUT the fact that they couldn’t help me with such an attitude is what grossed me out. I talked to a monster of a lady called NANCY and she was so rude and unprofessional. On top of it she sounded like a computer! I am sorry to anyone who thinks anything positive of USBANK, but when I think of five star service, I think of an honest, good-hearted, responsive and caring representative. So, YES, US BANK REALLY DOES SUCK!!!!

  98. US Bank really does suck.

    In my case, I wisely closed my account 2 weeks ago (never bounced checks – closed to switch to Lasalle/ABM Amro because of their bad ATM coverage in the Chicago area).

    However, it appears as though USBank has a hard time telling their Billpay provider when accounts actually close. Because the recurring payments I had set up in Billpay (thankfully – only one was like this) – were made anyway (against my closed account, weeks after the account was closed). The dumbasses at the billpay provider let the check that was sent clear – then later found out it was a closed account.

    So now they want the money from me that was sent. They will get it – next month, when it is convenient for me (and since the payment was the last one on a car lease that is ending – I will be getting the money back when the lease officially ends around 9/4). The good news is that they agree to this, since their own incompetence got them into this hole (how is it my problem that USbank does not communicate account closure to their billpay providers… they could not even answer that one).

    Hint to you USBank people there. Your account closure process is broken. Also – the company you work for is incompetent.

    The funny part – is that in persuit of short term quarterly profit – they are driving their customers away in droves. All a typical customer needs is the following:

    * A place for your paycheck to land with direct deposit
    * A place from which to pay bills and/or write checks
    * A reasonable ATM network and/or discounts using other’s ATMs

    Frankly, with the cost of fees that banks like USBank (Citibank, Bank One, Wachovia, and other “big” banks are just as bad) – it is more cost effective to go with some of these alternatives:

    * Credit Unions, if available
    * Brokerages (I use my Schwab account check writing feature for bigger ticket stuff)
    * Smaller Community Banks, if they have a good rep in your town
    * Banks owned by a brokerage (so far, my experience with ABM Amro/Lasalle is actually pretty good – I suspect it is the combination of Lasalle’s regionality coupled with the fact that ABM is more of a “white shoe” kind of outfit)

    I feel the pain for the people who get killed on fees. Banks love you when you overdraft, late-pay, and the like. They strive on ignorance or inattention to finances. The USBank/Citi/B1’s of the world make most of their money from fees now – they have negative interest in helping customers avoid fees.

    Best of luck. Explore your alternatives.

  99. Making good on a promise to US Bank to blab my story to consumer complaint websites, fiscal oversite websites and just anyone who will listen. I think I have a twist on all the above. Yep, pretty sure all you US Bank promoters out there will say “You should have read the card membership agreement” — I did. Guess the terms changed when I signed up for credit protector. Hmmmm…where was credit protector when this thing was happening? I never got a notice or a call… And the thing is, I had just paid off a balance to US Bank Credit Card a month or so ago. I had a zero balance on 0.00% interest and an increase in credit line. I cannot figure for the life of me how the below happened. 409.76% A.P.R. on an overdraft protection (Unauthorized cash advance) charged to my account when there is no record of the overdraft on my checking account statement?? I keep receipts. But then there was the time I tried to add my husband to my account. We went to the bank where I started my account, completed paperwork and were told it might take 10 days. We have a good income, he has very good credit and stable employment for 4 years now. We waited, and waited, and waited. Finally I called the CSR line and was told to go back to the bank and inquire there. Which we did. Manager could not find the original paperwork. Husband is at Bank One (he says it isn’t much better). I should have quit while I was ahead…

    Email to US Bank 8/22/04
    Why am I being charged $32.00 this month? I have not used my credit card and I have not had any overdraft.
    I have already emailed the credit card division about this matter. I am notifying you that I will be closing my account with US Bank by the end of this month for the following reasons:
    I have been unhappy with your policy of delaying accrediting my checking account with my full deposited amount for quite some time, but I have chosen in the past when your policy created an “Overdraft” to work it out with the bank. No more.
    You have once again caused a problem for me, not just with my checking account balance, but also with my credit card account, and with my credit rating.

    I deposit a government payroll check every two weeks into my checking account and I have to wait for three days before you acknowledge that a government check is good. I once deposited a government payroll check at the counter to a teller at the Meijer Middletown Ohio branch and the next day I am informed by my husband that his attempt to withdraw money was halted when he noticed this incurred an “overdraft”. PROBLEM: The deposit was for over $800 and the withdrawal was only for $160. I had to go back to the bank, on a work day, take in the receipt from the previous night’s deposit and show the clerk that an error had been made by the bank. I required a hand-written notice from the head clerk that this was a bank error and my account would not be adversely affected. I was given a temporary deposit credit until my actual deposit was accredited almost a week later. I was fortunate because I took action immediately. I have known others not so fortunate who have been stuck with “consumer protection” services and their accounts have become insolvent and their credit damaged.

    Yet…Once AGAIN you screw up. I deposited a government check for $976.54 on July 29,2004. On July 30, 2004, my husband attempted to withdraw $200 from this account and he happened to notice this incurred an “overdraft”. He immediately went inside the bank in Dayton Ohio, and spoke to the clerk and he deposited $100 back into the account with the clerk’s assurance that this would not be a problem and no fees would occur. I cannot understand how these “errors” continue to happen. For you see, I have not used my credit card for awhile and I did not expect to see a balance on my statement when I checked it online. But, on the exact day that the above incident occurred, my credit account is showing a cash advance of $25 for overdraft protection fee. And I also have incurred a $5 service charge and a $2 finance charge which I feel are totally beyond my responsibility to pay. I have had it with US Bank.I have been victimized by you one time too many.
    My online bank statement does not show an accurate progression in my transactions from these dates. I keep receipts. I keep them for reasons like this. I have proof that my government payroll check was deposited on July 29, 2004, well before my husband attempted to make a withdrawal. What I do not understand is this — why does my account not reflect an overdraft? Why does it show that he deposited $100 on July 30 and then “later” he withdrew $200? In no case is there an overdraft anywhere on my statement. I can only conclude, that even though you want me to believe you have a delay in processing all transactions, in truth, the delay always comes when a credit to the account is being done, and a debit always occurs immediately. My husband has worked on computer programs for banks and we are not ignorant that this policy always benefits the banks.
    You have managed to screw up my credit rating with this policy. I know of other instances where your policy of not crediting payroll checks into people’s accounts have caused “overdraft” protection charges and fees, and they never seem to end. I find your policy to be dishonest gouging of the consumer and I do not want to be a part of your business after the end of this month.
    I am reporting these incidents to the appropriate fiscal watchdogs and consumer groups and to websites that report these problems.
    In closing …
    You prey upon people’s trust in a banking institution that claims to be about “customer satisfaction.” I have seen this practice ruin other people’s attempts to build good credit. I will never again use a US Banking credit card, or any services.

    One more item …
    And my son had fraud on his account when someone stole his checkbook and purchased items from a retailer. Retailer asked for no identification even though the checks were for over $300 and $400 dollars. US Bank was alerted about the fraud late and was altogether pretty good at handling this. But I did have to go to his home state, accompany him into the manager’s office, demand that they fax the check copies (no cost to us)to the retailer and give him a signed statement acknowledging these checks had forged signatures (nothing at all like my son’s hand scribble)This just took…oh maybe 3 months to resolve.

  100. Making good on a promise to US Bank to blab my story to consumer complaint websites, fiscal oversite websites and just anyone who will listen. I think I have a twist on all the above. Yep, pretty sure all you US Bank promoters out there will say “You should have read the card membership agreement” — I did. Guess the terms changed when I signed up for credit protector. Hmmmm…where was credit protector when this thing was happening? I never got a notice or a call… And the thing is, I had just paid off a balance to US Bank Credit Card a month or so ago. I had a zero balance on 0.00% interest and an increase in credit line. I cannot figure for the life of me how the below happened. 409.76% A.P.R. on an overdraft protection (Unauthorized cash advance) charged to my account when there is no record of the overdraft on my checking account statement?? I keep receipts. But then there was the time I tried to add my husband to my account. We went to the bank where I started my account, completed paperwork and were told it might take 10 days. We have a good income, he has very good credit and stable employment for 4 years now. We waited, and waited, and waited. Finally I called the CSR line and was told to go back to the bank and inquire there. Which we did. Manager could not find the original paperwork. Husband is at Bank One (he says it isn’t much better). I should have quit while I was ahead…

    Email to US Bank 8/22/04
    Why am I being charged $32.00 this month? I have not used my credit card and I have not had any overdraft.
    I have already emailed the credit card division about this matter. I am notifying you that I will be closing my account with US Bank by the end of this month for the following reasons:
    I have been unhappy with your policy of delaying accrediting my checking account with my full deposited amount for quite some time, but I have chosen in the past when your policy created an “Overdraft” to work it out with the bank. No more.
    You have once again caused a problem for me, not just with my checking account balance, but also with my credit card account, and with my credit rating.

    I deposit a government payroll check every two weeks into my checking account and I have to wait for three days before you acknowledge that a government check is good. I once deposited a government payroll check at the counter to a teller at the Meijer Middletown Ohio branch and the next day I am informed by my husband that his attempt to withdraw money was halted when he noticed this incurred an “overdraft”. PROBLEM: The deposit was for over $800 and the withdrawal was only for $160. I had to go back to the bank, on a work day, take in the receipt from the previous night’s deposit and show the clerk that an error had been made by the bank. I required a hand-written notice from the head clerk that this was a bank error and my account would not be adversely affected. I was given a temporary deposit credit until my actual deposit was accredited almost a week later. I was fortunate because I took action immediately. I have known others not so fortunate who have been stuck with “consumer protection” services and their accounts have become insolvent and their credit damaged.

    Yet…Once AGAIN you screw up. I deposited a government check for $976.54 on July 29,2004. On July 30, 2004, my husband attempted to withdraw $200 from this account and he happened to notice this incurred an “overdraft”. He immediately went inside the bank in Dayton Ohio, and spoke to the clerk and he deposited $100 back into the account with the clerk’s assurance that this would not be a problem and no fees would occur. I cannot understand how these “errors” continue to happen. For you see, I have not used my credit card for awhile and I did not expect to see a balance on my statement when I checked it online. But, on the exact day that the above incident occurred, my credit account is showing a cash advance of $25 for overdraft protection fee. And I also have incurred a $5 service charge and a $2 finance charge which I feel are totally beyond my responsibility to pay. I have had it with US Bank.I have been victimized by you one time too many.
    My online bank statement does not show an accurate progression in my transactions from these dates. I keep receipts. I keep them for reasons like this. I have proof that my government payroll check was deposited on July 29, 2004, well before my husband attempted to make a withdrawal. What I do not understand is this — why does my account not reflect an overdraft? Why does it show that he deposited $100 on July 30 and then “later” he withdrew $200? In no case is there an overdraft anywhere on my statement. I can only conclude, that even though you want me to believe you have a delay in processing all transactions, in truth, the delay always comes when a credit to the account is being done, and a debit always occurs immediately. My husband has worked on computer programs for banks and we are not ignorant that this policy always benefits the banks.
    You have managed to screw up my credit rating with this policy. I know of other instances where your policy of not crediting payroll checks into people’s accounts have caused “overdraft” protection charges and fees, and they never seem to end. I find your policy to be dishonest gouging of the consumer and I do not want to be a part of your business after the end of this month.
    I am reporting these incidents to the appropriate fiscal watchdogs and consumer groups and to websites that report these problems.
    In closing …
    You prey upon people’s trust in a banking institution that claims to be about “customer satisfaction.” I have seen this practice ruin other people’s attempts to build good credit. I will never again use a US Banking credit card, or any services.

    One more item …
    And my son had fraud on his account when someone stole his checkbook and purchased items from a retailer. Retailer asked for no identification even though the checks were for over $300 and $400 dollars. US Bank was alerted about the fraud late and was altogether pretty good at handling this. But I did have to go to his home state, accompany him into the manager’s office, demand that they fax the check copies (no cost to us)to the retailer and give him a signed statement acknowledging these checks had forged signatures (nothing at all like my son’s hand scribble)This just took…oh maybe 3 months to resolve.

  101. I guess very few people on this site have heard of personal reposonsibility.

    Always easier to blame another party (the bank in this case) for your mistakes.

  102. I am SO happy to find this website! I received a letter warning of foreclosure on my home on August 29, 2004. Being I have made EVERY payment, I thought “simple error, a phone call will fix it.” The “customer service” people that I spoke to were rude, refused to research my account history, refused to listen, and refused to explain how in the world I got 3 months behind. I spoke at length with one rude man, and in that time he demanded that I come up with a payment right now, he told me that if I could afford a lawyer I could afford to pay for my house, he told me that the state my account was in I was not going to be able to re-finance, threatened to contact my ex-husband and it gets worse from there. I later called another “supervisor” and received the same treatment and a little worse. As promised, on Wednesday, August 31, I received a foreclosure letter by lovely FED-EX. I called the number listed on the bottom and left a message that I was disputing this claim, and I would be contacting my lawyer in the morning. She returned my call and within 5 minutes time had found errors dating back to January, which not only brought my account current through July, but also covered my August 2004 payment, which I had not made yet due to the problems. I have been trying to get someone to listen since April. I have yet to receive any kind of apology. I went through 3 days of hell on earth trying to convince these people that the error was on their part, only to be intimidated, ridiculed and threatened. I agree….5 star guarantee does NOT hang proudly on the walls at US Bank! I have personal responsibility…I used personal responsibility….I paid my payments..US Bank used poor business ethics by not listening to the consumer and by using intimidation methods to try to re-posess something that they had no business re-possessing.

  103. I am SO happy to find this website! Just in August, 2004, US Bank was threatening foreclosure on my home. I have been trying since April to get someone in their offices to research my account and find out where the problem is. By August, they state that I am 3 months behind and they are foreclosing beginning September 1, 2004, even though I have made my monthly payments and have receipts for them. Working with their Consumer Finance Supervisors was a nightmare and I talked to several. Finally, after receiving a letter of definite foreclosure activity from US Bank, I was able to find a person who was willing to research my account, finding that my payments were miss-posted, and had been since January. Not only were my payments on time through July, 2004, there was enough error to cover my August 2004 mortgage payment as well. I have yet to receive an apology from anyone and have very little faith in their “5-Star Guarantee”. P.S. — I used personal responsibility in paying my payments every month….business responsiblity does not exist with this bank.

  104. I also worked at US Bank, and we have many many problems such as this. And, guess what? 99% of the time–they are the customer’s fault. I’ve read your post, and I can tell you the reason why people are switching you around, not calling you, etc.
    1) The mistake was your fault.
    2) They’ve told you it’s your fault. You won’t listen.
    3) Since you keep demanding things they cannot possibly give, they ship you to someone who has a small chance who could.
    4) The person who they ship you to cannot do anything about it, because, again, it’s your fault.
    And, the NUMBER ONE REASON why banks will give out customer service like this is:
    You’re an idiot. Now, they cannot tell that to your face. But they’re hoping you’ll get the subtle hint when they do this to you.
    Bottom line is, if the bank messes up, most of the time it’s easy to fix. However, they cannot fix a problem you caused. So, anybody who reads this, stop bugging the bank. It’s your fault.

    Now, of course, the disclaimer is that this post is not correct 100 of the time, and MAY not be true even in this case. However, it is very probable.

    – Sick of dealing with irrational customers

  105. Having worked in customer service of various sorts, I’m certainly familiar with difficult customers, and ones who shoot themselves in the foot.

    That said, I’m a bit concerned that the “best” that the “Five Star Service” can provide is a shrug and a “well, I can’t help this dodo, so I’ll just fob him/her off on someone else in customer service.” Indeed, that attitude doesn’t speak well of customer service to begin with.

    You can’t please all of the customers all of the time. But certainly passing the buck is not the solution, either.

  106. I love the complaints about US bank because they really are bloodsucking bastards.
    What we as consumers need to do Is call them on the 5$ service credit everytime we need to set up some kind of email chain to notify one another when there web site is down or there phone system is off line if we can get enough people to make them pay at once we can really bust there balls. I have been with them for six months and I have been payed 75$ in service gurantees. Now multiply that by 1000 if we can get enough people online.Maybe we can make them pay !!!!
    email me a so we can get the chain going send this to anyone you know who still banks with them.

  107. US Bank is forcing me out. I have a business and they don’t like counting all the cash that i bring in. I have lots and lots of ones. So , they sent me a letter, stating that they have decided not to do business with me anymore. In two weeks they say that any checks drawn on my account will no longer be honored. Just like that! I have over 15,000 dollars worth of outstanding checks to my clients and suppliers. By the time this is over I am going to have a hell of lot of pissed off people on my hands. My business reputation will be harmed and when I told them that I didn’t have any problems with changing bank accounts, but that I needed more time to do it they said,” we think that is enough time. . . “. The branch manager is a damn genius.

    I found this website trying to find a better contact than the one on their site cuz I sent customer service an email to try to get them to intervene. Yet, I have heard nothing from them. . . . .

    The saga continues.


    I hear what you all are saying, I sued U.S. Bank because I noticed a deduction on my statement of $291.80 on or about November 27, 1997. because I did not inform them within 60-90 days they would not reverse the charges, so after many telephone calls and becoming frustrated I decided to sue them through the small claims court on September 01, 1998 in Clackamas County Oregon.

    I filed a claim against them and it cost me a $42.00 filing fee plus about $3.00 to have the complaint delivered. Within 14 days I got my money back plus all of the court cost and fees associated with the dispute.

    Lisa A. Peterson, the Legal Assistant in the legal department of U.S. Bank in Portland, Oregon handled the matter and on September 28, 1998 she placed $336.80 back into my account.

    I have sued them before through this process and every time I have won. I believe that if everyone went through this process a major percentage of the losses will be reversed back.

    It was funny on one occasion, I wanted to get the small claims form notarized, when I went into U.S. Bank to get it notarized, they told me that they do not notarize anything that does not have to do with U.S. Bank, I told them that it did and gave them the form to be notarized, I was the Plaintiff and U.S. Bank was the Defendant, the form was notarized.

    If anyone needs any assistant in this process, I would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have. My email address is: thanks for listening and keep up the wonderful work in drowning U.S. Bank.

  109. I always though the stories on US Bank were just from people who mis-managed funds. I’m sure a some of it may be that, but after my dealings in the past to now I have had it with US Bank and will goto a local Credit Union.

    I worked in the financial industry and I am very aware of federal regulations and policies, plus the policies of banks that I have been with in the past. I know about fee’s, how they apply and that deposts can legally be held up to 14 days, etc. I also worked in the CS field in a credit card industry and know how stressful it can be when talking with 100+ card holders everyday yelling at you. Which is why when I call up CS I stay professional and courteous and look to recieve the same respect.

    It started back in Feb of this year. I bought some books for school off a large website. I ended up not getting a book and followed though with my dispute proceedures. I tried to contact the seller, then the website, then to US Bank. I get the forms and fill them out and send in all the information I have to speed up the process. All letters to the seller and the website and my transaction summary and reciptes with the hopes of a speedy transaction.

    I know when an Item goes into dispute you are not responsible for it. But if it is found not to be in your favor then it gets posted back to your account and if it causes any fees then you are responsible for them. I sent the paperwork out on the same day I recieved it. It went out in that days sort since I ran it directly to the post office during that mid morning.

    So I continue to monitor my account and keep my registry up to date. Then I see the dispute put back on my account and puts me $2 in the neg, then an OD fee. I call up on my dispute to inquire on the reason for their decision (it is the consumers right to have this information). They tell me they never rec the paperwork on time. I have a letter saying that you did rec it and will be working on processing it. I get put on hold and transfered to the person working on my dispute. I get a VM. I leave a message and wait for a call. After 3 days I call back. I talk with the person. They tell me they have the paperwork and are going to process my dispute. I get the $15.99 credit back to my account but the OD fee remained. I didn’t complain on it at the time, I had more important things to do. 2 weeks later I see the $15.99 back on my account again and another OD fee since it put me OD. I call again to see why. I get I didn’t give all the info they req. I asked what they wanted again. They told me, it’s what I sent them. Then the rep was like “oh yeah, I have them here”. $15.99 credited back to my account, OD fee still stayed. This was on a Monday.

    I have direct deposit on my account. The end of that week I my deposit was going in. On wed i checked my account and I see the 15.99 put back on my account and another OD fee. Now this starts the spiral with my checking account. I call back and get the persons voice mail. This time I’m pretty mad. I layed in on her. Next day, 15.99 taken off my account and never seen it again. But the 2 OD fees remained. I didn’t want to go though that headach of getting those removed.

    I live paycheck by paycheck as most do. I usually do ok to where I don’t have to over stress on everything. But when you have $64 in fees on your account, that throws a monkey wrench into your finances. I could pay a bill with that or put food on the table. My rent check comes up short, but the bank clears the check. Now I’m OD by $80 then another fee. Fine I understand. Funds were not quite avail. My fault, but if the prior 2 fees were removed since they were bank error, i wouldn’t have been in this place. But my fault for not proceeding with that. I play catch up and get somewhat situated.

    I hit OD ever now and then but the bank clears the checks. I take care of the neg and the fee in a day or two and all is good. I have been with US bank for 3 years and figured the mix up with the dispute wasn’t a big deal. I pay my cell phone bill 6 weeks back. I was not aware that they started charging a fee for doing payments online. It’s like a dollar something. No big thing, but it put me OD by $0.75. yes .75. I get a $33 OD fee. fine I went OD, but seemed pretty stupid for .75 cents. Even in the credit card industry I’ve seen more flexability. Also to add to it the place I was working at is setting up for a merger, so that ment layoffs. All is good, I go back to my old job as a delivery driver. The pay isn’t great but the tips are good and it puts food on the table.

    My wife has direct deposit set up now. I get this OD fee on a monday. By thursday I get a fee for being in OD for so long, the another OD fee is on top of that. now i’m like a little over $100 in the hole. At the same time my insurance pulls money out on Friday, when my wifes check has already been deposited and all funds avail. I get a return check fee. My insurance has provided me with the info showing me when they put the transaction through which was on Friday night. The bank told me the was no funds avail to cover it. I’m like the transfer didn’t happen until Friday night and have papers from insurance to prove it. They tell me it was thursday night and that the insurance comp provided me with incorrect info. Whatever. I knew I was going to be short on cash when the insurance puts the transaction though again, but figured it will just OD and I’ll take care of it. I was wrong. It nsf’d again. The insurance tried to force it though. I was charged a force fee and another nsf. I ended up taking care of it. My fault assuming that it would just OD. Instead of a OD fee of $33. The bank scored 2 NSF fees and a force fee. Totallying $90.

    Now this saturday I get some money. I have avail in my checking account $105. This is avail after all pending transactions not including a $50 check to my electric bill. So I really have $55 avail. I drop in $350 which $100 is avail, so i have $155. I buy some food and pay a bill and have around $40 left. Including the $50 to my electric bill. The check deposits fully to my account on Monday. I have a NSF charge on my account. I’m thinking there shouldn’t be anything. I’ll check with the wife and make sure she hasn’t bought anything.

    No wife didn’t buy anything. The two purchases I made on sat has posted to the account. I should of had $290 avail not counting the electric bill. I know I didn’t write any large checks. I pay 2 more bills, etc. which would have left me with $110 not counting the electric check. or would be $77 after nsf fee. Now today I get another NSF fee and a OD fee. I call up CS to see what is going on. They tell me the $50 ACH was returned since funds were not avail. They said they processed it on Sunday. Fine I’ll take that and leave it. I asked about the other two fees. The OD fee was from the check card debit to a bill. They said I didn’t have all the funds avail to cover it, and the NSF was the $50 ACH. There was no funds to cover it.

    I was told that visa/debit cards are guaranteed to go through, no matter what. They reserve the right to choose to allow a check to go though or not. I was like there was money in the account. the deposit went though on monday. They told me that the funds were not avail until wednesday. I asked why the other charges went though then. I was told funds were avail for them. If this was the case, this would confirm the funds were avail on monday. Fees were not going to be waved since it was “not” a bank error.

    In this case it was. I have admitted to my errors in the past and never called up to complain on them. The rep told me they are able to pick and choose what they want to go though based on the history in the past 90 days. “pick and choose” were the exact words. Last time I looked, this was a form of discrimination. You may clear one check, but not another i asked, just for clarification. the rep told me yes. Hmmmm wish this was recored. I went up to a supervisor. Was told the same thing. All I wanted was 2 fee’s waved. I never asked for fees to be waved in the past (accept during my dispute which was never taken care of). She told me no and restated the same thing the prev rep said. I asked what my account bal was on two days this month, also the days before and after. I was give the bal which confirms what I have $100. I had my subscription with a mail service take funds out on the days in question. I get an email from them saying the charge could not go through. Credit card info matched up with them, etc. I asked about that. it is a visa/debit card transaction. funds were avail, it did not go though. The rep became angry with me and started yelling and getting snotty. Remember I did mention i did do this and know what it felt like being on the recieving end, which is why i treat them with respect and ask the same in return. I remain calm and ask questions to claify my concerns. I was told “If you had or made enough money, then this wouldn’t be a problem. Take this issue up with your branch.” My response was I want your supervisor. She gave an attitude and kept telling me to talk to my branch. I ended up getting her supervisors name and was xferd to his voice mail. I left a message, but doubt i will get a call back by 3pm tomorrow (as stated in their 5 star crap treatment). So I’ll waste more time and try to get $5 in the process.

    Sorry for the book, but I’ve had enough. Friday I goto one of the local credit unions and open an account. I have been with 3 banks in the past. Great Western, which turned into Washington Mutual and a local credit union. I liked the credit union. Great Western was good too, until it changed to Washington Mutual. One thing I have learned, US Bank does not like it when you know what they know and all the regs and policys.

    I hope this helps anyone out.


    I have read Zach and Brandon’S statement on July 10, 2004. If anyone cares to know this, several credit card companies including U.S. BANK has failed to credit accounts for money or credits accepted by all credit card holders. That the banks failed to disclose those material facts to the credit card holders. That the credit card holders are entitled to receive credits.

    Here’s Why

    1. That the banks do not follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.

    2. That the banks do not follow the Federal Reserve Bank policies and procedures.

    3. That the banks prohibits the party that funds the loan or extension of credit to be repaid.

    4. That the banks do not disclose to the credit card holders that they would create new money based on the credit card holders note or similar instrument.

    5. That the banks do not disclose to the credit card holders that the credit card holders are not entitled to those credits or money.

    All credit card holders can dispute their entire balance based on the above information, that the dispute shall constitute prima facie evidence that the credit card billing error is a bona fide dispute and that the credit card company must credit the credit card holders account accordingly.

    Member Testimonials

    “I started my debt relief in February 2003 and I am completely finished now. All the way through the process, I was utterly fascinated with what I learned about how the banking system really works and how they overcharged me. I know, I will never get into debt again! The Resource Center is very responsive and my Specialist went beyond the call of duty to help me understand everything I needed to know. I am very pleased with the result as I now have relief from over $56,000 in credit card debt.”
    K.S., Florida

    I followed my specialist’s directives and found myself $42,000. out of debt from 4 credit cards. The hardest part was surviving all the ringing on my telephone for a month or so. My phone is now quiet again. I can’t tell you what a wonderful relief it is not to pay the huge interest payments and feel like a free woman like I was born to be. It really was a whole lot easier than the great majority of people think.

    I am now paying cash again for things that I buy. I like having the feeling that I have my finances in control once again and am earning and saving to purchase things that I want. Those material things are always less expensive without interest and ‘gently owned’ items are always significantly less expensive.
    Pac, Texas

    Let’s Get Started

    For those of you who wish to know what this is all about can call 913-385-4865 and listen to a five minute overview, then email us at , also for those who are in dispute already with your credit card company and or may be in collections will want to contact us as well.

  111. I agree U.S. Banks Sucks. I’ve never seen a bank so dumb in my life. I’ve done customer service most of my life and I’ve worked with companies who really care about customers concerns and companies who don’t. U.S bank has ripped me off for $400 in overdraft charges when my account never went defaulted and it clearly showed that on their website. But no one can help me with that issue according to their rules. I HATE!!!! US Bank with a passion and I’m having all of the accounts that I refered to them closed which add up to about 60 through my business. I refuse to give them my money anymore.

  112. I know what Margie is going through. Us Bank is screwing me around with a fraud against my account they sure can take my money but I can’t get mine back. The fraud department only gave me 467.00 back which there was a -313.00 doolars accured charges from over drafts from the fraud on my account Us Bank subtracted the -313.00 from my 467.00 they gave me. I ended up paying over draft fees that I didn’t make. then the next day went to the bank and Us bank kept my money I work 70 miles from my home had no gas to get home US bank said they would be nice and give me only 20.00 of the 154.00 that they stold from me. I have never been treated so rotten by a bank. they are alousy bank wouldn’t recommend them to no one. Think all of us that are being screwed by Us bank we should get together and file a lawsuit. Like Margie I get the run around on the phone and told oh you have to go to the bank you opened your account to take care of something never had to do that at another bank. Oh Yeah US BANK SUCKS BIG TIME
    of Ohio

  113. The same thing happened to us. We had a home equity line of credit, we wanted to pay it off but the only way to ever hear from USBank is just stop paying them!

    No one knows what you owe or how to pay it off. My lender tried calling them they said fax a request to this number. He said he had done so, they said wait 3-5 days he said he had done so was there anyway to call the people who worked the faxes? No they said those people don’t have a phone!

    Too bad we no longer have a government. These people need to be investigated and audited because more likely than not they are stealing millions! IMHO

  114. Watch out for the robber barons at US Bank. The kings of incompetence have come up with a scheme like no other:

    1. Purchases made on your US bank debit card are not automatically taken from your account so according to the local branch manager you can charge or take money out of an ATM up to $400 over what you have in the account. (They will gladly take the $30 per occurance charge).

    2. When multiple items come in they clear largest to smallest that way you have a greater chance of overdraft. I had two bankcard charges of $8 and 17 dollars they should have come out of the account but no they wait until that evening a $60 check came in and since my deposit of that day did not post (they hold those in search of more bounce fees) the check came up insufficient and the two smaller items that would have cleared brought in another $60 in overdraft fees for the thieves of USBank.

    3. Saturday my wife went to the local branch to see if we could recover any of these ill gotten fees she had to wait behind two other suckers…er customers of USBank thievery. One woman had lost $300 to this bunch and the branch manager had the audacity to ask the crying woman if she was going shopping that day! Anyways my wife asked how much money needed to be deposited to bring the account even we were told $138.00 so she deposited a check and that should have been that. Noooo not at USBank they called after the lobby closed to let us know we would probably be hit with a $7 negative balance fee because only the first $100 would be credited to the account they take longer to credit checks so that would leave the negative $38!

  115. Dave,
    Let’s see… I took out more money than I put in, (or before it cleared) and they charged me the amount they said they would charge if I did it…CROOKS!!!

    They should allow me (Dave and his wife) to use the stock-holders money for free!!! They should know that I am a responsible honest guy…I mean, would someone take more money out than they put in (or had cleared) f they were irresponsible (possible criminal activity)??? Why should they wait for funds to clear. Those state and federal regulations to stop kiting (criminal check scams)are rediculous. Just give me money… gees! What a bunch of jerks !!!

    Say Dave, I underbudgeted my recent purchase at Lowe’s for a rehab I’m doing. Could I use some money out of your wallet for free for a few days or so? I mean, you are all into covering someone elses lack of budgeting for free right???

  116. I have been battling with them on and off several times regarding bogus overdraft fees on checks that clearly had enough money in there to clear. They would take a check that had more of an amount on it that came in the next and apply it to the day before, thus overdrafting several checks, and causing a loop, but when my direct deposit came in on the same day they couldn’t count that. I tried several times to talk with someone and then I started e-mailing them. I let them know what happened and the only response I get is that I know what their policies are. Right now I am fighing them on some charges for overdrafts that occurred because of what they did, as well as a $7.00 a day charge for having my account in a negative balance. I let them know that I will take some responsibility for this, but that they need to take some as well for starting the loop. They refused this offer. They refused to close my account or freeze it until we get this resolved, but then in a later e-mail I was told my account would be closed in approx 2 weeks if I didn’t bring my account up out of arrears. I asked them to just close it now, but they said they can’t. This is frustrating because I refuse to pay the charges that have amounted quite high just on the $7.00 a day alone.

  117. Well, here I am joining the ranks! Yep, US Bank has done it once again. They have …so far… Bent me to the tune of $411. I tried to have an unauthorized withdrawal stopped on my account. I gave US Bank ample time to stop it before this company pulled the money from my account. All US Bank told me was that if I didn’t know how much they were going to steal from me, they couldn’t stop it. HA!! I was told to wait and then I could have it removed. On the DAY the amount was removed, I had another bill I had to pay and HELLO!!! It’s Christmas So I had to pull out money for Presents for my husband and my son, I was down to $50 in my account. I checked my account the next day and the withdrawal had been made on my account. They pulled out $211.06 and US Bank let them overdraw my account AS A “COURTESY” TO ME! Then in what US Bank must also view as a courtesy THEY pull out $200 in OverDraft charges! Thanks US BANK! Then as if they weren’t wonderful enough, I and a friend of mine, who had worked for banks for 20 years, called the Corporate offices and the Regional VP and we got, “Oh, I am sorry that was a Paper charge and not an ACH debit. We can’t reverse that.”, “It’s already been withdrawn. We can’t take it back.”, “No ma’am, if it had been $2000 we would not have withdrawn it because that would be over your alotted amount, but as a courtesy to you we allowed them to withdraw (Screw you for) the amount.”
    I have shut down my account. US Bank is supposedly working on a review to see if the charges were authorized (Though I informed them that they were not) and this will take a minimum of 45 days. However, the company who pulled out MY money from US bank was a large company (with a lot of money which makes them right) and I have only banked with US Bank for 5 years (Which makes me stupid) which counts for nothing. They have no customer loyalty and they only hold your money so they may hand it out as THEY see fit.

  118. US Bank ripped me off too! $900 in NSF fees when they turned off my ATM card due to “suspected fraud”. I explained to the branch manger that because I am a single mom, with three kids, going to Nursing school 8 hours a day, and working 8 hours per evening, I could not get into the branch to make my deposit. My banking is only done at the ATM. She suggested I enroll in direct deposit. HA-HA, I may be gullible, but not stupid. Now, I’m filing bankruptcy (not because of them but because of my ex) and they’re listed in the bankruptcy. Who has the last laugh now!!!!!!!!!!

  119. Hi Everyone, Maybe someone can give me some suggestions for these rats at us bank. I have worked extremely hard to build up a good credit rating. I was widowed 2.5 years ago at age 46 with no credit. Since then I have been able to buy a house and a car. I was in a car accident and my car was totalled. Unfortunally the car loan with US Bank. My insurance was with State Farm. State Farm made a pay off to US Bank within ten days. Two months after the accident I receive a phone call from US Bank wondering why I was late on my payment. I was a litte confused to say the least, because I knew they had been paid off. I got State Farm one the phone, did a 3-way conference to verify the correct address, verything was in order. In the meantime, US Bank now has taken it upon themselves to turn me in to the credit bureau. So now I have a bad rating which I have worked very to get a 724 FICO score. They are also unwilling to correct this damage done. My question is why wouldn’t they call me before reporting me. I have never made a late payment.

  120. I would contact the credit reporting agencies. Inform them of the error. Unless US Bank has proof that the fault was yours, the credit agencies should repair the mistake. (That’s been my personal experience.)

    If you live in the western US, you can now get free copies of your credit reports from Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Just go to (they don’t accept redirects, so you’ll need to paste the link into your browser). Elsewhere in the US, this service will become available later in the year. If you don’t want to wait, you can purchase a credit report from the individual companies.

    Look at the reports, and see which of them has the erroneous report. Then use the contact information on that company’s website to report the problem. (Experian fixed the mistake on mine in just a week or two!)

  121. Me too!
    They hijacked my 1 month paycheck on Valentines weekend because of a “fraud alert”. I have never commited anything like that. At this point they have charged me with $200 in overdraft fees since not releaseing my funds and I have submitted a complaint at the BBB. I have contacted multiple people from assistant to district managers, and no one has returned my calls. Hope this turns out all right.
    No matter what I will close my account.

  122. Dave,

    thanks for this great service. I am a recent victim of US Bank’s corporate thugs stealing my money. I am a strugling student, and cut it pretty close sometimes. This doesn’t work well with US Bank.

    Friday evening a week ago I deposited my paycheck at the US Bank ATM. The check I deposited was also a US Bank check since my employer uses US Bank. Checks I had written that there were funds in my account to cover arrived at US Bank during business hours that same Friday. I also made a cash withdrawal at the time of my deposit, which I had the funds at that time to cover. That Saturday I made a purchase. My purchase was more than the funds I had in my account, but not more that the check I deposited. Monday I checked my account online and everything had cleared and my deposits had posted.

    At no point did US Bank’s own record show a negative balance. Wednesday I checked my account and there were 3 $33.00 bounced check charges. The $20.00 cash withdrawal that there were funds in the bank to cover also bounced. I called customer service, got nowhere, and blew my top. Thursday I checked my account and 2 more checks, (one to the March of Dimes for $6.00), had bounced, with 2 more fee’s, and for the first time a negative balance due to the fee’s. I called and made an appointment with my branch President. (I haven’t been inside a bank for over 2 years, but was told I had to go to the branch where I opened my account. I opened my account 11 years ago when I was 16, in my hometown. That branch has changed names 4 times.) Anyway, I left work early, and fought Friday night traffic out to the suburbs. I spoke with the bank President for over an hour. She did refund $100.00, leaving the fee’s at $98.00. I told the President if she wanted to keep my business she needed to remove all of the charges, she could have cared less.

    Ironically, last month I was charged a $33.00 fee. I bought my school books for over $800, I deposited CASH in the ATM about an hour after my purchase to cover the check I wrote. The check was received by US Bank electronically the next day, and the CASH wasn’t credited to my account until the following day. If US Bank handled the checks they received Friday a week ago the same way, nothing would have bounced.

    I firmly believe that US Bank is out to get your money in any way possible. I am through doing business with them. I am considering suing US Bank in small claims court for the 3 remaing overdraft charges and the one for my school books in January. I have never sued anyone and am anxious about it. I would appreciate any feedback/suggestions. Only $132.00 remains in overdraft fee’s but I’m so pissed I want to sue them.
    St.Louis, MO (Dogtown)

  123. I just went in business for myself and formed a legitimate Ohio corporation. Having banked with US Bank as my personal banker, I trusted them with my business banking. MISTAKE!!! Just like you don’t date anybody you work with, don’t mix business with pleasure. I opened up a business checking account with them. Ten days later I received a call from the business account manager stating that my account would be closed in a few hours because an audit was taking place at the bank and the secretarial service I used to help form my corporation didn’t appear on my checking account. That agent clearly relinguished all responsibility as the incorporator of my company and turned them over to me in writing. The business account manager at US Bank gave me until the end of the day to get back to her with the issue resolved. I called her in the early afternoon, but she was in a meeting. She never returned my call. Just before the close of the business day, I sent a email explaining that there was no problem with me being the official Treasurer of my corporation and that I had documentation to prove it on request. Well, the email bounced back at me after sending it to the address on the business card she gave me. She couldn’t return my phone call. She gave me a bum email address on a US Bank business card. Did she have any problem finding time to close my account as threatened? Nope. She found all the time in the world for that. She gave me every bit of three hours to try to resolve this. Do you think I am going to have the account reopened and give them the pleasure of my future business? Certainly not. I can’t afford to trust my business and my reputation to such an irresponsible company as US Bank. They’re supposed to be setting examples as responsible professionals. Instead, I’m setting it for them.

  124. To Dave in St. Louis, MO: Your hunch is absolutely correct that US Bank is out to dip their hands into your account any way possible to steal money. They did the same thing to me a couple of years ago. After blowing off steam just like you did with their customer service rep, I logged onto the Better Business Bureau’s website ( and filed an official complaint. I used US Bank’s St. Paul, MN address instead of my branch’s address so that the BBB would route it to their office that is in the jurisdiction of US Bank’s corporate offices. A couple weeks later I had ALL my stolen money retored. At that time, US Bank had few complaints logged with the BBB. If all the complaints on this BLOG were also reported to the BBB, we could put a nasty dent in that company.

  125. Hello fellow Americans. We are experiencing the tip off the iceberg with banks and our Fascist Government. US Bank charged my business account $45.00 for Analysis Fees. I made two deposit that month and wrote three checks. I have been screweed by every bank Since i was nineteen, I am 49. I have won at least seven class action lawsuits and recieved a check for one of $1.67! The attorneys settled and made millions. In addition the attorneys make a contract (in direct conflict of interest) tih large settlements against large companties
    that makes them inelible to ever (or their partners) suit that company or its affiliates, etc. evetr again. Besides USBank, Commercial Bank of St.louis, Citizens Bank of ST.louis, I have BankOne, Household Bank, (MBNA the Gov’t protected) to yet file suit against. I don’t bounce checks. I have a bank account because another big business requires it, Manheim Auto Auctions (I am a used car dealer,licensed and Bonded) because they only pay me by check.
    I would very much appreciate any info that leads me to a law firm that will engage these banks. Also if any others of you are seriously concerned about the banking industry in America, you are welcome to contact me at 1 866-559-1335. I am hoping to run for a state office, and am ready to engage both public officials and bank employees and stockholders through overt investigations. I have been collecting information for over twenty years on these institutions and their government partners. Every Presidency has been comprimised by these concerns. I am ex-Navy, a Veteran, a Christian, not a Bushite, a Fascist hater, an still adher to my oath to uphold the Constitution Of The United States and The Republic (the government which supreme power is held by the citizens). Lets use our legal right to petition our government for a redress of all our appropriate greivances and establish Democracy as our forefathers had thoughtfully prepared for us to acheive. Vote them out immediately. Vote them all out. And hold all replacements, including me, if I earn the trust of my fellow citizens accordingly, truely accountable for their public service and their actions as such. God Help Us. Ed B.


  126. Until tonight, I thought I was the only one with a problem with US bank at least that was according to their customer service person. I have been a victim of bank fraud and identity theft for over 9 months now and still unresolved due to the phone tag, line standing, branch visits, one on one, conference calls, promises after promises after promises, I’ve even had a fed ex tracking number given to me for the so called proof that they were handling my situation and here I am another week later and still nothing. Oh the tracking number is valid with fed ex, but, nothing has been shipped or received with that tracking number. I too am a single mother with 4 children and I even showed my bank branch how my ex-husband and one of their bank branch employees could be the ones who stole the money from me. In fact, ironically, my ex-husband is now the proud owner of a new car and has his passport to be moving out of the country soon. How ironic is that? The particular bank branch employee that I reported as possible suspect has ironically been fired, and I got sent to some supposed higher up in the banking system and ironically he has been unavailable to talk to me for the past 5 supposed days that my money was promised to be returned to me. I am now behind in my bills and no way to pay, ironically my ex-husband is also now claiming he is disabled and can’t pay child support……welcome to my world. I looked for this website in hopes of finding success stories of how people actually got through the US bank system, but, what I did find were others with similar situations and same treatment by the whole US bank system. I didn’t ask for a perfect life or a mansion on a hill, all I want is back what is rightfully mine.

  127. All I have to say about U.S. Bank is I worked there and left by my own choice. Here is a brief list what determined my decision to untie my name from this corrupt institution –

    – The Management would use friendship tactics to manipulate workers.
    – The loan processing on 401(k) was, probably still is, shoddy.
    – Institutional Trust and Custody reports to a variety of publications how much monetary traffic occurs during any given period; however their systems are not set up to give accurate accounts. So yep…they guess numbers both of Clients and Assets.
    – Many of the Vice Presidents are not aware of this since their underlings don’t have the balls to come forward and identify the problems.
    – Sometimes I had to handle Customer issues…and let me tell you…I couldn’t even get the right department 72% of the time, so don’t believe for a second you (the outside person) will get much help.
    – If you do get the right department you’ll be met with greater odds of reaching an incompetent due to the lovely Equal Opportunity law which has been taken a bit too far at U.S. Bank.

    “Let’s put people who don’t have a clue in jobs they hate and give the world a 5 Star guarantee ^^”

    Please – Think before you bank at U.S. Bank…they may give a good show for public benefits. But they will always treat you and their employees like garbage to be used and disposed of.

    I left before it could get to that point.

  128. I believe that US Bank severely abuses customers. On May 31, 2002, a US Bank branch in Nashville, Tennessee issued a $61,000 check from our US Bank account to a non-owner and unauthorized party. After reporting the unauthorized withdrawal to US Bank, US Bank reacted by refusing service. When we attempted to hold US Bank accountable, US Bank then lied to the OCC, filed false statements in court and denied that we were customers. During court proceedings, US Bank failed to produce our banking records from the account. After two and a half years of denials and false statements, US Bank finally admitted negligence. Our deposits were not safe in US Bank. I no longer believe that any customer’s money is safe in US Bank. Since it happened to us, it could happen to anyone.


    Well where do I start. I just switched to a credit union because they have free checking and I MEAN FREE CHECKING US BANK!
    3 times I have had someone steel my debit card number somehow, even though I do not give it out even online. One time I had $150.00 stolen from me and It took over a month for US BANK to get to it and then I found out they only credited half. I had to argue until I got my way. 1 week later I got a statement that said my acccount was overdrawn because of the $150.00 deduction. I charge my debit 8 times that week for things like gas. They charged me the largest over draft fees possible. $34 a piece. over $200 in overdraft fees they charged takeing the larges amount first so they were able to charge for all 6 drafts. I called them and they said our policy is stated in the handbook on page 32. I’m like what handbook, I never got one that had over 32 pages. I am a fairly conservative person and I believe that people should be honest and work for a living and not make excuses for their wrong doing. Here’s some of the things that I do not like about US BANK. They charge $0.25 everytime you use your debit card right away. And if you use it as a credit card you only get a few times a month before they start chargeing that too. If you take money out of a ATM you get the ATM fee where it is being taken out plus $0.25 from US BANK. OH ya and by the way I talked to a customer service person and they did say SORRY WE CAN”T HELP YOU. IT IS ALL EXPLAINED ON PAGE 32. Do not use your checking account to the exact dollar. IF you pay bills at different times They take the highest first and then go down the line. AFter they take their 0.25 cents out they overdraft you and start charging for $34 fro that $0.25 they took out. They also charge $5 a day fee each overdraft for everyday the overdraft is not paid. WORK checks do not show up in your balance the same day or checks from any other financial istitutions. They show up in 2 US Bank business days even though they are open on saturdays, they are not considered a US Bank business day.ALSO don’t expect them to geto your online banking up and running right away, well wait They never got mine up a running ever in 2 years I was a customer even when I asked them 3 times!
    Bottom line. NOT A COMPLAINER, but US BANK SUCKS!!!!!!!11

  130. Hello,

    I have a serious complaint with US Bank and the short version of the story goes like this: I stayed at a hotel in MN for 1 week while in process of relocating for a job. The hotel accidentally charged me for an extra day which was really bad because I did not have enough left in my account to cover the extra day so US Bank assessed an additional $70 in overdraft fees plus the $66.86 that never should have been charged. OK, up to this point the blame lies with the hotel chain; however, the hotel chain immediately issued a refund for the error and a representative from US Bank told me that all I needed to do was go down to hotel or arrange conference call with someone from the hotel and the bank and they’d be able to reverse all the charges. In an effort to be thorough, I drove down to the hotel and we called the bank from the front desk as I had been instructed to. Now the story changed, US Bank said that they could not resolve the issue until the refund was posted to my account which could take up to 48 hours according to the manager. Here it was Fri. Dec. 22nd 2006 and I was trying to get everything straightened out so that we could be with our family in Duluth over the holidays so I asked the manager if they could at least reverse the overdraft charges pending the refund posting to my account so that I could put gas in car to be with family for X-mas and he said that because my account was only 4 months he could not do that for me. I continued to beg and plead with no success. Needless to say, it is now Dec. 26th, we missed christmas with the family and if the refund doesn’t post tomorrow I will not be able to go to work… The worst customer service I’ve ever experienced in my life without a doubt. It’s amazing to me that when you make a withdrawal or an authorization is made against your account the funds are gone immediately within seconds, but when an error is made and a refund is issued it takes several days to see your money. Bah humbug US Bank.

  131. I wish I’d seen this post before I opened my account. In the two years I’ve been with US Bank, I’ve paid almost $2000 in bank fees. Horseshit. Right now I’m dealing with $500 in overdraft fees. Why was I overdrafted? Because they put $70 in overdraft fees on yesterday, when I was not in overdraft at all.

    I’m so sick of dealing with my branch about this. I’m closing the account, and getting a safety deposit box instead. It’s cash only for me!

  132. I wish I had seen this in May before I opened my account with Usbank. I also find it funny on here how people who are for Usbank seem to think everybody thats having a problem with them is just having those problems because they cant manage their money. Not true for everybody, and not true for me.
    Anyways, I opened this account and I wasn’t told about the 5 day hold they put on deposited checks for the first 30 days that you are a new member. Of course I didnt find out about this til AFTER I deposited my check. Well, it also happened on the holiday weekend, so it took them nearly 2 weeks to get my check to me, and of course bills we’re popping up. I called them, and they told me they’d call me right back because “we suddenly just got really busy.” I go to the branch I called all the time and theres never more than 2 customers in there. Waited an hour and they never called back so I called them and asked why they were holding my money (before I knew about the 5 day thing), and the guy couldnt explain to me why. All I got from him was a long explanation of something totally unrelated to what I had asked. I called again the next day and got the same thing “we’re suddenly really busy, we’ll call you back.” Of course, they didnt call me back.
    So I went down there and the teller told me about the 5 days thing. I was already pissed because I had bills I needed to pay so I asked if I could just close the account then and there so that I could get the money I needed right away. They wanted to charge me 172 bucks! For no reason! Finally, I was sent to talk to the branch manager who had to call someone above him to get me at least 150 dollars so that I could pay the bills that were due. He managed to get me 200 dollars so I was okay with that and decided not to close my account.
    Well, I was still expecting 119 dollars to go into my account by that tuesday after that holiday. I look into my account and to my surprise I see a whole 84 dollars. Of course I’m freaking out going “okay what did i do wrong?” I look into it and all these transactions ive made nearly a week almost two ago suddenly pop up! I had the money for the transactions I made sitting in my account that whole time, so they couldve taken it whenever and I wouldve been fine, I wouldve still had money in my account because…suprise… I DO KNOW HOW TO MANAGE MY MONEY! But, nope they waited til they could intercept my check and take money out of it.
    So, I learned my lesson and when I got paid last friday I CASHED my check and deposited about 50 or so out of it. I was certainly glad I did too up til a certain point. The good thing that came out of cashing it was the fact that supposedly my “5 day hold for the first 30 days” was up. Well, I deposited this on friday and I’m thinking like most banks they’ll have my money to me by monday at the latest. Of course it didnt show up til today. I kept checking my account beforehand too and it showed that I should be expecting my balance in my account to be 106 dollars.
    I happily go to sign in and see if it’s finally deposited and it is….but wait, why do i only see 79 dollars? I look and once again TRANSACTIONS I MADE A WEEK ALMOST TWO AGO suddenly cleared up as soon as my money was deposited! They are just waiting to get their greedy hands on your money! It’s definitely not the places that I’m going to that are causing the transactions to go through to take forever. I use my bank card at the same places many times, and have noticed on my statements that they always time it(clearing transactions) right when I am expecting money. I could go to the grocery store on a tuesday, and they would not let the transaction go through until I had money deposited, even though I already had money in my account before that. I could go to that same grocery store on a thursday or friday, and that transaction would suddenly pop up that monday or tuesday when my check cleared and deposited.
    I am managing my money just fine, I’m never below 20 dollars in my account so I know it definitely cant be me just “being childish and mismanaging my money.”
    Oh yeah and I forgot to mention the guy who opened my account who was a complete idiot. He misspelled my last name by one letter and when I got my card i realized it was wrong. So I went in and told him about it figuring hed know what to do to fix it. He gave me some bullshit and so I left thinking Id probably get a new revised card in the mail…well one never showed. so the next time i went down to the bank I mentioned to another teller what was wrong with it and then they luckily knew what they were doing and got me a new card, the lady I first talked to tried to say that I misspelled my name…I am pretty sure that after 20 years with the same last name that I know how to spell it. Anyways, I got my new card and I was charged for it! I still need to go see if I can get that refunded to me, but Im 99% positive they’ll give me a B.S. explanation.
    Well, its as simple as this , THEYRE JUST GREEDY BASTARDS WAITING TO GET THEIR FILTHY HANDS ON YOUR MONEY AND THEY WILL DO WHATEVER THEY CAN TO GET IT! I am definitely closing my account with them and going elsewhere! Sorry USBank, your shittiness has lost you another customer.

  133. Ok these compaints need POLITICAL ACTION. Do not wasre time with the bank itself go to the Congress and the Treasury dept!!! Look up who is the head of the finance commitee. Write them keep all original copies of you statements. Document, document, document, that is the way too get action. Whining is stupid,writing your congress is not. I work customer service and that jobs is very stressful ans unpleasent. the co want the call done in 142 sec so your whining wastes time so when the urnover happens blame yourselves for wasting and getting tat person fired for not meeting

    When you call, depending on the system, start with the problem!
    then respond to the question, Have pen, paper references ready at hand . By ready means in order. Be direct and STAY on the point. Do Not laundry list!! What happened 20 years ago does not matter!!!
    Unless asked volunteer nothing! Get you facts in order, Write a script and re read it does it digress; is the time line understandable? Then write you elected representative from state, city and federal!! Most complain, but to obtain action you must go thru these steps because it is suprising what happens when a senate subcommitee starts on the warpath!! Sometime it is a call from the person with power that makes the trouble go away. But if no wone writes and causes a firestom of letter writing then nothing will change. In the letter be on one subject and one subject only.

  134. My dealings with:
    LaSalle Bank N.A.
    Address: 135 S. LaSalle St.
    Chicago, IL 60603 Phone: 312-904-2000 Fax: 312-904-2579
    The Following describes how they robbed me. They do not care about customers, they care about NSF fees.
    I am leaving this bank, and it will be the last dollar they ever get from me. Im going to talk to the BBB and my congressmen about the laws that allow them to take my money I earned. a mistake cost me good. now had I not paid my gas bill they would of sent me another bill with a $3 dollar late fee. instead this cost me $100.
    I am going to file a small claims law suit in my county against the bank, If the judge says they can keep the money, then they can keep it. We will let him decide.
    I am going to make up flyers and pass them around my neighborhood, of this letter. I think I’ll do 200 or more. Send my kids out on their bikes and give them to people. This should not help LaSalle in my town. Word of mouth hurts crappy companies that take what they did NOT earn.
    I am going to plaster this all over the internet.
    I am going to file complaint with the city, state, and federal levels.
    Im sure this will just add to the rest of the people that Hate Lasalle bank and maybe a consumer bill will pass soon.
    Posted At: 06:17:43.433 09/26/2007
    Posted To:
    Subject: Dispute a Transaction (Account #: mar’s)
    there was a mistake for a bill to be paid out of the wrong account. this caused this account to go negative, I transfered money from the account I wanted the bill paid out of to bring the balance back up above 0. Please do not charge me a fee for this mistake. as I am not sure if it was Mine or Yours.
    Dear Mr. Eckman,
    We have received your email and we will be happy to assist you.
    We certainly understand your concerns regarding this matter.
    Since the overdraft fee did not post to your account yet, we are unable to reverse any fees at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
    Please note that there is a $33.00 NSF fee applied for each item that overdraws on your account.
    Thank you for being a valued customer of LaSalle Bank.
    Online Banking Support
    Posted At: 23:17:55.017 09/28/2007
    Posted To:
    Subject: Re: Re: Re : Dispute a Transaction (Account #: mar’s) (#6437-000416-2009\4162009)
    Inquiry about a Cleared Transaction. Transaction Date:09/25/2007. Transaction Description:ONLINE BILL PAY NICOR GAS. Amount: ($75.00).
    this bill was paid out of the wrong account.
    causing this:
    09/27/2007 PURCHASE KMART 000 $8.50 ($13.06)
    09/27/2007 PAID ITEM OVERDRAFT FEE $33.00 ($4.56)
    09/27/2007 ONLINE BANKING – INTERNET 00005309744976 $50.00 $28.44
    09/26/2007 PURCHASE KMART 000 $28.85 ($21.56)
    09/26/2007 PAID ITEM OVERDRAFT FEE $33.00 $7.29
    09/26/2007 ONLINE BANKING – INTERNET 00005309744976 $75.00 $40.29
    09/25/2007 ONLINE BILL PAY NICOR GAS $75.00 ($34.71)
    09/24/2007 PURCHASE JOSEPHS INC. 000 $20.28 $40.29
    if the 75 was taken from the right account. NONE of the fees would of been charged.
    —–Original Message—–
    Dear Mr. Eckman
    We have received your email and we will be happy to assist you.
    We are replying to your inquiry about the recent overdrafts on your account.
    The charges you have accrued of $33.00 are Non-Sufficient Funds Fees for 1 overdrawn items on 9/26/2007.
    The items that were overdrawn are as follows KMART
    There is a $33.00 NSF fee applied for each item that overdraws on your account.
    Dear Mr. Eckman,
    We have received your email and we will be happy to assist you.
    We are replying to your inquiry about the recent overdrafts on your account.
    It would be our pleasure to extend a one time courtesy reversal of $33.00 to you. Please allow 5 business days to receive this credit.
    Please note that we are not able to waive any additional fees at this time. We apologize for any inconvenience.
    There is a $33.00 NSF fee applied for each item that overdraws on your account.
    Thank you for contacting LaSalle Bank.
    Online Banking Support

    Posted At: 20:10:50.100 10/01/2007
    Posted To:
    Subject: Request Information on a Transaction (Account #: mar’s)

    If not for the first overdraft, the other two would not exist.
    so If you did not charge me the first overdraft for the bill which was paid from the wrong account, which Im sure I paid the bill out of the other checking account, as all other bills paid before it, but when it was paid it came from the smaller account balance.
    Ask yourself, why the heck would I pay a bill from an account without enough money in it when I have another account with more than enough money? the answer is I did not.
    So here we are, all THE money you charge for 3 $33 overdrafts was and Is MINE. If your bank pays a bill from the wrong account, IT should have enough sence to see I have two accounts at your bank, where all my bills have been paid from, Then I tell you this mistake happened and you choose to not stop the $33 dollar fee. THIS fee caused 2 other fees of $33 each. Without the first charge the others would never happen.
    You can justify your flat out Robbery of my account anyway You want but your bank is not doing anything more than just taking what they did not earn. This is known as Robbery.
    Either way I know your bank has account rules that I am aware of, but none of them have a thing to do with you paying a bill out of the wrong account, then not reversing the charge immediatly after I told you, then allowing 2 more charges to go against the account before you reverse the first charge. this is just flat out insanity.
    Your bank is not doing the right thing, and are surely nothing more than acting criminally.
    In all cases your bank hits the account with the $33 dollar fee, then takes out a debit on the
    same day? in both cases your $33 dollar fee is the reason for the next fee. not the debits themselves.
    This is Criminal. I know that no matter what you tell me your rules are and how you can charge for
    any negative debit. Your practices are to do nothing more than take your account holders money anyway you can. Your system is horrible. it is a true Shame that your bank would do this to account holders.
    You owe me 3 payments of $33 dollars that is not your money, You and I both know your bank can and probly will keep my money. This does not make you a very good bank. This does not make for very good customer relations.
    I want all 3 Fees returned.


    Dear Mr. Eckman,

    We are replying to your inquiry about the recent overdrafts on your account.

    We understand your concern and have attempted to contact you on 10/02/07 at the phone number provided but were unsuccessful.

    Our records show that a credit of $33.00 posted to your account on 10/01/07.

    Please be advised that we are not able to waive any more fees at this time since this was not a bank error.

    There is a $33.00 Non-Sufficient Fund fee applied for each item that overdraws on your account.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for contacting LaSalle Bank.


    Online Banking Support


    This is how my account looks after all this Mess:

    debit/credit balance
    10/01/2007 OD-NSF FEE REVERSAL $33.00 $181.46

    09/28/2007 MERCHANT PURCHASE JAMBA JUICE 827 -$5.48 $148.46
    09/28/2007 PAID ITEM OVERDRAFT FEE -$33.00 $153.94
    09/28/2007 ONLINE BANKING – INTERNET Deposit $200.00 $186.94

    09/27/2007 PURCHASE KMART 000 -$8.50 ($13.06)
    09/27/2007 PAID ITEM OVERDRAFT FEE -$33.00 ($4.56)
    09/27/2007 ONLINE BANKING – INTERNET Deposit $50.00 $28.44

    09/26/2007 PURCHASE KMART 000 -$28.85 ($21.56)
    09/26/2007 PAID ITEM OVERDRAFT FEE -$33.00 $7.29
    09/26/2007 ONLINE BANKING – INTERNET Deposit $75.00 $40.29

    09/25/2007 ONLINE BILL PAY NICOR GAS -$75.00 ($34.71)
    09/24/2007 PURCHASE JOSEPHS INC. 000 -$20.28 $40.29

    Notice the pattern?
    Deposits are made from a transfer first.
    Then overdraft fee,
    Then a debit.
    This does nothing but cause more overdraft fees. what a scam!!

  135. I recently switched to US Bank due to a job switch. I was told that they had locations all over the US. That was a lie. My old bank back home never bounced a check when it came through if I didnt have enough in my account. Us bank did it to me when I had more then enough in the account and then ontop they charged me 31 dollars. What a load of bullshit.. Im leaving this bank ASAP. Im going back to my old bank and Never Again will I never go back to US Bank.

  136. US BANK SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


  137. STUPID U.S. BANK.. okay i understand sometime u gotta watch and have responsibility too. but got damn.. the other day i deposite some money and it was to cover up a -194 and some cents negative or so.. so i deposite 200 in it.. and it shows i have $4 and some cent left.. okay earlier today.. i went online to check and i have a $7 negative balance charge!!?? i’m like WTF! and then another $7 DOLLAR LIKE EVERY FCUKIN DAY! im soo pissed off!! as much as i hate wellsfargo already U.S. BANK IS EVER FCUKIN WORST!! i’m an canceling the fcukin bank ON THIS TUESDAY WHEN THE FCUKING OPEN UP AGAIN!!! NEVER OPENING AT U.S. BANK EVER AGAIN!!.. TCF ALSO SUCKS TOO BUT BETTER THAN U.S. BANK!!!

  138. I tried to close my account with US Bank because I could get a higher interest rate. They told me that I would be charged $7 for a check to close the account. I told them to waive the seven dollars. I don’t pay money to get my own money. So far we have spent 4 days trying to get this resolved. It’s not the money, it’s the principal. They have NO customer service, they don’t care.

  139. we come from a small town in montana we used a local bank for 17 years they are wonderful. a bank that actually helps when you ask for it. we are human we do make mistakes now and then. for example: when you deposited a payroll check your funds were available then and their. they care about their costumers. also forgive me but a pre authorized charge on a debit card would not overdraft your account. then we moved to Portland switched to us bank. recent findings with us bank (definitely not a five star bank).charged my account six overdraft charges because of withheld deposits. i deposited 14oo dollars on three different days unfortunately it was a weekend all deposits went in on the same day mon.5 pre authorized overdrew available funds (they only gave me 100 out after three separate deposits of 14oo.) 3 dollars now i have 190 dollars of overdraft charges. when i called OK I’m sorry i didn’t no we would only have 1oo available. we are human they said we cannot help you this is are policy. didnt you read that in the mounds of paper work they give you when you oped a checking account. us bank a corporate institution. please forgive them if they would actually give costumer service. they definitely do not know what that is. we actually mail are checks back to Montana now to are first bank. is this inconvenient yes. but service is what we are use to.

  140. “I used to work at US Bank. I was a manager. The bank was as mean to its employees as it was to its customers. They loved to humiliate the managers and we were the ones trying to take care of our customers and employees. We often were screaming at someone in a call center or faceless department”

    This is way the managers keep sending people to the 1-800 number, when they know that the people on the phone can only do basic things, and are only there to help out with the small things. There is no way the guy on the phone can get a pin number out over night (unlike the Branch who can do it in 5 minutes) or the person on the phone can not check an ID (how can they see it?)

  141. Anyone would be frustrated and intrigued by this, sometimes the services we get are not as we would expect. I never had such incidents with any bank. I always like to be cautious about my financial decisions and so far I was right. I recently got a no fee balance transfers options, my financial counselor advised me to and I am not sorry I trusted him. In the end it’s all about trust, U.B. Bank definitely has no excuse for this.

  142. I have a credit card with US Bank, they sent me the card with a 2,000 line of credit. I have charged up to the limit, but within 2 months I always paid the card off, I never kept an outstanding balance on the card, I always paid the card on time. Never been late.
    US bank rewarded me for being a good paying customer by reducing my credit line to 700 dollars without any written notice of any kind.
    When I contacted them, I got absolutely nowhere and all I heard was nothing but patronizing lies from their customer NOservice.
    While I get nice letters from other credit card companies praising my good payment record and increasing my limit, US bank rewarded me with a 1,300 dollar decrease in my card limit. They violated the Federal Fair Credit reporting act by doing this without notice.



  144. I have never had more problems with any business in my entire life.I had finally had enough of the ridiculous over drafts and bank fees that were given for no reason that I closed my account out in january. I told them to stop payment to a subscription that i had (16 dollars a month)they told me no problem. well they lied and as of today I owe Us bank 300 dollars in overdraft fees and delinquent account status fees. Let me remind you this is all on a closed account. I thought all my problems with this POS bank was over but it looks like it is all just starting. A news flash to all of you reading this….. The Us citizens are struggling a lot more than some multi billion dollar banking establishment with bailout dollars being handed out to them. So now they are getting their bailout money and asking me and many others for money to. This all feels like a bully on a playground pushing the helpless around. We have more things to worry about than ghosted incorrect fees. America needs to stand up to this playground bully and send him back to swingsets he came from.

  145. Okay guys. Lets just put it this way. No matter where you bank, if you don’t keep track of your transactions.. you’ll hate the bank you’re at. I am an employee of two years at US Bank. And I can only speak for my branch, but we do everything in our power to make our customers happy. To explain the funds availability issue: If a check is deposited after the business day ends on friday.. it is considered mondays business day. And yes, If you make three deposits over the weekend, you only get $100 available to you. And the rest is held till Tuesday, the NEXT BUSINESS DAY. Could any of you tell me what other bank is open until 8pm during the week, 5pm on saturdays, and 4pm on sundays?? Probably not…

    The thing is, maybe you all should pay attention to your banking. I mean it is your money.

    I have customers who come in all the time, who arent even aware that they are overdrawn, because they dont keep track. They just swipe there card like theres no tomorrow.

    But thats US Banks fault right?? Since we let you keep swiping your card and we dont decline it if the funds arent available..

    Well think of it this way..

    You are out of town, and the only card you have to get gas with is the US Bank debit card. If US Bank decided to decline your card, guess what? Sorry, you arent getting home.

    We give our customers the ability to overdraw there accounts because in some instances, an NSF fee is a lot easier to deal with, than not getting back home bc your card didnt work.

    You people need to stop wasting time complaining about US Bank, and start keeping track of your banking.

    A check register does wonders =)

    1. Yes, ther are good banks and bad banks — good mechanics and bad mechanics — the list goes on!
      I can tell you of a bank that CAN Deposit a check during the weekend — Westmark — for one,in Idaho Falls, ID. THEY DO have their own hold policies; as do most financial institutions. If the MT bank in the previous letter cleared checks quickly, it was Probably because the customer had a history of doing it properly; or they knew where the checks were coming From would Process the checks FAST. They could keep track of things like that more easily in a smaller town — I know as I used to live in a smaller town back esst. I moved my account into a bigger bank as I did not like the feeling of the clerks knowing everything I spent on everything.
      Westmark is a CREDIT Union, but for those that are upset at banks — check out your local credit unions. They offer MANY/most of the same services at lower prices and MANY more perks than banks because they ae OFTEN Not For Profit! Perks such as overdraft protection — especially for senior citizens! Free checking for many – like seniors – but not limited to them. Free travelers checks, etc/etc! Not for profit –Isn’t that an UNUSUAL idea when it comes to using YOUR money?

      Be sure to check that YOUR credit union IS FDIC INSURED; as ours is — most are.

      OR — If you have a retirement account, check with your broker, or who ever handles the account for you, to see if they have on-line banking attched to their program. I am in the process of moving my account to get everything in one place. It might work better for YOU – check it out, if it is an option!


  146. US banks suckkkkkkk!!!! No wonder they are going under. Today,my husband and I get a refund check. My husband is in Iraq. I went to my bank that I have been banking with for over 10 years and they can’t deposit it with out my husband since his name is on the check. I went to another back where we both have a joint account. It would take 5 days before the check to clear (wtf!!). I tried to deposit it into our USAA account at an ATM, you can’t do that. I called, they don’t have banks to go to but I can scan it. I don’t have a scanner. WTF!! I am so pissed. I only wanted to deposit the dam thing not cash it. Its like no one wants to take your money.

    1. take it to the base and ask someone there for assistance — go to the banking facility on the base and check. At Westmark, if you are depositing the check into the account with BOTH people’s name, you don’t have a problem.
      I have a um- rather unique situation with this, so I deal with it constantly. I deposit the checks routinely. I just sign them as the clerk tells me to and it goes through.
      Ask for a manager if necessary. Don’t sweat it, don’t take NO for an answer.
      With him being overseas/and-or military, this will happen repeatedly. Learn to deal with it now, and do it.

  147. For 3 years we have tryed to fight this bank. My daughter now can’t even have a checking acct. @ any bank because of what this bank has done to her. She moved to Boise had her acct. their @ U.S. Bank on her way back to Iowa over drawn her acct. by 4.00 but didn’t realize it. Never recieved a over draft statement or nothing from them maybe went to old apt. in Boise. Any way she was still asuming that she had 20.00 or 25.00 in her acct. and since she hadn’t gotten a job yet here in Iowa she didn’t use the acct. for 4 months or receive a statement from the bank and didn’t realize that there were overdraft charges accumulating, by the time she got another job and tryed to cash her first pay check they told her, her acct. had been closed out & turned over to collections, with over $600.00 in overdraft fees. She said she wasn’t paying those drummed up fees & walked out. Tryed to open another acct. @ other local banks in city and found she’s blackballed on a list & can’t open any checking acct. Because of U. S. Bank shinanigan’s. So mad, her acct. is now up to Over $900.00 with interest that has acccumulated, and just got a letter that they are going to sue her and garnish her pay ck. over a $4.00 overdraft she never new exsisted. What should we do now? Help someone, any ideas!

  148. I’ve gotta say some of these complaints are ignorant. If you use money you don’t have, you are going to recieve an overdraft fee the next day. USbank does not “hold” or “wait” until they decide to post an item just to tick you off. USbank does not determine when to post items. If an item clears later than you expected, that is your own fault for forgetting about the item and spending that money elsewhere. That is not the bank’s fault. If this is how you (do not) manage your money, you will have problems with any bank you belong to.
    I’m not saying USbank is w/o fault but if you are complaining about overdraft fees it is your own fault.

    1. I watch my account online every day.. USBank recently ass-fucked me for $150 for appx $18 dollars that I was overdrawn. I noticed that my account had a negative balance and deposited money to cover the shortage and other charges that I new were pending, but that didn’t matter, they applied the fee’s anyway which then in turn put me in the hole so they could apply even more fees when the other charges came though. USBank and Bank of America do the same thing… It cost me $150 for them to ‘loan’ me $18 for 1 day. I can get a better rate from any loan shark or quick cash place down the street. They decide how much they’re going to screw you out of, and then simply do it. I feel like I’ve been mugged and raped. They might as well have broken into my house and robbed me at gunpoint. I’m closing my account there, they’ve made their last dime off of me… Evidently the policy makers at banks weren’t taught right from wrong and have no concience or shame.

  149. REPLY TO USBANK EMPLOYEE: US Bank is THE worst bank and if you work there you are only another brainwashed drone that doesn’t think for themselves.

    On April 5th I noticed that 2 counterfeit checks had posted to my bank account. I immediately called the bank and they said it was a bank error and that I did not need to freeze my account, they would correct it first thing April 6th. This did not happen. On April 7th I received a call saying I needed to come in immediately and close the account. Someone had made 5 more fake checks that US Bank allowed to go through my account and it needed to be closed. I did this and the US Bank employee Tim Knowlton told I may or may not get my money back in 45-60 days. I went to the police and filed a report. On April 10th I went back to the bank to tell them they needed to issue me a temporary reimbursement because the money that was stolen was for taxes and they needed to be paid this coming week. They told me no. Even though I had a police report and the police had already possibly found the criminal they would not give me my money back. They allowed someone to process those checks after I had already alerted them something was wrong and the only solution they offered was to give me a loan I would have to pay interest on. This is not acceptable. I should have had my money that day. During our dealing with the bank April 10th Shad Bris, the branch manager, continued leaving us at his desk in the middle of conversation to deal with other customers. He was very rude and had no answers as to how they allowed this to happen even after I called them. After I called on April 5th to report the false checks they told me I did not need to do anything to the account and then they allowed 5 more checks to go through, none of which contained my name, information or signature. It was a total of approximately $1500 taken from me.

  150. Get this!! The Better Business Bureau had the company send me a letter saying I didn’t fill out all the paperwork!! I still don’t have my money and they are tellingme I should have had it in 10 days!

    RESPONSE TO US BANK: I do not accept this because on April 7th I sat at Tim Knowlton’s desk in Bellevue WA and signed all the paper work and had ALL the papers notarized by him. I was also told by Tim that I would not receive my money for 45-60 days. If there is missing paperwork I have not been contacted by anyone at US Bank regarding this matter. I was also told that the check printing fee would be waived and it was not, it was charged to my account. I was also told that the last check I wrote on the 1167 account would be diverted to the new account and no fees would come as a result. The check to Costco for 11.17 was returned to Costco resulting in a 30 some dollar fee I had to pay. I want that reimbursed. In the mean time though they PUSHED ANOTHER fake check through the old account ans sent me a notice saying my funds were insufficient. This is outrageous for a company and I will be taking further action with the FTC.

  151. Folks, I have no problem with people venting one way or another about US Bank in this comment thread. But please keep it honest. Saying US Bank Sucks because because they “lie” and “cheat,” then posting multiple complaints under different names does a bit of harm to your moral high ground. (Hint: I do track IP addresses, and beyond that, when you post a ‘reply’ from a different name to a comment still in approval hold, it sort of makes it easy.) Said comments have been taken down.

  152. Our bank (Downey Savings) was handed to US Bank by the feds a few months back. When I heard of this, I did some research and while all banks have some negative reports, this page seemed pretty consistent but I figured since I was coming in as a 5 year customer things might be different.

    So now the first day they “officially” take over and my wife goes in to make a deposit in our account which also has a dba attached. First they tell her she can’t deposit a check written directly to her into a business account. She proceeds to tell them that it’s a personal account that has a dba attached for our small business. Apparently USB doesn’t have such accounts but will make a temporary exception, however only the first 100.00 of the deposit will be available. This is not because we’re a new account holder but they simply don’t trust that what you’re giving them is valid. I needed this money to be available because while she was at the bank I was writing a check for a car repair that I knew the mechanic needed to go cash. Did I mention that 250.00 of the deposit was in CASH!! Needless to say they did not honor the check I wrote later that afternoon and hit me with a 35.00 fee.

    Did I also mention that I just pulled every dime out of US Bank and am going elsewhere? I certainly did to my branch manager. Which by the way I’ve known for 5 years, always had a good working relationship with, and has always bent over backwards the few times we’ve had issues. With this she rudely told me their no longer a small local bank and according the their new corporate training we should all get used to the new days of big brother banking.

    Screw that. Let’s see big brother manage the safe in my house.

  153. This is last email I sent them. I’ve been with them for 4 years.

    I had a deposit go in last night from the government, which i contacted them and it has went through on their side. Tell me Why us bank did not put it through. Every time before this one it has went through the same day that the government has issued it. This is getting real old. Why is my bank constantly trying to get me to pay them from fees, and the rules that you use are completely geared toward you getting me in the hole (by holding deposits, etc.). With the things we all are going through I can’t understand the malicious acts us bank is doing. I really hate my bank now. Not that us bank cares about their customers, but i wanted to tell someone associated with this bank. It is a horrible feeling having my money being handed to a bank like yours, week after week. I might not have thousands of dollars in the bank but every dime of my money is still my money. US bank is not right when it comes to their policies. I will be looking elsewhere. Good day.

  154. Why is it that when the customer makes a mistake, we pay for it dearly thru outrageous fees, but when US Bank makes an error, it’s a completely different story. I am self employed and receive personal checks from 8 different people each week. I keep darn good records of my deposits. Because of my hours, I do most of my banking thru US Bank’s ATM. A few months ago I made my weekly deposit. 2 days later I noticed US Bank had debited my account for the amount of the deposit, then credited me an amount that was $180 less than the orginal deposit. I was told I made an error in addition. I don’t think so. Then, this jerkoff at the bank says to me “You seem to be really upset over this, if it will help I have suckers behind the counter.” In the end, I did all of the research by handing over all of the account numbers, bank info and names of my clients who wrote checks to me. I orginally deposited 8 checks that day and only 5 were credited to my account. I figured out which checks were missing and provided the bank with the info. Do you think I received an apology for the banks error? Hell no. Did I receive a Thank You for doing all of the research? Again, no. They did however fix the error but never admitted it. I would have liked to charge them several $35 fees for THEIR error. Oh, and I never even received a return phone call telling me exactly what happened! I learned that it was corrected by checking my account online! But, thank god I was offered a sucker!

  155. Most of you should read further into your account disclosures. Most of you should also start carrying a ledger and understand exactly what you have in your account. The checks you deposit are only promissory notes that the bank still needs to collect on and that’s why you only get $100 available immediately. Look into Direct Deposit.

  156. I used to work for US Bank and I assure you there are no bankers there on the front lines, only “customer service” and “sales” people who are given titles like “teller” and “personal banker” and “lender.” But then again, that’s the way every bank in America is right now. Why do you think the banks are in the trouble they’re in?

    Here’s a few real tips for you:
    1) If the bank is advertising it, it’s probably good for them not you, so think twice about it. For instance google a loan schedule (amortization) then look at what happens when you “skip a payment” like they advertise around Christmas that you do with NO penalties. If you pay attention to what that does to the end of your mortgage you will find that it adds 14 more payments to the end. Do that a few years in a row and you will have quite a surprise when you’re in your 50’s, about to retire, and pay off your morgtage.

    2) FDIC is a scam. The fractional banking system instituted by the Federal Reserve has it so arranged that were your bank to go bankrupt, the Reserve has (as of 2008 any way) 10 cents for every dollar available to pay money back and they don’t have to pay it back to you in full for – get this now – 99 years!

    3) The Federal Reserve, which is neither “federal” nor is it a “reserve” is a group of private bankers who loan money to all other banks in America – including CONGRESS. The banks collect your money back for the Fed Res by making sure they get “promote” every kind of instant gratification product they can. Preying on basic human weakness like fear and greed or fiscal irresponsibility. Congress pays their interest back for the money they borrowed from the Fed Res for their collection of private jets by – pay attention now – TAXES.

    4) If you don’t get educated they will all continue to sucker you into taking your money over and over again. The system is by design. The people you are talking to face-to-face don’t even understand this stuff. When I was a “financial specialist” I asked for lending training 3 times. 3 times I went to lending training where they taught me how to fill in the blanks of an application and be a good order taker. NEVER once did they teach me lending principles or proper financial management. Most of the bank managers and even presidents that I worked with were in debt up their eyeballs with no way out. To top it off, MOST customers are ignorant of good financial thinking themselves (what do you expect when the people who are supposed to be the experts don’t even know). MOST people do NOT balance their checkbook. MOST do not understand how important it is to pay off debt as QUICKLY as possible.

    EDUCATE YOURSELF. University professors will not help you here typically. Most of them have been weaned on the education system designed by the EXACT same people who helped conceive and enforce the Fed Res and the banking system you are all so frustrated with. Read Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand, The Creature from Jekkyl Island- G Edward Griffin – These will help you understand what is going on around you. Then read the Cash Flow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki and The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven K. Scott and most work by Dave Ramsey, Dwight Nichols, Larry Burkette and those associated with Crown Financial and you can become educated on good financial management.

    Finally – PRAY! Look at the sheer number of people complaining on this blog. Your stories mimic millions. This has gone on far, FAR too long and we are in for some very trying times ahead. We are responsible for not educating ourselves. Banks are responsible for preying on people’s weaknesses, Congress is responsible for being willfully complacent and often times downright evil!

    God Help Us All.

  157. i hope every stops fuckin banking at us bank the [biggest] rip of fucking bank their is people rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr stop banking their
    run RUN RUN RUN from thier maby i played over 1000 dollers over over draft fees maby more close to 2000 dollers fuck that bank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [Edited for objectionable content by the blog owner.]

  158. 19.I was recently issued a US Bank check from a US Bank customer who is a client of mine. So I proceeded to a US Bank Branch to cash the check. The teller proceeds to ask me if I am a US Bank customer…no I am not. Well, you will have to pay US Bank $5.00 to cash this check. WTF!!! You have got to be kidding me…am I on candid camera or what!? Yes…this check costs $5.00 to make it a cashable check. I have never heard of such a thing.


  159. US BANK Really Sucks! I am a victim of Fraud on my checking account with USBANK. It is now 6 weeks since it has been reported and still I am receiving the same forms in the mail to fill out again and again and again (which they have confirmed receipt of over and over again). Their customer service department tells me to call the Fraud Department. After I make a call the Fraud Department, the branch calls me and tells me not to call the Fraud Department. After I then call back the branch, I get a call from the Fraud Department telling me not to call the branch. The head doesn’t know what the “tail” is doing! I escalated my complaint to the Regional Manager level only to have him give my situation to a Management Trainee who is making more accounting mistakes. Now they only call me when I threaten to go to the banking commission, BBB or media . . .but still no resolution.

    To make matters works, it’s an internet crime and there is no police agency that is helping either! Our City police won’t do anything because the crime wasn’t committed in our town (or at least I can’t prove that it was). Our mail was stolen which is how this all started and the Postal Service has a nice response when you report the crime that says somethign like; we can’t get your mail back, and you may not get a response, but your notification will help us track where there are problem areas! What good does that do!!!!


  160. I feel that we should start a ‘hock a loogie for us bank” campaign. Whenever you visit a us bank atm or if not a customer, whenever you go past a us bank atm, just stop for a moment, concentrate of us bank for a moment, and then hock up a great big loogie, with lots of mucus and all and just plant in on the atm screen. It will make you feel better. SPREAD the WORD, “HOCK A LOOGIE FOR US BANK”

    1. I really can’t condone vandalism, no matter how good it might feel. (Public spitting isn’t high on my list, either.) Besides, other people, perhaps hapless US Bank victims, too, might need to use that ATM.

  161. I hate USbank. About 3 months ago my card was lost and there was 3 transaction done on the account which brought my acct overdrawn. I called customer service and even went down to the branch to work this out, and they said I need to call the fraud dept and have them work on the problem. I called and explained to them what happened, the rep took down all the infos….However, 6 weeks later nothing was done about it, no one called me back and USbank charged me for the overdraft fee’s that I didn’t do. They were charging me $37 dollars per day, a total of $400 bucks worth of fee’s. I refused to pay those fee’s simply because I didn’t do the transaction, I notified them about the stolen card. The rep that I spoke too was so unprofessional, she cut me off while I was still talking and explaining to her what happened. I am good at managing my money, spend only what I can afford, I dont go spree shopping! and has never had a problem with other bank until I switched to USabnk…..

    They do not care about their customers. I work in the customer service field as well, and I have always go above and beyond to make sure my customer is happy.

    I hate USbank! and I am going back to my pervious bank.

  162. US Bank is unbelieveable. I just paid off over $500 in overdraft fees because a student loan company took out money two days before they said it would hit my bank. The student loan company said that only $140 was thier fault. This bank charged me $37.50 for each overdraft. Now get this…I paid all that off and have $131 bucks left in my bank. Friday before 2:00 pm, deposit $66. in the bank because I had to make a $165. payment that night. Sunday I used my card for $30 and again for .39 cents (I had too). Monday comes around and my bank had a pending draft charge for $20. I didnt set up to be automatic. This bank charged me an over draft for the $165 payment I made because it hit that monday along with the $30 payment and also for the .39 cent payment and ALSO for the $20 payment that was pending…plus as of today an $8. per day overdraft fee. So now Im $248. behind, and dont get a check for another week! Granted I should of had ONLY 2 overdraft fees….one for the $20.34 and one for the $25.31 a total of $75 buck……but this bank knows how to rearrange the transactions and pend them so you get hit with big fees!

    10/30/09 Negative Balance Fee $8.00 -$248.43
    10/30/09 Overdraft Charge details $37.50 -$240.43
    10/29/09 Negative Balance Fee $8.00 -$202.93

    10/29/09 Visa Purchase $20.34 -$194.93
    This was pending on Monday that caused all the fees on Monday

    10/29/09 Overdraft Charge details $37.50 -$174.59
    10/28/09 Electronic Withdrawal $25.31 -$137.09

    10/28/09 Overdraft Charge details $37.50 -$111.78
    10/28/09 Overdraft Charge details $37.50 -$74.28

    10/27/09 Purchase With Pin $0.39 -$36.78
    10/27/09 Visa Purchase $30.00 -$36.39

    10/27/09 Overdraft Charge details $37.50 -$6.39

    This right here doesnt make any sence!!! How can I have $31.11 in my account and get 2 overdrafts for spending $30.00 and one for $0.39 cents?

    10/26/09 Visa Purchase $165.89 $31.11

    And I get an overdraft for the $165.89 when this purchase was made before anything was pending!!!

    10/23/09 Deposit view $66.00 $197.00
    10/19/09 BALANCE $131.00

    As soon as I pay this off………….Ill be sure to close this freaking account with US BANK~~~~~~~~~

  163. I recently have been dealing with overdrafts, I went over the local branches head and went to corporate with my problem, corporate resolved the issue to my liking, then 2 days later the local branch decided to close all my accounts without notifying me.. this has caused a huge issue with my companies payroll department, finally the branch manager ( Kelly @ the Washington Court House, Ohio location) called me to tell me all my accounts are closed and the remaining balance will be at the location for me to pick up, no apologies NOTHING, when I asked her why I was not informed that my accounts were to be closed her reply was.. “Oh well, its all over now, come get your money” Customer service 5 star my ass!

  164. Boy, I’m sure glad our account is (and has been for well over a decade) at FirstBank!

    The won additional loyalty with their response a large number of bad charges on a stolen ATM card.

  165. My nightmare just started with USBANK in Omaha NE.
    The USBANK has a way of making money of its customers that doesn’t even make sense. I am married and father of 3, yet USBANK doesn’t care or has any compassion for us. What Happened: On the 15 of November 2009, i came from Chicago and when I checked my account, it was $21+ negative PENDING. I run to a local branche and I was told that since it still pending and it is Sunday, a deposit will ovoid an over draft fees. I made a deposit of more than $400. on monday nothing hapened and on tuesday, when the items clear, the whent back and posponed it for the 15 of November resulting on 3 overdraft fees of $37.5×3. I went to a local branche to ask for the explanation after my own branch manager Ryan on Saddle creek refused to speak to me on the phone because he has a costomer infront of him. i asked to hold but he say the only thing he can do is to take my number an call me. he never did. Also, on the morning of tuesday, I have a refund from my school for more than $3,000. a check came in in the middle of the night for $740. I check my account early at 6:am and I sawthat the check is pending for return. I Call the customer service to see why the check was beeing returned even though I have more than enough. I was told the have an alternative which is “force deposit” a term that I have never heard before. The transfer me to my local brache and the told me that they don’t have a manager available and nothing can be done. I went to another local branche to ask about it and they say the can do it. i specicaly asked if there is any fees. they says no. 30mn after the “forced deposit” I saw 5 other overdraft fees on the account. I went back to the lady who did the forced deposit and she told me that after the forced pay, the went back and post it as yesterday and since they post big item first it has result in five items with no fun. You don’t want to know how they treat me! rud, like a tief, i felt like nothing. If you are in this situation, you are powerless. there is nothing you can do. even though they acknowledge that they made a mistake without informing me about the risks, the refused to refund me. they even asked me to leave and gave me a number to complain. I called the number and the lady said she is going to refund me but she will need to talk to her manager. but guess what? she came back 5mn later and transfer me back to my local branch on Saddlecreek road. the Gentman was so umprofessional, trying to accuse me of not knowing how to use my account. he even hung up on me because he says he “doesn’t have time to talk to me and that I can call” the same number that i was transfered from. that is my experience.

  166. US Bank is the worst ripoff bank that I have known. I had been with BOA for may years until this year of financial difficulty I switched to US Bank when my BA account was closed due to negative balance.

    Here are some facts related to my experience:

    ATM CARDS: When drawing cash from an ATM machine, the bank shows the balance but not the available balance. So if you withdraw cash you are liable to withdraw over the available balance so they end up charging you the $37 over draft. Other banks show available balance.

    DEPOSITS: Except for cash, no credit is give for any checks deposited, even for CASHIER’S CHECK! For out of state, forget it! Even for checks that are drawn on their own bank, no credit is given until 24 hours or more. So if you get a paycheck and it was not a direct deposit, wait until they post credit.

    CUSTOMER SVC: At best very poor except for the ‘Is there any thing else we can do for you?’ which is annoying. There are very long wait times on the phone. They must have a serious retention problem. BOA is a better choice.

    LOAN SHARKING: On checking accounts they give instant credit of $300-500 at a 120% APR


  167. I was a phone banker for many years, and I undertstand these issues, particularly when hundreds of dollars of overdraft fees are imposed in an unethical, but legal way. I was not with USBank, but the situation applies almost universally. I have been the victim of the same unscrupulous practices. These unfortunate reps are paid a pittance to tow the party line, or lose their pathetic jobs. Half the calls I took were about these obscene fees; a truly exploitative and sickening practice, mostly extracted from to poorest among us. Our counsel from the bank was always the same: “These charges are avoidable and customers need to carefully manage their money”. My repeated response and the eventual cause of my termination was twofold: I gave back what I could (about $125.00 per account), and I badgered upper management about the $20 Billion fed bailout for their own inability to manage money. The audacity of these Plutocrats is mind-boggling. The problem lies with The US Congress allowing these fees to occur. I am now neither a Dem or a Repub, I am a now an American Revolutionary. I am 60, and was a stockbroker for 30 years. The Financial greed-mongers are in bed with the Political power-mongers and if we don’t do something about it soon, the uneducated and brainwashed generation that follows us will be too stupid to even know the difference. It is called fascism ladies and gentlemen.

  168. US Bank with their late fees and horrible customer service has completely damaged my good name (by reporting me to the banking bureau) which makes it difficult to open another account at a different bank . My husband made a deposit via their atm 3 minutes after close of business friday. I was told if he just walked 10ft to the left he would of avoided check fees by using the night drop. They were rude unprofessional and certainly did not care about my overdraft fees. Anyone who is even thinking of opening an a account with us bank you’d be better served putting your money in your mattress than dealing with those snakes!

  169. RE. US Bank charge card. US Bank just charged me $39 for over the limit charge after the charged me a late fee of $39 and cost me a $15 and some cents finance charge which ost me another $39 over the limit fees. So in two days, this is no joke, in two consecutive days I was charged over $132 in fees. I thought this type of interest was only done by gangster in the movies. Guess not.

  170. this bank is the most money grubbing peices of shit i have ever come i ncontact with I hope they go bankrupt and the hole system and all its employees find a nice spot in the unemployment line.

  171. US Bank has been ripping me off for 3 years without my knowledge!!!They attached a reserved line of credit to my account without permission .They are very deceitful.This has been a absolute nightmare trying to resolve this dispute.Every USBank that Ihave contacted gives me a different answer and a different amount.They are very unprofessional !!!I closed my account with them and now the nightmare has gotten worse .More charges are being billed to me that I DO NOT OWE!!! I moved to a new address and they could not even get that simple request right.My mail is still being shipped all over the country.If anyone is thinking about banking with US Bank PLEASE THINK AGAIN!!

  172. Look folks, when you deal with a bank you need to know what you’re getting yourself into. Do you really think you can just deposit your money and ignore it, and then have the right to get pissed off when you overdraw because you weren’t paying attention to your account? I think people naturally get pissed off when stuff like that happens regardless of their bank, but it is what banks do. If anything, banks are pretty predictable in how and when they will screw you over. They tell you all of this and its usually not in small writing either. A bank is your personal limitless money-dispenser, so don’t treat it like that. As a USBank employee said earlier, the reason they let you overdraw and not leave you out to dry is because there are many situations where a $33 dollar overdraft fee is worth being able to have available money. Unfortunately, the technology does not seem to exist yet to tell us “You are overdrafting your account and will be charged a fee” when these situations arise, and such technology would not be profitable for banks.

    In my own experience, and evidently in most people’s experiences, overdraft fees often happen for small purchases, e.g. $11 at Kmart or $5 at Burger King. Frankly, if you don’t know that your account is that low on funds, you clearly aren’t paying enough attention. If you are overdrafting your account, you are using money that isn’t yours, hence the fee. In a perfect world, it would be nice if we could just replace it as soon as we find out and not get charged, but let’s be real… financial institutions need to make money too.

    I learned my lesson and that is to keep track of my account. Every time I have the opportunity, I get the balance for my checking/savings accounts. Any time I go to the bank, or stop at an ATM or whatever. Most places also have online or telephone access to recent account information. I always know when my account is running on low.

    Also, instead of just yelling at and complaining to customer service, ask them things like “What tips do you have for me to prevent this from happening again?” Just because they are there to serve you (and take all your crap), does not mean they are there to bow to your every demand, or that they even have the power to do so. Listen to them so you can prevent this from happening in the future. At the same time, if you know you are being wronged and customer service ain’t cutting it, keep on moving up and talk to somebody who has the power to rectify your problem. Likewise, don’t be stubborn. If the rules were followed, and you just screwed up, take it and move on. Switch banks if that’ll make you feel better but at least learn a lesson.

    1. Tyson, I agree with you that there should be a certain level of personal responsibility regarding fee’s. But when a bank uses software to maximize the fee’s and handles deposits differently based on the fee’s it is wrong and unethical. If you’re living paycheck to paycheck which a lot of people are, especially young people, you count on the check you deposited a week ago to be available. It’s been a while since I read up on it but the last time I checked at least a couple of States were pursuing fines and litigation against US Bank. Besides being morally bankrupt the leadership of US Bank are criminals.

  173. As an ex-mortgage broker, I hated using US Bank– cos they did not care at all about the client– and inevitably my customer would come back a year or two later and tell me how terrible their customer service was. No specific stories to tell– just saying that their general reputation in the industry is that the customer is unimportant– and they are the 500 lb. gorilla (they have all the power and they misuse it).

  174. I agree US bank is the worst experience I have every dealt with. My husband lost his job and every week I would try to communicate to them I can send some money just 200 short of the outragous 650.00 car payment anyway. I had a representive be so stupid to suggest my family of 6 live in the car and not pay the morgage on my house so I can pay their sorry ass. They picked up the car after I have sent another payment and begged for an extention for month their response was the only way I can get an extension would be if I paid the full payment of 650.00 for 3 months straight..Assholes if I had the full payment why would I be asking for an extention..Now my 4 kids and myself take transit everywhere and US bank harasses me at work I have asked them not to call me but they harass me constently. I will never ever use them again I hope they disolve into a vat of hot tar….!!!!!UGH so mad

  175. OMG!!! I have called them and asked them not to call me at work!!! after I hung up they made another call and two more back to back this morning…If I call and request them not to call me at work I thought they had to take my work number off the stupid automated call list..Which by the way is the stupidist thing ever they call us we pick up ready to talk to them and they have us use our minutes to call t hem back..SERIOUSLY

  176. First of all, I’m sorry for what USBANK has done to your wife. It’s criminal.

    I left a job at US bank recently as a level 1 CSR. Took it after 6 months of unemployment through an agency. I found out why. The attrition rate is HIGH! There is a new training class every 6 weeks or so. Your every move is cataloged and tracked. AND THE OVERSIGHT IS nauseatingly in your face, it feels like prison. If you don’t answer questions like a banker and act like a cheesy grinning ra ra idiot, you won’t succeed. It is a rare combination of skill sets, that one. A robotic calculator can do the job, but if your human? Your nerves will be quite frayed by the end of each day due to how many angry emotions you’ll handle. The people commiting fraud are the only ones who are nice!
    Furthermore, You get paid a pittance to be locked down to a chair in front of a 15 year old decrepit terminal with a GUI screen, which contains two piss poor apps that are not intuitive and contain many hidden surprise screens. Oh and the Online Help? Is randomly indexed in subheading titled “Home”, “Community” and “Help”, so you can seldom find what you need to prevent long hold times. The subtle “You-just-know-because-you’ve-worked there- so-long stuff”? IT is like an effin’ holy grail that a few solutions supervisors have been let in on and MAY be willing to impart to you. The Departments are bossy, surly and rude to EACH OTHER!. Yes, WITHIN THE BANK, PARTICULARLY TO THE NEW INNOCENTS AT LEVEL 1. Especially, Collections, Escalations and Disputes who spent more time lecturing you to call the right extension number on your call sheet, that you never had printed on there to begin with. People walk around like zombies pretty much all day.

    One programmer could fix ALL the errors in the computer systems easily, within a month but apparently US Bank spends no money on Capital improvements or Technology. The Fargo, ND facility is ragged and decorated in “industrial bare” . That’s fine but, there was never less than 3 microwaves, broken in the lunch room. And there are only nine in total and about 300 employees in the building between 8 and 5, any day of the week.

    You’re taught to drink the Koolaid from the very first day by pretty decent people who are well meaning but totally drinking it too, cause they have a mortgage and other living expenses to manage.
    Oh and the programmers? They could get in several highly qualified ones from the half empty Microsoft campus [which is also in Fargo]. The most LAUGHABLE part of this whole surreality I worked in? They showed a picture of Richard Davis leaving the White House after discussions with Obama as if he was some bevolent patriarch and then they proudly say the Bank did not need to take the money and was the first to pay it back! They take it down right away but not before , you spy the article three spaces down that says “Why can’t Richard Davis, CEO of US Bank save the mortgage of the Janitor that works at his bank?”

    As for not wanting to take bailout money? You know what a crock that is, particularly when you saw the wishlists published by the CEO’s of each bank in the NY Post, Wall Street Journal and Vanity Fair! Anyone with google can look up the past, it doesn’t die that quick, and I no longer work there for all those and many other similar daily irritating reasons.

    Thank God I never put my money in their hands, I stayed with my credit union and State Bank of Fargo.

  177. For what it’s worth, I was having a chat with a gent at the airport a few weeks back, and he was going on at length about how awful BofA was and how he was moving all his money into US Bank. I passed on how awful US Bank was, and the number of comments I’ve received on the topic. He said he was reconsidering …

  178. Not only does US Bank suck generally – their people are super rude. Had an account with Downey Savings for years and years and years and loved them. US Bank bought them out and I have had absolutely nothing but headaches, troubles, threatening letters, etc.

    I genuinely dislike them.

  179. Just to let you know I found out about how ignorant and misguided US Bank is back in the mid 80’s when I had to send them my credit card payments 15 days ahead of time because whatever system they used back then was sooooooo slooooooow. My local grocery store, KROGER, went to these birdbrains about a couple of months ago. Well, when you change from one bank to another the very first payment is always sent by snail mail from your online bank payment system to their P.O. Box. Then it gets stuck in the side of the box and nobody goes into the box to check where the envelope got stuck. At least that’s my best guess. They can’t possibly delay the delivery of the mail any longer than the US mail can, right? Don’t believe it! It takes 4 days, and that’s not business days either, for the US mail to get from Knoxville, TN to St. Louis, show me Missouri. Then it takes 8 additional days, 6 business and 2 non-business, to get from the PO Box to the individuals that input the payments to the system. It seems a rather trivial thing to be angry about doesn’t it? Well, they promised me then they would not charge me any late fees if this happened. NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They charge you then you have to complain and if you didn’t ask your bank that mailed the check to do a trace, they argue with you. DUH!!!!!!!!!!! Well that was my experience back in the 80’s anyway. Now they don’t argue they just sweetly try to explain why they are so, actually there is no other American term for it than, f%@&’d up. I tried screwed up but it’s just not that good. If I offended anyone…No, I’m not sorry.


  181. I am SO happy to see that there are so many others’ who have the “diminished” opinion of this typical BIG BANK. US BANK SUCKS !!! in every and all ways. They have no idea what “customer service” is and their employees are rude and careless. One of them, Jason, did everything he could to goad me into calling him every “disparaging” name that came to the tip of my tongue. I held back, albeit with great effort, because I wanted to let him have. This is what our country’s businesses are coming to, as the gap widens.

  182. I was completely disgusted with all practices of US Bank. I’m not going to get into all the details, not going to get my blood pressure going. I figured most banks are pretty much the same, then I decided to switch to UBS, the Swiss bank. Its been going very well and the most professional people I have ever dealt with in the banking business.

    You don’t have to be rich or famous to set up banking there, just 18 years old and you can start an account. Wish I had switched years ago.

  183. US Bank is my mortgage company!

    I am very afraid right now, after reading all of this.

    I only ever had them misapply a payment once. When I called to complain, they straightened it out but only after a lot of arguing on my part. I hate calling them because it is so hard to get an actual person on the phone.

    Has anyone else had problems with their US Bank Home Mortgage loan?

  184. I agree fully with this blog us bank would not work with me for me to try and save my house then after they forclosed on me they promise me a relocation payment for turning the keys over they screwed me out of that to this is has been the hardest two years of my life thanks to them

  185. I have been banking with US Bank for over 8 years. I recently falling into hardship and am working desperately to consolidate debt. I had an interest rate of 7.99% on my Flexperks CC. I also recently took advantage of the \convenience checks\ that they mail out- offering 0.0% APR for funds transfers or whatever. 2 weeks after using a check US BANK sends me a letter informing me that they were raising my interest rate to 12.99%. Outraged, I called and was very calm and polite and asked for an explanation….Here is what I was told by Marla \ Your account qualified for an increase bank profitability\ What the hell does that mean!? Said not quite so nicely…\ We can make more money off of you!\ I said that I would like to know what made my account \qualify for such a silly thing and was then transferred to a \supervisor\. Whom I asked \What qualified my account for the increase. I was told by Michelle …\ We are a business and need to turn a profit\ Yes… That is what she said. This is what I think…I have NEVER been late on a payment, I ALWAYS pay much more then the min. due. – therefore they cannot make enough money off of my account. Is anyone else sick of this ridiculous business? Why can they do this? I realize and am responsible enough to know that cc are very stupid an dangerous. However, I have always been smart and rigid with my use of them and recently have a monthly deficit so have turned to using them much more then I would like… Is anyone else outraged by the lack of Ethics surrounding situations like this? I surely cannot be alone!?

  186. I used to bank at a small local bank in San Diego called San Diego National Bank. They were bought out by US Bank and it’s been downhill ever since! I’ve had nothing but problems with them and I don’t know who to complain to. Their latest theft involves pulling $33 out of my account every time they reject an electronic withdrawal. I opened this account and opted out of the automatic overdraft protection precisely because I wanted the auto debits REJECTED if there was not sufficient money in the account to cover the amount of the auto debit. Since this economy has ruined me financially, it is very difficult to deposit money into this account in a timely basis. Now, they have pulled out over $300 in these outlandish $33 charges and I do not have the money to cover any of my auto debits which includes my health insurance payment. How can it be that they can automatically steal $33 to reject an electronic withdrawal? How much can a computer transaction cost? I doubt that it costs them more than a few pennies, but the hardship that they inflict on us is huge and it all goes into their pockets! What crooks!!! What thieves!!! I hope somebody gets them the way they got to Wells Fargo with that $350 million fine for doing their scams with the overdraft fees! If I were an attorney, I’d go after them myself!

  187. The US BANK fees are now so rediculous that it is just upsetting. Not to mention that congress is having to step in over debit card fees. I have had a hard time dealing with their customer service in the past, including at least once when they canceled my debit card without notice and 4 trips to get the debit card to work at retailers in the first place. It’s all just gone too far, I want a bank that doens’t make me feel slimy when I am forced to deal with them.

  188. I tried cashing a check at US bank and they wanted $ 5.00 jest because I didnt have a checking account there ,whos money is this ,and if you would quite lending money to other banks you would probably have some . you losers

  189. For almost 5 years U.S. Bank Home Mortgage has held my current mortgage. I pride myself in paying all of my bills on time to ensure a good credit standing. Well back in March 2011 I had to call U.S. Bank and was asked if I would be interested in refinancing my current loan. Naturally I said yes to the opportunity to lower my monthly payment, I only wanted to refinance my principle balance. I was told by the initial refinance employee that I would only have to pay $312.00 and this would cover my appraisal and the entire process.
    Well today May 20, 2011 I discover that U.S. Bank has charged my credit card an additional $365.00, why? Needless to say I’m trying to pay off my credit cards and this now increases my current balance. I immediately call U.S. Bank and was transferred three times (spoke with three different people) to be transferred a fourth to my original refinance employee. Please note this call took almost an hour for me to learn that the additional $365 was for an appraisal and there is nothing that I can do about it! So long story short I’ve wasted/paid $677.00 to U.S. Bank to learn that they can do nothing for me……WHAT A SCAM! I’m currently in graduate school I could have used the $677.00 on tuition or books. With all the negativity in the media regarding the U.S. housing market and loan fraud you would think the banks would precede with caution, I guess not!
    The moral to my story is DO NOT GIVE U.S. BANK ANY BUSINESS!

    Signed a dissatisfied customer!

  190. I’ve also had lousy dealings with US Bank. We were late on a payment because we didn’t receive a bill or a statement and within a few days they decided to send us to collection. We were told they did that because they could. It hasn’t been a week yet (Three business days) and now we’re dealing with their collection department. There is no one to talk to, because it seems as if no one has a clue on how to help. The phone number that was given has no one on the other side, just a voice message and we’ll call you back. I’m looking to call the FFIEC on them since this seems to be a legitimate complaint. Then I’ll send another message to the OCC. I work for a bank and this seems to get some action from them.

  191. man this company is terrible! I am still working there. Worst experience I had. very disloyal company, management is careless and clueless regarding their duties; management also pushes assignments on new employees and seat n their butts. Of course unhappy employees = terrible interactions with clients who are already upset for what ever the reason may be. This is a bad, bad experience; close your accounts and go bank somewhere else…

  192. My two cents worth, everything above is true and I am also having issues with non caring ,none existant customer service, money grubbing outfit that calls itself a bank.
    They have closed my Equity line for no reason WITHOUT my as much as an ok or signature from me. I have NEVER been late with any of my payments. Now my last payment is just sitting in their CEO’s pocket and wasn’t even credited to my account because they say it was put in paydown mode, I don’t get it. Stay AWAY from US BANK . They are a bunch of crooks, Just my my opinion.

  193. I received a check written on the account of a US Bank account holder. I do not have an account with them (thank goodness!), and was told when I wanted to cash this check (there were enough funds in the account), that I was going to be charged $5.00 to cash this? HUH? I have done a short survey of 6 banks, and NONE of them charge a $5.00 fee to cash checks!

  194. Though I don’t have a mortgage story I do agree! I have a credit card with them. My payment is due on the 17th every month. I’ve had issues so when I make my payment electronically I take screen shots to prove it. Well, I made my payment this month, screen shot shows the date and time I made the payment. But I STILL got a 25.00 late fee because it didn’t go through until the 19th. I called them and they said I didn’t make my payment until the 18th. I disputed and told them I could send the screen shot that SHOWS I made the payment on the 17th AND that it states that it will be processed FOR that date, even if it doesn’t show up automatically. (Which by the way they did remove the money from my checking account on the 17th). The supervisor told me sorry, nothing they can do. The cut off time for all payments is 7PM central time. Electronic payments included. I am so sick of US Bank and once my credit card is paid off I will be closing everything with them.

  195. Us bank BLOWS to put it lightly, them a#%holes cashed my check (i have proof) then sends me a forecloser notice, i always over pay and am ALWAYS on time, these Dumba#%s want to treat people like thay are better than all us mortgage holds when all in all i make more money then 99% like most of us hard working americans do and the only reason i have a mortgage with this company is to just make my credit better but all in all i believe this sh!@ box company is going to hert me in the end. Thank you for your time

  196. What i ment to say in my rant was i do make no more money than 99% of us hard americans do. I had got caught up in the moment and mist some words.

  197. US Bank sucks because……….We had to sell our house because I lost my job and we fell behind on the payments. We were being foreclosed when we acquired a realtor to do a short sale. He said US Bank is notorious for dragging their feet and not responding promptly enough to let the sale proceed before the foreclosure deadline. Low and behold, we had a sweet offer on the house, the second mortgage was negotiated and all we needed was some goon at US Bank to approve the sale of the house on the first mortgage. Didn’t happen. NOW, we owe US Bank the entire amount on the second mortgage. I can’t express my disgust with the banking industry enough. And shame on Obama for bailing them out.

  198. I am sorry you have had such a bad experience at US bank. I have personally blackballed three large banks that I have done business with in the past so I do understand how you are feeling. My experience with USbank however has been much different than yours. I do not say this to discredit your experience. I have however banked with USbank for almost 20 years at 3 separate locations and had absolutely great service. I have no desire to change banks based on the 9+ other banks I have had business relationships with in my life to date.

  199. Dave & Margie,
    One other comment that may matter to some who are about to choose a bank. USbank did not take any bailout funds from Obama & USbank did not take the Federal deal offered to banks that in effect limits the amount of liability USbank will have to borrowers who sue for damages suffered from unfair foreclosure practices. The banks who did buy into the Feds deal have limitations of $1500 or $2000 (sorry I can’t remember more specifically) to wrong full foreclosures perpetuated against homeowners. It has made me proud to not be offering my banking business to those banking institutions who have quickly taken advantage of bailout moneys and Federally backed loss mitigation deals that by design leave the wronged borrowers with limited legal recourse. Dave, I am sorry that your wife “Margie” and yourself has had such a bad experience with USbank! I admire you for standing up so admirably like a David against a Goliath in defense of noble principle. Please consider the possibility, brother, that in defense of principles against this particular wrong a greater injustice may be perpetuated when considering the options available to your audience.

    Peace to All…

  200. I agree. US bank lies. We had hale damage to our home. The insurance company did good and paid fast. US Bank’s website states under 10,000 dollar unless the payment has been late within 12 months they will indorse the check and send it back. So we could get the work done. A lie when we call they said it was only 5,000 that they would indorse. That we had to send them all the papers that it stated only if we were late. We have never been late we even send extra every month. They can’t tell use why we have to do it that way. Only some loans are like that but not ours. We have good creidt. To top it all off. They told us that if we wanted it next day we had to send them prepaid envelopes. We did but they did not use them. sent it UPS now I have to drive 50 miles round trip to get it. Post office is a mile. And we had to send the prepaid envelope addressed to us and sent to us. So we are out 18.95 times two. I am going to see if the checks are there now. It has only taken a Month and a Half to get the money it took the contracter two days to fix the problem and has had to wait for he’s money. This is the most crookit business I have ever had to deal with. I will be paying it off or refinacing.

  201. they charge you for paying online and for paying by phone but if you mail they hold it until it is late so they can charge you late charges. i have never had such trouble in my life and i am 62. they charge you 15.00 for a payoff letter. my taxes and insurance have overages every year causing my payment to go up. i am refinancing as soon as i can.

  202. I have been with USBank for years and never had one single overdraft or fee.
    The IRS cleared my bank account, and being unaware, I overdrafted by $4.
    While taking care of things with the IRS, I accumulated over $250 in fees.
    USBank, both in the branch, and over the phone, refused to work with me at all, and wouldn’t eliminate any of the fees.
    This is the worst bank I’ve ever used.

  203. I would like the contact to the office of the president of us bank so I can mail or email a letter expressing my complete dissatisfaction with your company and underwriting process. I sent thousands of documents- and the underwriter gave some flippant response of no saying I had too much income which was not the case. They are ridiculous!

  204. I am very disappointed with thier service, everytime i purchased 10 dollars load in skype they charging me .20 cents. i’ve done this kind of thing with other banks and they don’t charged for international processing fee whatever. Lately i overdraft by $ 2 in my checking account and they charged me 10 dollars fee when i have sufficient fund in my savings account. What the heck for automatically transferring my money from my savings account to checking account i have to pay???? what kind of service is this u.s. bank? your sucks that is why i’m closing my account, u.s. banks service sucks.

  205. I am really angry at US Bank and in searching the web to post complaints, I found this blog. I guess my little $75 overdraft debacle doesn’t come close to these peoples troubles, But a $75 overdraft fee for being .69 overdrawn for a $6.95 monthly fee on a no fee account is pretty darn frustrating.
    Then the response of the 5 start service person was to send me a link to their new fee schedule.
    Use a credit union people, We are US Bank, we don’t have to care

  206. I was ready to go to war with US Bank because they claim THEY never received my original car title from the state when I purchased my new car, therefore they cannot reimburse me the $95.00 I will have to pay to get a replacement title now that my car loan was paid off. It was everyone’s fault but theirs that they didn’t have the title to send to me. Now I see I am lucky the only business dealings I have had with this outfit was a car loan.

    When I was done getting the brush-off from the Bank Manager, I threatened to sit out on the sidewalk with a sign. Now I guess it’s even more important to do this.

  207. Just wanted to send out a warning to all…US Bank is the WORST banking institution in America for mortgages. They say that they want to help people but they do not. Their employees do not even respect their work. I have reported them to the Attorney General’s Office as well so that they can begin to investigate them….Not likely to happen but they need to go out of business with how they practice business!!! I have been working on a short sale with them for OVER THREE YEARS for one of my clients and their employees do not even think that this is a problem. This is a BIG problem and no one steps in to help. I try to get supervisors involved with no such luck.

  208. I am sorry for your wife.
    And Yes, US BANK SUCKS! Yesterday I try to purchase a bag over the phone, and it is about $1900, and they declined my card. I can understand this is for my safety cuz they thought it was a fraud, so I called the customer service, and they asked several questions to verify, and told me to swipe the card and make the purchase again. I did that but they declined me AGAIN! So I called the customer service again, and this time they ask me more questions, and it is really rediculious questions cuz they ask me about my dad who is not in US at all, and I never wrote any informations about him when I’m applying the card. But I still answered all the silly questions they ask, and they think I am not me, they told me to go to a branch and let the bank people call them. I am so pissed, but I did what they ask anyway. After all of this, I thought I already showed them I am the card holder and I can finally make the purchase this time, but you know what happened?! They declined my card AGAIN! I really don’t understand this stupid thing, I did what they ask me to, and even go to a branch, and they declined me again. It is really annoying. And their customer service sucks, the lady operator is so rude, the bad attitude doesn’t sounds like a customer service to me at all. It is not helpful and make me so frustrated. I will never use US BANK again, and I will let all of my friend knows what they did.

  209. They are still at it. USBank at 8th street, one block from Willamette is stealing from customers. The machine doesn’t work. It says that it is giving you the money that you ask for but no money comes out. It even says on the receipt that the money was provided. And when I asked in the bank, not only would they not cover their thievery, but they refused to put a sign on the machine warning people that it was broken. They said their process for dealing with their broken ATM machine was a “secret”. I put a sign on the machine for them to warn people that it’s broken so other people don’t get money stolen from them by USBank. It boggles my mind that bank employees would be so irresponsible as to let a broken machine continue to steal from customers, but then they are bankers, so what do you expect these days? I tried to post this on yelp, but they get no stars so it wouldn’t take it.

  210. You were lucky, my experience went more like this. Savings CD matured, called bank to have the term changed, no 1099-int for the year. Called customer service, no interest was paid for the year, told to go to branch. This is where things get interesting, the branch would not change the CD term limit. Showed them the State Issued ID (forever) my original social security card, and the letter notifying me of the original CD maturing. Needless to say at 88yrs old i sat at the DMV for 4 hours, and closed out the account the next day. This was posted by the daughter of the woman who drove her to the branch, and sat with her at the DMV.

  211. I am a 57 year old male (naturally born U.S. citizen) who has been using food stamps since Feb 2013. I shop at a local Ralphs market which happens to have a U.S. Bank branch in the store. One day after making my purchase with my ebt card the clerk told me that I could directly use my ebt card ay the U.S. Bank atm to withdraw the measley $200 a month I also get for general relief. The second time I used the atm at the store turned out to be a nightmare. I inserted the card, punched in my pin number, and was able to access my account requesting a $200 withdrawl from the ebt account. At this point the screen informed me to speak to a bank rep without returning my card. The branch supervisor informed me that ” for my protection” my card was destroyed. I told him that I was able to access my account with the proper pin number like I have done with the card so many times before when buying food. He didn’t have an explnation for that, except to reiterate that it was for my protection. He told me that if I was a U.S. Bank account holder my card would have been saved, not detroyed. At that point I would have had a chance to retrieve the card, but since I was not a U.S. Bank account holder my card was destroyed for my protection. According to the manager’s rational for destroying the card, U.S. Bank cares less about protecting their account holders less that someone witout an account. Does that make sense on the face of it? I believe my card was destroyed in punishment for NOT being a U.S. Bank account holder.
    The large banks, including U.S. , were all responsible for orchestrating the 2007 collapse, along with every other collapse since Nathan Rothschild’s scam about Wellington losing the war against Napolean. I was a successful 2nd generation general contractor until the banks caused me to lose evrything I owned back in 2008. Then they stole and destroyed my card that gives me access to the measley amount of money that I had at the time. Presently I am midway to an associates of science degree in Renewable Resources with Emphasis on Photovoltaic Systems. I plan to start up another business using these newly aquired skills. I DO NOT plan on using ANY large bank for my personal or business accounts. I am going to use small local banks or credit unions instead, they have a much more vested interest in you as a customer and the local community as a whole in which they do their business and I implore everyone to do the same.

  212. Also, when they destroyed my card it had just been loaded that day, and it was a friday, which means I had no money for food until 3 days later. The bank and its manager could obviously care less about that.

  213. US Bank SUCKS! US Bank SUCKS! US Bank SUCKS! Two and a half months (and counting) to try and resolve a dispute regarding an atm that ate my checks. The interminable wait times on hold. Transfers to dispute departments that close early. Broken promises to return calls. Extraordinary incompetence. Eighteen levels of corporate hell. Will be closing my account, giving US Bank a big F. U. and going to a credit union. I suggest all do likewise.

  214. US Bank gives customers reciepts that dissapear almost as soon as you get them. designed to Dissapear with time. They will do anyhing o rip you off. And when you cancel an online payment they never give you any kind of transaction, confirmaion #. You never know what you are getting on your end. 2 main problems I never like aboout US bank. besides that CREEPY AND ICE COLD feeling you always get when they greet you. You get a feeling in your gut you are dealing with the devil no matter how hard they try to smile and be nice. It is always so obvious. CREEPY

  215. I used the US Bank Western Union to send money. It worked a few times. The last time they took the money out of my account and just took it! Western Union says they don’t have the money and the US Bank says they have taken it out of my account. But they can’t say is what happened to the money! Wow! They say file a dispute to get your money back!
    They have no idea what they are doing and how to handle Western Union nor do they have any information they can give you! They really suck!

  216. Today I got anot her denial Letter from chase Bank. Ihave great credit scorebwhatever that is theses days. I owe a small amount on my home. I needed a loan even after Chase sent an offer in the mail. U.Should Bank Shitheads turned me down for an Emergency Loan we needed. Glad I owe so little on my home I will be refinancing with a blank that appreciates my bussiness.

  217. Us bank contacts me just now 10/17/16 from a lawyer in Los Angeles saying I owe 10s of thousands for an account we closed in 2008 why would a bank wait that long to come after someone im a us citizen and always have been names always been public worked same jobs for yrs this is a joke we recieved a letter shortly later saying we owed 3.65 cents went in pd as good people would do then several yrs later we received a check from them they were sued for scamming customers now end of 2016 im being threatened to have them take all my assets US BANK ARE SCUM BAGS IF YOU LIKE YOUR MONEY STAY FAR AWAY FROM THAT CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE

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